Call to Order Closed Session 6ES Personnel (Sec. 551.074 T.O.M.A.) Discuss qualifications of candidates and appointment of the City Manager Reconvene to Open Meeting
Human Resources Consideration of the qualifications of candidates for appointment to the position of City Manager, and if there is City Council consensus, selection of a candidate for commencement of negotiations, and authorization for Bob Murray, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to determine the reasonable terms of employment with the selected candidate for the position of City Manager Adjournment
Call to Order Closed Session 6ES Personnel (Sec. 551.074 T.O.M.A.) Discuss qualifications of candidates and appointment of the City Manager Reconvene to Open Meeting
Human Resources Consideration of the qualifications of candidates for appointment to the position of City Manager, and if there is City Council consensus, selection of a candidate for commencement of negotiations, and authorization for Bob Murray, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to determine the reasonable terms of employment with the selected candidate for the position of City Manager Adjournment