Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Open Microphone Speakers Part 1
Open Microphone Speakers
Council Comments
Approval of Minutes of the May 22, 2013 City Council Meeting
Consent Agenda Items 2-50 Addendum Items 1-7
A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a right-of-way easement containing approximately 59,238 square feet of land located on the south side of IH-30 at its intersection with Hardwick Street to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Horseshoe Project – Revenue: $19,288
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Economic Development 52. Authorize (1) a 12-month extension to the Chapter 380 economic development loan agreement with Lakewest ALF Realty, LLC, previously approved on April 27, 2011, pursuant to Resolution No. 11-1188, related to the development of a senior assisted living center located at 2696 Bickers, Dallas, Texas 75212; and (2) the acceptance, receipt and deposit of funds in an amount up to $195,000 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Funds Note: Item Nos. 53 and 54 Grocers Supply must be considered collectively. 53. * Authorize a 90 percent real property tax abatement agreement for 10 years with Grocers Supply Co. Inc., subject to acquisition of the property, for a new warehouse facility of 740,000 square feet located on approximately 129 acres within an Enterprise Zone at the intersection of Cleveland Road and Blanco Road in Dallas pursuant to the City’s Public/Private Partnership Program- Revenue: First year revenue estimated at $44,203; ten-year revenue estimated at $442,030 (Estimated revenue foregone for ten-year real property tax abatement estimated at $3,978,329) 54. * Authorize a Chapter 380 economic development grant agreement pursuant to the Public/Private Partnership Program with Grocers Supply Co., Inc. in an amount up to $1,850,000 associated with the site acquisition and new facility construction of a warehouse facility to be constructed on 129 acres at the intersection of Cleveland Road and Blanco Road in Dallas - Not to exceed $1,850,000 - Financing: General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds Note: Item Nos. 55 and 56 TCDFW Development Inc. must be considered collectively. 55. * Authorize a real property tax abatement agreement with TCDFW Development Inc. located on approximately 46.47 acres south of IH-20, between Hampton Road and Polk Street in the amount of 90 percent on the value of real property improvements for 10 years in accordance with the City's Public/Private Partnership Program - Revenue: First year revenue estimated at $12,911; ten-year revenue estimated at $94,827; (Estimated revenue foregone for a ten-year new business personal property abatement estimated at $853,444) 56. * Authorize a Chapter 380 economic development grant agreement in an amount not to exceed $1,445,000 with TCDFW Development Inc. related to the construction of an 800,000 square foot speculative industrial/warehouse facility, pursuant to Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code in accordance with the City's Public/Private Partnership Program - Not to exceed $1,445,000 - Financing: General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds City Center TIF District - Note: Item Nos. 57 and 58 City Center Sub-district must be considered collectively. 57. * Authorize a development agreement with Alterra 211 N. Ervay, LLC, to reimburse eligible project costs for environmental remediation and demolition, public infrastructure improvements and façade restoration associated with the 211 North Ervay redevelopment project, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000, of which $150,000 is in the form of an Economic Development TIF Grant, from revenues accruing to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Five (City Center TIF District) - Not to exceed $2,000,000 - Financing: City Center TIF District Funds 58. * A resolution declaring the intent of Tax Increment Financing District Reinvestment Zone Number Five (City Center TIF District) to reimburse Alterra 211 N. Ervay, LLC, up to $2,000,000, of which $150,000 is in the form of an Economic Development TIF Grant, for eligible project costs pursuant to the development agreement with Alterra 211 N. Ervay, LLC - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 59. * Authorize a development agreement with Purse Development Company, LLC, to reimburse eligible project costs related to environmental remediation and demolition, public infrastructure improvements and historic façade restoration associated with the Purse & Co. Lofts redevelopment project (601 Elm Street) in an amount not to exceed $2,800,000, from revenues accruing to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Five (City Center TIF District) - Not to exceed $2,800,000 - Financing: City Center TIF District Funds 60. * A resolution declaring the intent of Tax Increment Financing District Reinvestment Zone Number Five (City Center TIF District) to reimburse Purse Development Company, LLC, up to $2,800,000, for TIF-eligible project costs pursuant to the development agreement with Purse Development Company, LLC - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) a conditional grant agreement in the amount of $1,500,000 with Central Dallas Community Development Corporation, or its wholly owned subsidiary, to provide funding for the construction of fifty permanent supportive housing units at 1531 Malcolm X Boulevard; and (2) an increase in appropriations in the amount of $1,500,000 in the General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds - Not to exceed $1,500,000 - Financing: General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds
Authorize a loan in the amount of $85,000 at 0% interest to 2000 Roses Foundation, Inc. for the development of two properties located at 220 North Cliff Street and 1102 East Ninth Street to provide funding for a portion of the residential component of the Economic Development Project on Ninth Street - Not to exceed $85,000 - Financing: 2006 Bond Funds
Authorize on-site reconstruction of five homes in accordance with the requirements of the Reconstruction/SHARE Program Statement for the properties located at: 323 East Woodin Boulevard in the amount of $103,000; 2742 Custer Drive in the amount of $103,000; 2734 Locust Avenue in the amount of $103,000; 1558 East Ohio Avenue in the amount of $103,000; and 3500 Pondrom Street in the amount of $103,000 - Total not to exceed $515,000 - Financing: 2012-13 Community Development Block Grant Reprogramming Funds ($400,000); 2012-13 HOME Investment Partnership Program Grant Funds ($115,000)
Authorize amendments to Ordinance No. 28060 to: (1) extend the City of Dallas, Texas General Obligation Commercial Paper Notes Series 2010A, and Series 2010C short term obligations in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $350,000,000; (2) authorize such short term obligations to be issued, sold, and delivered in the form of commercial paper notes; making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith; establish the tenor of the program for the issuance of the remaining $642,000,000 in the 2012 Bond Program, $499,275,000 in the 2006 Bond Program and the remaining $33,037,600 in the 1998 Bond Program, which is estimated to be within a three year period; resolving other matters related to the issuance, sale, security and delivery of such short term obligations, including; (3) authorizing a thirty-six-month $200,000,000 Credit Agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., and a thirty-six-month $150,000,000 Credit Agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; (4) the continued use of U.S. Bank National Association as the Issuing and Paying Agent under existing agreements; (5) the continued use of Jefferies LLC as the dealer under existing Dealer Agreement; and (6) approving the payment of issuance costs in connection with the issuance of the short term obligations; approving the use of an Offering Memorandum in connection with the sale of the short term obligations; and providing an effective date – Total program costs not to exceed $5,868,825 – Financing: Current Funds ($144,825 upfront closing costs plus annual fees of $1,908,000 for a three year total cost of $5,724,000) (subject to annual appropriations)
Authorize the preparation of plans for issuance of General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A/B in an amount not to exceed $500,000,000 – Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City
Special Video
Zoning Consent Items 64-67
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage establishment use limited to a bar, lounge or tavern and a commercial amusement (inside) use limited to a dance hall within Planned Development District No. 619 for mixed uses and a H/48 Historic District on the southwest corner of Pacific Avenue and Harwood Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plans/floor plans and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a three-year period, subject to a site plans/floor plans and conditions Z123-134(WE) Note: This item was considered by the City Council at a public hearing on May 22, 2013, and was taken under advisement until June 12, 2013, with the public hearing open
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development Subdistrict for O-2 Office Subdistrict Uses on property zoned an O-2 Office Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, and a resolution accepting the termination of deed restrictions on the northwest line of Travis Street, between Lemmon Avenue East and Lemmon Avenue West Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and staff’s recommended conditions, and approval of the termination of deed restrictions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions, and approval of the termination of deed restrictions Z112-306(RB)
70. A public hearing to receive comments regarding a City Plan Commission authorized hearing to determine proper zoning on property zoned Planned Development District No. 22, Planned Development District No. 130, Planned Development District No. 215, Planned Development District No. 250, Planned Development District No. 279, Planned Development District No. 322, Planned Development District No. 423, Planned Development District No. 713, Planned Development District No. 782, a CR Community Retail District with deed restrictions on a portion, a CS Commercial Service District, a GO(A) General Office District with deed restrictions on a portion, an RR Regional Retail District with deed restrictions on a portion and Specific Use Permit Nos. 1335, 1389, 1390 on a portion, an LO-2 Limited Office District with deed restrictions on a portion, an NO(A) Neighborhood Office District, an MO-2 Mid-range Office District, an MF-1(A) Multifamily District, an MF-4(A) Multifamily District, an MU-1 Mixed Use District with deed restrictions on a portion, an MU-2 Mixed Use District with deed restrictions on a portion, an MU-3 Mixed Use District, an MU-3 (SAH) Mixed Use District Affordable, and a P(A) Parking District with consideration being given to appropriate zoning including use, development standards, and other regulations that would allow for and encourage development in appropriate areas in an area generally located east of the Dallas North Tollway, south of Southern Boulevard, south of the northern boundary of (Block E) Montfort Place, south of the northern boundary of Woodchase Apartments, south of the northern boundary of Preston View Estates, west of Preston Road, and north of Interstate Highway 635 (LBJ Freeway) and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District and a resolution accepting the termination of deed restrictions Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval of a Planned Development District, subject to a streets plan, an open space plan, and conditions with retention of Specific Use Permit Nos. 1335, 1389 and 1390, and Deed Restrictions Nos. Z756-210, Z989- 173, and Z990-232, and approval of the termination of Deed Restrictions No. Z056-226 on the northwest corner of Preston Road and LBJ Freeway and no change of zoning on property zoned an MU-2 Mixed Use District with Deed Restrictions No. Z901-162, an NO(A) Neighborhood Office District and a portion of Planned Development District No. 250 in an area generally bound by Peterson Lane, both sides of Montfort Drive, James Temple Drive and a line approximately 590 feet east of Noel Road, and on property zoned an RR Regional Retail District on the northeast corner of Alpha Road and the Dallas North Tollway Z123-186(GC) 72. A public hearing to receive comments to amend the City of Dallas’ Thoroughfare Plan to (1) change the dimensional classifications of various existing thoroughfares; (2) add various existing roadways not currently designated on the Thoroughfare Plan; and (3) add non-existing roadways to the Thoroughfare Plan, and at the close of the hearing, authorize an ordinance implementing the changes (list attached) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new tract for multiple family uses within Planned Development Subdistrict No. 78 on property zoned an MF-2 Multiple Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, in an area generally bounded by Brown Street, Knight Street, Fairmount Street and Douglas Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z123-199(WE)
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by Commonwealth Industrial, LLC located at Irving Boulevard and Commonwealth Drive and adjacent street right-of-way, and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Commonwealth Industrial LLC by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments on the Proposed FY 2013-14 Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Funds and the Proposed FY 2012-13 Reprogramming Budget - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments on readopting and continuing in effect Chapter 12, "City Youth Program Standards of Care," of the Dallas City Code, to re-establish standards of care for certain City-sponsored youth programs in compliance with State Law; and, at the close of the hearing, approval of an ordinance to readopt Chapter 12 of the Dallas City Code - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposal to change the name of Sabine Street between Eads Street and North Denley Drive to “Reverend CBT Smith Street” - NC123-001 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposal to change the name of Cityplace Drive West between Blackburn Street and Lemmon Avenue East to “Oak Grove Avenue” - NC123-002 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing on an application for and a resolution granting a variance to the alcohol spacing requirements from the James S. Hogg Elementary School required by Section 6-4 of the Dallas City Code to allow a restaurant with a mixed beverage permit pursuant to Chapter 28 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code with a food and beverage certificate [Jonathon’s Oak Cliff] on property on the west side of North Beckley Avenue between El Dorado Avenue and Madison Avenue - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
79. * A public hearing to receive comments on amendments to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Eight (Design District TIF District) and the Project and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plans for the Design District TIF District to: (1) create two sub-districts within the Design District TIF District: (a) Design District Sub-district (original district boundary and additional property) and (b) Market Center/Stemmons Sub-district; (2) increase the geographic area of the Design District TIF District to create the Market Center/Stemmons Sub-district; (3) increase the geographic area of the Design District TIF District to include certain properties along Slocum Street, Dragon Street, and Riverfront Boulevard in the Design District Sub-District (along with the original boundary area); (4) increase the Design District TIF District’s total budget from $34,825,000 NPV (approximately $63,736,506 total dollars) to $76,976,666 NPV (approximately $132,433,370 total dollars); (5) authorize an amendment to the participation agreement with Dallas County as a component of this budget increase; (6) recognize the adopted Design District Grant Program in the Plan and make modifications as needed; (7) remove the restriction in the TIF Project Plan for costs associated with structured parking; (8) restructure the TIF budget to consolidate and broaden categories of eligible project costs into the Design District Sub-District (original boundary area plus additional property); a new category for the Market Center/Stemmons Sub-District; and retain the Old Trinity Trail and Administration and Implementation categories; and (9) make corresponding modifications to the Design District TIF District boundary, budget and Project and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plans - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 80. * An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 26021, previously approved on June 8, 2005; as amended, and Ordinance No. 26303, previously approved on April 12, 2006, to reflect these amendments – Financing: No cost consideration to the City 81. Authorize an amendment to the City of Dallas Design District Grant Program (Grant Program), previously approved on August 9, 2006, by Resolution No. 06-2072 to: (1) clarify eligible uses including a provision for affordable housing; (2) receive and deposit funds in the amount of $524,600 from Alta Block 1500, LLC, pursuant to Resolution No. 06-2072 for affordable housing to be used in accordance with the Grant Program; and (3) an increase in appropriations in the amount of $524,600 - Financing: Design District TIF District Funds
82. * A public hearing to receive comments concerning the 2013 annual assessment rate for the Tourism Public Improvement District (District), in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code (the Act), for the purpose of increasing hotel activities within the City of Dallas, to be funded by a special assessment on hotel room-nights sold at certain Dallas hotels with 100 or more rooms - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 83. * An ordinance establishing classifications for the apportionment of costs and the methods of assessing special benefits accruing to the hotel properties in the District, approving and adopting the 2013 assessment roll on file with the City Secretary; closing the hearing and levying assessments for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the District during 2013; fixing charges and liens against the property in the District and against the owners thereof; providing for the collection of the 2013 assessment; and providing an effective date – Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments concerning the renewal of the Downtown Improvement District, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the specified area of the Downtown Improvement District for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District, and at the close of the hearing, authorize: (1) approval of a resolution renewing the Downtown Improvement District for a period of seven years; (2) approval of the Service Plan for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (3) a management contract with the Dallas CBD Enterprises, Inc., a non-profit corporation as the management entity for the Downtown Improvement District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments concerning the creation of the University Crossing Public Improvement District, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the specified area of the University Crossing Public Improvement District for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District, and at the close of the hearing, authorize (1) approval of a resolution creating the University Crossing Public Improvement District for a period of seven years; (2) approval of the Service Plan for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (3) a management contract with the University Crossing Improvement District Corporation a non-profit corporation as the management entity for the University Crossing Public Improvement District – Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers Part 2
Open Microphone Speakers
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Open Microphone Speakers Part 1
Open Microphone Speakers
Council Comments
Approval of Minutes of the May 22, 2013 City Council Meeting
Consent Agenda Items 2-50 Addendum Items 1-7
A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a right-of-way easement containing approximately 59,238 square feet of land located on the south side of IH-30 at its intersection with Hardwick Street to the Texas Department of Transportation for the Horseshoe Project – Revenue: $19,288
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Economic Development 52. Authorize (1) a 12-month extension to the Chapter 380 economic development loan agreement with Lakewest ALF Realty, LLC, previously approved on April 27, 2011, pursuant to Resolution No. 11-1188, related to the development of a senior assisted living center located at 2696 Bickers, Dallas, Texas 75212; and (2) the acceptance, receipt and deposit of funds in an amount up to $195,000 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Funds Note: Item Nos. 53 and 54 Grocers Supply must be considered collectively. 53. * Authorize a 90 percent real property tax abatement agreement for 10 years with Grocers Supply Co. Inc., subject to acquisition of the property, for a new warehouse facility of 740,000 square feet located on approximately 129 acres within an Enterprise Zone at the intersection of Cleveland Road and Blanco Road in Dallas pursuant to the City’s Public/Private Partnership Program- Revenue: First year revenue estimated at $44,203; ten-year revenue estimated at $442,030 (Estimated revenue foregone for ten-year real property tax abatement estimated at $3,978,329) 54. * Authorize a Chapter 380 economic development grant agreement pursuant to the Public/Private Partnership Program with Grocers Supply Co., Inc. in an amount up to $1,850,000 associated with the site acquisition and new facility construction of a warehouse facility to be constructed on 129 acres at the intersection of Cleveland Road and Blanco Road in Dallas - Not to exceed $1,850,000 - Financing: General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds Note: Item Nos. 55 and 56 TCDFW Development Inc. must be considered collectively. 55. * Authorize a real property tax abatement agreement with TCDFW Development Inc. located on approximately 46.47 acres south of IH-20, between Hampton Road and Polk Street in the amount of 90 percent on the value of real property improvements for 10 years in accordance with the City's Public/Private Partnership Program - Revenue: First year revenue estimated at $12,911; ten-year revenue estimated at $94,827; (Estimated revenue foregone for a ten-year new business personal property abatement estimated at $853,444) 56. * Authorize a Chapter 380 economic development grant agreement in an amount not to exceed $1,445,000 with TCDFW Development Inc. related to the construction of an 800,000 square foot speculative industrial/warehouse facility, pursuant to Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code in accordance with the City's Public/Private Partnership Program - Not to exceed $1,445,000 - Financing: General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds City Center TIF District - Note: Item Nos. 57 and 58 City Center Sub-district must be considered collectively. 57. * Authorize a development agreement with Alterra 211 N. Ervay, LLC, to reimburse eligible project costs for environmental remediation and demolition, public infrastructure improvements and façade restoration associated with the 211 North Ervay redevelopment project, in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000, of which $150,000 is in the form of an Economic Development TIF Grant, from revenues accruing to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Five (City Center TIF District) - Not to exceed $2,000,000 - Financing: City Center TIF District Funds 58. * A resolution declaring the intent of Tax Increment Financing District Reinvestment Zone Number Five (City Center TIF District) to reimburse Alterra 211 N. Ervay, LLC, up to $2,000,000, of which $150,000 is in the form of an Economic Development TIF Grant, for eligible project costs pursuant to the development agreement with Alterra 211 N. Ervay, LLC - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 59. * Authorize a development agreement with Purse Development Company, LLC, to reimburse eligible project costs related to environmental remediation and demolition, public infrastructure improvements and historic façade restoration associated with the Purse & Co. Lofts redevelopment project (601 Elm Street) in an amount not to exceed $2,800,000, from revenues accruing to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Five (City Center TIF District) - Not to exceed $2,800,000 - Financing: City Center TIF District Funds 60. * A resolution declaring the intent of Tax Increment Financing District Reinvestment Zone Number Five (City Center TIF District) to reimburse Purse Development Company, LLC, up to $2,800,000, for TIF-eligible project costs pursuant to the development agreement with Purse Development Company, LLC - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) a conditional grant agreement in the amount of $1,500,000 with Central Dallas Community Development Corporation, or its wholly owned subsidiary, to provide funding for the construction of fifty permanent supportive housing units at 1531 Malcolm X Boulevard; and (2) an increase in appropriations in the amount of $1,500,000 in the General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds - Not to exceed $1,500,000 - Financing: General Obligation Commercial Paper Funds
Authorize a loan in the amount of $85,000 at 0% interest to 2000 Roses Foundation, Inc. for the development of two properties located at 220 North Cliff Street and 1102 East Ninth Street to provide funding for a portion of the residential component of the Economic Development Project on Ninth Street - Not to exceed $85,000 - Financing: 2006 Bond Funds
Authorize on-site reconstruction of five homes in accordance with the requirements of the Reconstruction/SHARE Program Statement for the properties located at: 323 East Woodin Boulevard in the amount of $103,000; 2742 Custer Drive in the amount of $103,000; 2734 Locust Avenue in the amount of $103,000; 1558 East Ohio Avenue in the amount of $103,000; and 3500 Pondrom Street in the amount of $103,000 - Total not to exceed $515,000 - Financing: 2012-13 Community Development Block Grant Reprogramming Funds ($400,000); 2012-13 HOME Investment Partnership Program Grant Funds ($115,000)
Authorize amendments to Ordinance No. 28060 to: (1) extend the City of Dallas, Texas General Obligation Commercial Paper Notes Series 2010A, and Series 2010C short term obligations in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $350,000,000; (2) authorize such short term obligations to be issued, sold, and delivered in the form of commercial paper notes; making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith; establish the tenor of the program for the issuance of the remaining $642,000,000 in the 2012 Bond Program, $499,275,000 in the 2006 Bond Program and the remaining $33,037,600 in the 1998 Bond Program, which is estimated to be within a three year period; resolving other matters related to the issuance, sale, security and delivery of such short term obligations, including; (3) authorizing a thirty-six-month $200,000,000 Credit Agreement with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., and a thirty-six-month $150,000,000 Credit Agreement with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.; (4) the continued use of U.S. Bank National Association as the Issuing and Paying Agent under existing agreements; (5) the continued use of Jefferies LLC as the dealer under existing Dealer Agreement; and (6) approving the payment of issuance costs in connection with the issuance of the short term obligations; approving the use of an Offering Memorandum in connection with the sale of the short term obligations; and providing an effective date – Total program costs not to exceed $5,868,825 – Financing: Current Funds ($144,825 upfront closing costs plus annual fees of $1,908,000 for a three year total cost of $5,724,000) (subject to annual appropriations)
Authorize the preparation of plans for issuance of General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2013A/B in an amount not to exceed $500,000,000 – Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City
Special Video
Zoning Consent Items 64-67
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage establishment use limited to a bar, lounge or tavern and a commercial amusement (inside) use limited to a dance hall within Planned Development District No. 619 for mixed uses and a H/48 Historic District on the southwest corner of Pacific Avenue and Harwood Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plans/floor plans and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a three-year period, subject to a site plans/floor plans and conditions Z123-134(WE) Note: This item was considered by the City Council at a public hearing on May 22, 2013, and was taken under advisement until June 12, 2013, with the public hearing open
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development Subdistrict for O-2 Office Subdistrict Uses on property zoned an O-2 Office Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, and a resolution accepting the termination of deed restrictions on the northwest line of Travis Street, between Lemmon Avenue East and Lemmon Avenue West Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and staff’s recommended conditions, and approval of the termination of deed restrictions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions, and approval of the termination of deed restrictions Z112-306(RB)
70. A public hearing to receive comments regarding a City Plan Commission authorized hearing to determine proper zoning on property zoned Planned Development District No. 22, Planned Development District No. 130, Planned Development District No. 215, Planned Development District No. 250, Planned Development District No. 279, Planned Development District No. 322, Planned Development District No. 423, Planned Development District No. 713, Planned Development District No. 782, a CR Community Retail District with deed restrictions on a portion, a CS Commercial Service District, a GO(A) General Office District with deed restrictions on a portion, an RR Regional Retail District with deed restrictions on a portion and Specific Use Permit Nos. 1335, 1389, 1390 on a portion, an LO-2 Limited Office District with deed restrictions on a portion, an NO(A) Neighborhood Office District, an MO-2 Mid-range Office District, an MF-1(A) Multifamily District, an MF-4(A) Multifamily District, an MU-1 Mixed Use District with deed restrictions on a portion, an MU-2 Mixed Use District with deed restrictions on a portion, an MU-3 Mixed Use District, an MU-3 (SAH) Mixed Use District Affordable, and a P(A) Parking District with consideration being given to appropriate zoning including use, development standards, and other regulations that would allow for and encourage development in appropriate areas in an area generally located east of the Dallas North Tollway, south of Southern Boulevard, south of the northern boundary of (Block E) Montfort Place, south of the northern boundary of Woodchase Apartments, south of the northern boundary of Preston View Estates, west of Preston Road, and north of Interstate Highway 635 (LBJ Freeway) and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District and a resolution accepting the termination of deed restrictions Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval of a Planned Development District, subject to a streets plan, an open space plan, and conditions with retention of Specific Use Permit Nos. 1335, 1389 and 1390, and Deed Restrictions Nos. Z756-210, Z989- 173, and Z990-232, and approval of the termination of Deed Restrictions No. Z056-226 on the northwest corner of Preston Road and LBJ Freeway and no change of zoning on property zoned an MU-2 Mixed Use District with Deed Restrictions No. Z901-162, an NO(A) Neighborhood Office District and a portion of Planned Development District No. 250 in an area generally bound by Peterson Lane, both sides of Montfort Drive, James Temple Drive and a line approximately 590 feet east of Noel Road, and on property zoned an RR Regional Retail District on the northeast corner of Alpha Road and the Dallas North Tollway Z123-186(GC) 72. A public hearing to receive comments to amend the City of Dallas’ Thoroughfare Plan to (1) change the dimensional classifications of various existing thoroughfares; (2) add various existing roadways not currently designated on the Thoroughfare Plan; and (3) add non-existing roadways to the Thoroughfare Plan, and at the close of the hearing, authorize an ordinance implementing the changes (list attached) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new tract for multiple family uses within Planned Development Subdistrict No. 78 on property zoned an MF-2 Multiple Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, in an area generally bounded by Brown Street, Knight Street, Fairmount Street and Douglas Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z123-199(WE)
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by Commonwealth Industrial, LLC located at Irving Boulevard and Commonwealth Drive and adjacent street right-of-way, and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Commonwealth Industrial LLC by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments on the Proposed FY 2013-14 Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Funds and the Proposed FY 2012-13 Reprogramming Budget - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments on readopting and continuing in effect Chapter 12, "City Youth Program Standards of Care," of the Dallas City Code, to re-establish standards of care for certain City-sponsored youth programs in compliance with State Law; and, at the close of the hearing, approval of an ordinance to readopt Chapter 12 of the Dallas City Code - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposal to change the name of Sabine Street between Eads Street and North Denley Drive to “Reverend CBT Smith Street” - NC123-001 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposal to change the name of Cityplace Drive West between Blackburn Street and Lemmon Avenue East to “Oak Grove Avenue” - NC123-002 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing on an application for and a resolution granting a variance to the alcohol spacing requirements from the James S. Hogg Elementary School required by Section 6-4 of the Dallas City Code to allow a restaurant with a mixed beverage permit pursuant to Chapter 28 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code with a food and beverage certificate [Jonathon’s Oak Cliff] on property on the west side of North Beckley Avenue between El Dorado Avenue and Madison Avenue - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
79. * A public hearing to receive comments on amendments to Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Eight (Design District TIF District) and the Project and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plans for the Design District TIF District to: (1) create two sub-districts within the Design District TIF District: (a) Design District Sub-district (original district boundary and additional property) and (b) Market Center/Stemmons Sub-district; (2) increase the geographic area of the Design District TIF District to create the Market Center/Stemmons Sub-district; (3) increase the geographic area of the Design District TIF District to include certain properties along Slocum Street, Dragon Street, and Riverfront Boulevard in the Design District Sub-District (along with the original boundary area); (4) increase the Design District TIF District’s total budget from $34,825,000 NPV (approximately $63,736,506 total dollars) to $76,976,666 NPV (approximately $132,433,370 total dollars); (5) authorize an amendment to the participation agreement with Dallas County as a component of this budget increase; (6) recognize the adopted Design District Grant Program in the Plan and make modifications as needed; (7) remove the restriction in the TIF Project Plan for costs associated with structured parking; (8) restructure the TIF budget to consolidate and broaden categories of eligible project costs into the Design District Sub-District (original boundary area plus additional property); a new category for the Market Center/Stemmons Sub-District; and retain the Old Trinity Trail and Administration and Implementation categories; and (9) make corresponding modifications to the Design District TIF District boundary, budget and Project and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plans - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 80. * An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 26021, previously approved on June 8, 2005; as amended, and Ordinance No. 26303, previously approved on April 12, 2006, to reflect these amendments – Financing: No cost consideration to the City 81. Authorize an amendment to the City of Dallas Design District Grant Program (Grant Program), previously approved on August 9, 2006, by Resolution No. 06-2072 to: (1) clarify eligible uses including a provision for affordable housing; (2) receive and deposit funds in the amount of $524,600 from Alta Block 1500, LLC, pursuant to Resolution No. 06-2072 for affordable housing to be used in accordance with the Grant Program; and (3) an increase in appropriations in the amount of $524,600 - Financing: Design District TIF District Funds
82. * A public hearing to receive comments concerning the 2013 annual assessment rate for the Tourism Public Improvement District (District), in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code (the Act), for the purpose of increasing hotel activities within the City of Dallas, to be funded by a special assessment on hotel room-nights sold at certain Dallas hotels with 100 or more rooms - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 83. * An ordinance establishing classifications for the apportionment of costs and the methods of assessing special benefits accruing to the hotel properties in the District, approving and adopting the 2013 assessment roll on file with the City Secretary; closing the hearing and levying assessments for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the District during 2013; fixing charges and liens against the property in the District and against the owners thereof; providing for the collection of the 2013 assessment; and providing an effective date – Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments concerning the renewal of the Downtown Improvement District, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the specified area of the Downtown Improvement District for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District, and at the close of the hearing, authorize: (1) approval of a resolution renewing the Downtown Improvement District for a period of seven years; (2) approval of the Service Plan for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (3) a management contract with the Dallas CBD Enterprises, Inc., a non-profit corporation as the management entity for the Downtown Improvement District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments concerning the creation of the University Crossing Public Improvement District, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the specified area of the University Crossing Public Improvement District for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District, and at the close of the hearing, authorize (1) approval of a resolution creating the University Crossing Public Improvement District for a period of seven years; (2) approval of the Service Plan for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (3) a management contract with the University Crossing Improvement District Corporation a non-profit corporation as the management entity for the University Crossing Public Improvement District – Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers Part 2
Open Microphone Speakers