1. Call to Order
ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 2. Consider the issuance of $476,000,000 general obligation bonds for street improvements and whether to send to the voters on a May 6, 2017 ballot a proposition of streets, alleys, sidewalks, and complete streets to be funded by general obligation bonds and allocate $34,000,000 to each city council district and spent according to needs identified by each respective city council member with a total streets package of $476,000,000. 7. Adjournment
1. Call to Order
ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 2. Consider the issuance of $476,000,000 general obligation bonds for street improvements and whether to send to the voters on a May 6, 2017 ballot a proposition of streets, alleys, sidewalks, and complete streets to be funded by general obligation bonds and allocate $34,000,000 to each city council district and spent according to needs identified by each respective city council member with a total streets package of $476,000,000. 7. Adjournment