Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
Approval of Minutes of the November 14, 2018 City Council Meeting
2. 18-1054 Authorize a construction contract for structural repairs of the Dallas City Hall Parking Garage located at 1500 Manila Street - Structural Technologies, LLC, the most advantageous proposer of seven - Not to exceed $642,600.00 - Financing: Capital Construction Fund 3. 18-1110 Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Edward Svoma v. Citv of Dallas. Cause No. CC-16-01800-D - Not to exceed $50,000.00- Financing: Risk Management Funds 4. 18-1244 Authorize a Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Dallas and Dallas 24 Hour Club, Inc., to provide substance abuse recovery related support to participants in the South Dallas Drug Court program - Not to exceed $60,000.00 - Financing: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grant Funds 5. 18-1084 Authorize an amendment to Resolution No. 18-0734, previously approved on May 23, 2018, for the (1) acceptance of three grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the federal share of the eligible capital improvement projects for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) at Dallas Love Field in a total amount not to exceed $9,991,149.00 for three projects: Airfield Pavement Evaluation 2018 Project (Grant No. 3-48-0062-056-2018, CFDA No. 20.106) in the amount of $1,000,000.00, Rehabilitation of Taxiway B Phase II (Runway 13L to Runway 18-36) Construction Project (Grant No. 3-48-0062-054-2018, CFDA No. 20.106) in the amount of $5,025,000.00, and Reconstruction of Runway 13R to 31L Design Project (Grant No. 3-48-0062-055-2018, CFDA No. 20.106) in the amount of $3,966,149.00; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Airfield Pavement Evaluation 2018 Fund, $5,025,000.00 in the FAA Grant-Taxiway B Rehab Phase ll-Runway 13L to 18-36 Construction Fund, and $3,966,149.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Runway 13R-31L Reconstruction Design Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of grant funds for reimbursement of eligible costs of each project in an amount not to exceed $ 1,000,000.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Airfield Pavement Evaluation 2018 Fund, $5,025,000.00 in the FAA Grant-Taxiway B Rehab Phase ll-Runway 13L to 18-36 Construction Fund, and $3,966,149.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Runway 13R-31L Reconstruction Design Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreements and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreements - Total not to exceed $9,991,149.00- Financing: Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program Grant Funds Department of Human Resources 6. 18-1129 Authorize a contract with Dallas Area Rapid Transit for the purchase of 289 annual passes in support of the City's clean air initiative - Not to exceed $221,760.00- Financing: General Fund ($161,760.00 to be reimbursed by participating employees) Department of Public Works 7. 18-1231 Authorize a professional services contract with DSGN Associates, Inc. for architectural, engineering design, and construction administration services for the Vickery Meadow Community Court to be located at 6742 Greenville Avenue - Not to exceed $131,266.00- Financing: FY 2016-17 Community Development Block Grant Funds 8. 18-1052 Authorize a professional services contract with Solaray Engineering, Inc. for the engineering design of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-1204 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $219,441.88- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 9. 18-1145 Authorize a professional services contract with Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc. for the engineering design of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-7002 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $232,813.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 10. 18-1119 Authorize a professional services contract with Urban Engineers Group, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-1207 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $320,949.50 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($273,949.50) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($47,000.00) 11. 18-1146 Authorize a professional services contract with Dai-Tech Engineering, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-1305 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $248,311.26- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($223,023.26) and Water Capital Improvement Fund ($25,288.00) 12. 18-1158 Authorize a professional services contract with Salcedo Group, Inc., for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-4005 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $188,334.07- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($160,934.07) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($27,400.00) 13. 18-1123 Authorize a professional services contract with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-4007 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $217,109.02- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($200,169.02) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($16,940.00) 14. 18-1113 Authorize a professional services contract with Bridgefarmer & Associates, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-6007 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $167,953.20- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($134,137.20) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($33,816.00) 15. 18-1114 Authorize a professional services contract with Metropolitan Infrastructure, PLLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-8002 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $216,564.50 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($167,839.50) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($48,725.00) 16. 18-1117 Authorize a professional services contract with Henry Nguyen Consulting, LLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-10003 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $131,092.43 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($113,022.43) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($18,070.00) 17. 18-1115 Authorize a professional services contract with Arredondo, Zepeda and Brunz, LLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-10004 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $289,646.69- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($255,146.69) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($34,500.00) 18. 18-903 Authorize a construction contract for the construction of Henderson Avenue from U.S. Highway 75 to Ross Avenue - The Fain Group, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $2,251,681.00- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) Department of Sanitation Services 19. 18-1172 Authorize (1) Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the professional engineering contract with Biggs & Matthews Environmental, Inc. for engineering and construction management services related to landfill infrastructure improvements, including construction of waste cells 6B.2and 7; (2) to extend the third optional year contract term by an additional six months, from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 to complete additional engineering and construction management tasks; and (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $345,000.00 in the Sanitation Capital Improvement Funds - Not to exceed $345,000.00, from $1,785,442.00 to $2,130,442.00- Financing: Sanitation Capital Improvement Fund Department of Sustainable Development and Construction 20. 18-1192 Authorize acquisition from Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, of approximately 30,000 square feet of land located between Strait Lane and Inwood Road for the Northaven Trail Phase 2A Project - Not to exceed $50,000.00 ($44,211.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $5,789.00) - Financing: Capital Gifts Donation & Development Fund 21. 18-1251 A resolution (1) declaring two properties unwanted and unneeded and authorizing their sale by public auction (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet); (2) authorizing a Purchase and Sale Agreement to be prepared for each auctioned surplus property receiving the highest qualified bid that is sold absolute; and (3) waving the minimum reserve amount - Estimated Revenue: $13,560.00 22. 18-663 A resolution (1) declaring a property containing approximately 150,702 square feet of land unwanted and unneeded, located near the intersection of Forest and Quincy Lanes, and authorizing its advertisement for sale by public auction; (2) establishing a reserve for the auctioned surplus property; and (3) authorizing a Purchase and Sale Agreement to be prepared for the auctioned surplus property receiving the highest qualified bid that meets or exceeds the reserve - Estimated Revenue: $1,808,460.00 23. 18-771 An ordinance abandoning a portion of Mid town Boulevard and a sidewalk and utility easement to Legacy at Midtown Park, Inc., the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 9,418 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Manderville Lane and Midtown Boulevard; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: $179,482.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 24. 18-1038 An ordinance abandoning portions of an alley to Commerce-Canton Investors LLC, Westdale Futura Lofts, Ltd. and Westdale Properties America I, Ltd., the abutting owners, containing a total of approximately 4,744 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Murray and Commerce Streets; and authorizing the quitclaim; and providing for the dedication of approximately 1,629 square feet of land needed for a wastewater easement - Revenue: $181,458.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 26. 18-936 An ordinance abandoning portions of water and wastewater easements to Henderson Residential Lands (Dallas), LLC, the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 1,498 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Henderson Avenue and Fuqua Street - Revenue: $22,253.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee Department of Transportation 27. 18-1150 An ordinance amending Chapter 28, "Motor Vehicles and Traffic," of the Dallas City Code by amending Sections 28-41.1 and 28-41.1.1; extending the sunset date of Section to November 28, 2019; and providing that the requirements of Section 28-41.1 take effect if Section 28-41.1.1 has not been re-enacted on or before November 28, 2019- Financing: No cost consideration to the City 28. 18-1256 Authorize amendments to the Comprehensive Housing Policy Manual (CHP), previously approved on May 9, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-0704 to: (1) amend the program statement for the Home Improvement and Preservation Program to: (a) clarify that an applicant will not be eligible to receive funding if the applicant's property was previously assisted with City funds and the project is still within the period of affordability; and (b) align the credit standards with other City programs; (2) amend the program statement for the Dallas Homebuyer Assistance Program (DHAP) to: (a) change the minimum eligible income for an applicant from 40% Area Median Family Income to 60% Area Median Family Income; (b) require that an applicant have cash reserves; (c) align the credit standards with other City programs; and (d) modify the terms under which the heir(s) of an applicant who received DHAP funding may repay the loan; (3) amend the program statement for the New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation Program to indicate that the form of financial assistance and the repayment terms are negotiated on a project by project basis and demonstrated by financial underwriting; (4) amend the Rental Development Underwriting standards in Appendix 2 to remove the maximum monetary limit on developer fees and add a requirement that the fees be "reasonable"; and (5) replace any reference to the Chief of Economic Development and Neighborhood Services to the City Manager and/or his or her designee in the CHP and Resolution No. 18-0704 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 29. 18-1271 Authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Contract for the Urban Land Bank Demonstration Program with Dallas County, Dallas Independent School District, Dallas County Hospital District, Dallas County Community College District, and the Dissolution Committee for the former board of Dallas County School Trustees on behalf of the former Dallas County Schools District to facilitate the Dallas Housing Acquisition and Development Corporation's acquisition of unimproved tax foreclosed properties for sale to developers for the development of affordable housing and other approved purposes in accordance with Chapter 379C of the Texas Local Government Code - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 30. 18-1273 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services passed through the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Grant No. 900976/FAIN No. LS-00-17-0044-17, CFDA No. 45.310) for partial reimbursement of interlibrary loan service's direct costs in an amount not to exceed $68,749.02, for the period September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $68,749.02 in the Interlibrary Loan 17-18 Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of grant funds for reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $68,749.02 in the Interlibrary Loan 17-18 Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $68,749.02 - Financing: Texas State Library and Archives Commission Grant Funds 33. 18-1252 Authorize the nomination of Brinker International Payroll Company, L.P. located at 3000 Olympus Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75019 to receive designation as an Enterprise Project under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, as amended (Government Code, Chapter 2303) to the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 34. 18-1253 Authorize the nomination of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP located at 2121 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75201 to receive designation as an Enterprise Project under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, as amended (Government Code, Chapter 2303) to the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Equity and Human Rights 35. 18-1213 Authorize a contract with Race Forward, dba the Government Alliance on Race and Equity for (1) a membership in a consortium of over 80 jurisdictions that promotes equity; (2) a consultation on equity including assistance in developing a racial equity lens for budgeting and evaluation of city services; (3) an equity assessment survey of city employees; and (4) a citywide training on equity for the period December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019- Not to exceed $178,500.00- Financing: General Fund 36. 18-1204 Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement with the University of Texas at Arlington to conduct the Analysis of Impediments for the period December 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019; and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $72,536.00, from $129,064.00 to $201,600.00 in the Fair Housing Trust Fund - Not to exceed $72,536.00 - Financing: Fair Housing Trust Funds Office of Homeless Solutions 37. 18-1157 Authorize a secured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $179,011.00 to Shelter Ministries of Dallas dba Austin Street Center, to provide for shelter renovations at Austin Street Center located at 2916 and 2929 Hickory Street, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $179,011.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds 38. 18-1161 Authorize a secured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $50,000.00 to The Family Place ("Borrower") and Buckner Baptist Benevolences ("Owner"), to provide for shelter renovations, consisting of minor site improvements to expand and renovate the kitchen at its emergency shelter serving homeless families fleeing domestic violence, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $50,000.00 - Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds 39. 18-1162 Authorize a secured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $1,190,445.00 to PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc. dba AIDS Services of Dallas, as the project sponsor, and PWA Holdings LLC, as the owner, to provide for substantial rehabilitation of a property located at 511 North Lancaster Avenue, which provides permanent housing for persons with HIV/AIDS, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 - Not to exceed $1,190,445.00- Financing: 2016-17 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Funds ($486,100.00) and 2017-18 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Funds ($704,345.00) 40. 18-1166 Authorize (1) an assignment to PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc. dba AIDS Services of Dallas as recipient grantee in place of the City of Dallas, for the period December 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019, of the grant agreement for the Continuum of Care Grant ("CoC Grant") (Grant No. TX0236L6T001709 and CFDA No. 14.267) in an amount not to exceed $718,103.00 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for the City of Dallas' Gateway to Permanent Supportive Housing Project ("Project"), to provide project-based rental assistance and case management for single chronically homeless persons; (2) an amendment to Resolution No. 18-1376, previously approved on September 26, 2018, to decrease the local cash match from the City of Dallas for the CoC Grant for the Project, by $66,629.00, from $96,550.00 to $29,921.00, and increase the matching contribution from the local partner agencies by $66,629.00, from $82,976.00 to $149,605.00; and (3) execution of any and all documents required for the grantee substitution - Not to exceed $29,921.00 - Financing: General Fund 41. 18-1164 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Catholic Charities of Dallas, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals and families, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $98,085.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($20,700.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($77,385.00) 42. 18-1165 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Family Gateway, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $125,260.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($26,900.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($98,360.00) 43. 18-1169 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Family Gateway Inc., to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $92,478.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($10,728.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($81,750.00) 44. 18-1167 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Shared Housing Center, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals and families, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $130,436.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($28,020.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($102,416.00) 45. 18-1170 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Shelter Ministries of Dallas dba Austin Street Center, to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $154,961.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($18,476.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($136,485.00) 46. 18-1171 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with The Family Place, to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection fees, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $74,440.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($8,940.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($65,500.00) 47. 18-1168 Authorize (1) an amendment to Resolution No, 18-1377, previously approved on September 26, 2018 to amend the grant agreement for the Continuum of Care Grant ("CoC Grant") (Grant No. TX0085L6T001710 and CFDA No. 14.268) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for the City of Dallas' My Residence Program {Rapid Re-housing) ("Project") providing tenant-based rental assistance and case management in an amount not to exceed $435,627.00 for homeless families and single homeless persons, to: (a) substitute Housing Crisis Center, Inc. as recipient grantee, in place of the City of Dallas, with their assumption of all rights and obligations under the grant, for the period December 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019; (b) increase the local cash match from the City of Dallas for the CoC Grant for the Project, by $1,331.00, from $58,575.00 to $59,906.00; and (c) decrease the matching contribution from the local partner agencies by $1,331.00, from $50,332.00 to $49,001.00; (2) a contract with Housing Crisis Center, Inc. ("HCC") to provide funds as match assistance for the local cash match for the CoC Grant in the amount of $59,906.00 for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019, with HCC as the local partner agency to provide the remaining matching contribution for the CoC Grant in the amount of $49,001.00; and (3) execution of any and all documents required for the grantee substitution - Total not to exceed $59,906.00- Financing: General Fund Office of Procurement Services 48. 18-1212 Authorize a one-year service price agreement for commercial wireless communication services and equipment with Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless and its related entities through the Department of Information Resources cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $4,375,769.40 - Financing: Various Funds (see Fiscal Information) 49. 18-1111 Authorize (1) rescinding the three-year service price agreement with Technical Testing International, LLC dba TTI Environmental Laboratories, previously approved on August 8, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-1046, for analytical laboratory testing services; and (2) a three-year service price agreement for analytical laboratory testing services - Pace Analytical Services, LLC, second lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $5,381,524.38- Financing: Equipment and Fleet Management ($485.00), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($4,938,504.18), Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($331,866.70), Sanitation Services Fund ($110,668.50) 50. 18-606 Authorize a three-year service contract for maintenance and support of the existing multiple vendor reading system software application and meter reading handheld computers for the Water Utilities Department - Itron, Inc., sole source - Not to exceed $178,805.43- Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 51. 18-1247 Authorize a five-year service contract for automated notification services for the Office of Emergency Management with AT&T Services, Inc. through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $324,688.80- Financing: 9-1-1 System Operations Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 53. 18-1197 Authorize a three-year subscription and maintenance contract for Adobe enterprise licenses with SHI Government Solutions, Inc. through the BuyBoard purchasing cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $1,081,340.00- Financing: Data Services Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 54. 18-1190 Authorize (1) a nine-year concession contract, with two one-year renewal options, for food and beverage services (Package 1) for the Department of Aviation - Air Star - Bush - LTS Marquis DAL, LLC in an estimated minimum annual guarantee in the amount of $1,093,500.00, most advantageous proposer of seven; and (2) a seven-year concession contract, with two one-year renewal options, for food and beverage services (Package 2) for the Department of Aviation - Bush - Air Star - LTS Marquis DAL, LLC in an estimated minimum annual guarantee in the amount of $330,750.00, most advantageous proposer of eight - Total Estimated Minimum Annual Guarantee: $1,424,250.00 55. 18-1186 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of temporary traffic signs, permanent sign posts, and installation hardware for permanent signs for the Water Utilities Department - Centerline Supply in the estimated amount of $112,645.50 and Telecom Electric Supply in the estimated amount of $44,075.00, lowest responsible bidders of three - Estimated amount of $156,720.50 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 56. 18-1156 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to exercise the first of two, one-year renewal options to the service and policy contract with Standard Insurance Company to provide (1) City paid basic life insurance for $1.75 per employee per month, in an estimated cost of $265,503.00; and (2) elective employee paid supplemental group term life, elective dependent life, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage, in an estimated cost of $2,576,272.32 (to be fully reimbursed by participating employees) increasing the service contract from $8,490,838.11 to $11,332,613.43- Total not to exceed $2,841,775.32- Financing: Benefits Fund (subject to appropriations) 59. 18-1179 Authorize a professional services contract with APM & Associates, Inc. for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for the Martin Weiss Park - Loop Trail Extension to Greenbelt Project located at 1111 Martindell Avenue - Not to exceed $124,775.00- Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 61. 18-1189 Authorize the rejection of the only proposal received for construction of the exterior lighting upgrades for the Music Hall at Fair Park located at 909 1st Avenue - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 62. 18-1185 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the design-build services contract with Harrison, Walker & Harper, LP. for the design and construction for Fair Park Facility Improvements for additional architectural and engineering design services and an increase in the early construction package for an elevator, Americans with Disabilities Act improvements and to add exterior lighting for the Music Hall located at 909 1st Avenue - Not to exceed $1,333,556.00, from $930,303.00 to $2,263,859.00- Financing: Fair Park Improvements (C) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 63. 18-1191 Authorize a Joint Funding Agreement with the United States Geological Survey to continue the operation of stream flow and water quality gauging stations in the Trinity River basin, a zebra mussel sampling study, a Mountain Creek Water Quality special study, and reservoir water quality study on each of the reservoirs in Dallas' water supply system from November 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $889,523.00 - Financing: Water Utilities Fund
An ordinance abandoning a portion of an alley (also known as Howland Street) to OR Asset Holdings, L.P., the abutting owner, containing approximately 3,588 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Howland and Routh Streets; and authorizing the quitclaim; and providing for the dedication of approximately 3,651 square feet of land needed for a wastewater easement - Revenue: $640,458.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee
31. 18-829 A resolution (1) authorizing the adoption of the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 as the cultural plan for the City of Dallas; (2) authorizing the adoption of a new cultural policy for the City of Dallas; and (3) authorizing and establishing the Cultural Projects Funding Program, Cultural Vitality Program, and Community Artist Program to support artist and cultural services in the City of Dallas - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 32. 18-880 An ordinance amending Chapter 2, "Administration," of the Dallas City Code, providing (1) that the City Manager is authorized to approve certain contracts with intergovernmental agencies without further city council action; (2) clarifying the definition of collectible property to mean property owned by the city that is under the care and control of the Dallas Museum of Art; (3) removing WRR radio station from duties of the director of convention and event services; (4) renaming the cultural affairs commission to arts and culture advisory commission; (5) renaming the arts committee to the public art committee; (6) clarifying the definition of public art committee; (7) providing that the director of cultural affairs may manage approval of lease or license agreements for use of cultural facilities for short terms not exceeding a year; (8) providing that the director of cultural affairs may award cultural funding contracts to cultural organizations and individuals; (9) providing that short-term lease and license agreements with small or ethnically and culturally specific nonprofit arts and cultural organizations may be entered into for nominal consideration; and (10) providing procurement rules and regulations for cultural services - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize a two-year consultant contract to conduct a staffing study for the Police Department - KPMG LLP, most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $500,000.00- Financing: W.W. Caruth Jr. Foundation at Communities Foundation of Texas Grant Funds ($250,000.00) and Confiscated Funds ($250,000.00)
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 31 to exercise the first of two, two-year renewal options, with AT&T Corp for voice and data network services, network management, monitoring, maintenance, information technology security, and related services for the Department of Communication and Information Services - Not to exceed $33,081,983.75- Financing: Communication and Information Services Funds (subject to annual appropriations)
Authorize (1) a development and maintenance agreement with Lincoln LAG LTD. and HEB Grocery Company, LP for the purpose of constructing the Matilda Trail, an enhanced sidewalk, hike and bike trail, and appurtenances located at East Lovers Lane and Matilda Street; (2) the establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 in the Mowmentum Park Improvement Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of endowment funds in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 in the Mowmentum Park Improvement Fund; and (4) execution of the development and maintenance agreement -Financing: Revenue: $30,000.00
Authorize a professional services contract with Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc. for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for Phase 2 of the Dallas City Hall Median Renovations Project along South Akard and South Ervay Streets - Not to exceed $107,000.00- Financing: General Fund (see Fiscal Information)
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Consideration of appointment to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors for Positions 03 (completion of unexpired term) (Closed Session, if necessary, Personnel, Sec. 551.074, T. O. M. A.) (Name of nominee in the City Secretary's Office) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize acceptance of a zoning application on property with delinquent taxes located at 4350 Metropolitan Avenue - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Bridge Steps, to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $126,565.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($14,900.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($111,665.00)
Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Bridge Steps. to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $122,824.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($26,380.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($96,444.00)
Authorize an unsecured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $36,000.00 to Bridge Steps, to provide for shelter renovations at the Bridge Steps Homeless Assistance Center located at 1818 Corsicana Street, which provides shelter and services to homeless individuals, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019-Not to exceed $36,000.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds
A resolution designating absences by Councilmembers Kevin D. Felder and Tennell Atkins as being for "Official City Business" - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned an RR-D-1 Regional Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on the north side of West Camp Wisdom Road, east of Marvin D. Love Freeway (US 67) Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and staffs recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z178-263(CY)
71. 18-1260 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2059 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northwest corner of Bruton Road and North Prairie Creek Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to conditions Z178-224(CT) 75. 18-1265 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1919 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned Subdistrict 6 within Planned Development District No. 830 with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northwest corner of North Hampton Road and West Jefferson Boulevard Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z178-320(JM) 76. 18-1266 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1902 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northwest corner of Walnut Hill Lane and Marsh Lane Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z178-321 (CY)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development Subdistrict for Multiple Family Subdistrict uses on property zoned an MF-2 Multiple Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, along the northeast corner of McKinney Avenue and Hester Avenue Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan and conditions Z178-174(PD1
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for Multifamily District uses on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the southwest corner of North Tennant Street and West Davis Street, with consideration given to a Planned Development District for Single Family District uses Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z178-235(JM)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development District No. 574, on the northeast side of Highland Road, northwest of Ferguson Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z178-315(JM)
A public hearing on an application for and a resolution granting a variance to the alcohol spacing requirements from an open-enrollment charter school, Texans Can Academy [DBA Dallas Can Academy] as required by Section 6-4 of the Dallas City Code to allow a mixed-beverages permit (Chapter 28 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code) for a restaurant without drive-in or drive-through service with a food and beverage certificate [Cafe Chaman] on the south line of Jefferson Boulevard, east of Bishop Avenue -AV189-001 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for (1) an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses on property zoned an NO (A) Neighborhood Office District, a CS Commercial Service District, and an R-7.5(A) Single Family District with Specific Use Permit No. 1781 for a transit passenger station or transfer center on a portion; and (2) a resolution terminating the existing deed restrictions, on the south line of Walnut Hill Lane and the west line of White Rock Trail Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan, conceptual fence elevation plan, and conditions; and approval of the termination of existing deed restrictions Z178-238(SM)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
Approval of Minutes of the November 14, 2018 City Council Meeting
2. 18-1054 Authorize a construction contract for structural repairs of the Dallas City Hall Parking Garage located at 1500 Manila Street - Structural Technologies, LLC, the most advantageous proposer of seven - Not to exceed $642,600.00 - Financing: Capital Construction Fund 3. 18-1110 Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Edward Svoma v. Citv of Dallas. Cause No. CC-16-01800-D - Not to exceed $50,000.00- Financing: Risk Management Funds 4. 18-1244 Authorize a Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Dallas and Dallas 24 Hour Club, Inc., to provide substance abuse recovery related support to participants in the South Dallas Drug Court program - Not to exceed $60,000.00 - Financing: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Grant Funds 5. 18-1084 Authorize an amendment to Resolution No. 18-0734, previously approved on May 23, 2018, for the (1) acceptance of three grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the federal share of the eligible capital improvement projects for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) at Dallas Love Field in a total amount not to exceed $9,991,149.00 for three projects: Airfield Pavement Evaluation 2018 Project (Grant No. 3-48-0062-056-2018, CFDA No. 20.106) in the amount of $1,000,000.00, Rehabilitation of Taxiway B Phase II (Runway 13L to Runway 18-36) Construction Project (Grant No. 3-48-0062-054-2018, CFDA No. 20.106) in the amount of $5,025,000.00, and Reconstruction of Runway 13R to 31L Design Project (Grant No. 3-48-0062-055-2018, CFDA No. 20.106) in the amount of $3,966,149.00; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Airfield Pavement Evaluation 2018 Fund, $5,025,000.00 in the FAA Grant-Taxiway B Rehab Phase ll-Runway 13L to 18-36 Construction Fund, and $3,966,149.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Runway 13R-31L Reconstruction Design Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of grant funds for reimbursement of eligible costs of each project in an amount not to exceed $ 1,000,000.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Airfield Pavement Evaluation 2018 Fund, $5,025,000.00 in the FAA Grant-Taxiway B Rehab Phase ll-Runway 13L to 18-36 Construction Fund, and $3,966,149.00 in the FAA AIP Grant-Runway 13R-31L Reconstruction Design Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreements and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreements - Total not to exceed $9,991,149.00- Financing: Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program Grant Funds Department of Human Resources 6. 18-1129 Authorize a contract with Dallas Area Rapid Transit for the purchase of 289 annual passes in support of the City's clean air initiative - Not to exceed $221,760.00- Financing: General Fund ($161,760.00 to be reimbursed by participating employees) Department of Public Works 7. 18-1231 Authorize a professional services contract with DSGN Associates, Inc. for architectural, engineering design, and construction administration services for the Vickery Meadow Community Court to be located at 6742 Greenville Avenue - Not to exceed $131,266.00- Financing: FY 2016-17 Community Development Block Grant Funds 8. 18-1052 Authorize a professional services contract with Solaray Engineering, Inc. for the engineering design of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-1204 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $219,441.88- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 9. 18-1145 Authorize a professional services contract with Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc. for the engineering design of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-7002 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $232,813.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 10. 18-1119 Authorize a professional services contract with Urban Engineers Group, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-1207 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $320,949.50 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($273,949.50) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($47,000.00) 11. 18-1146 Authorize a professional services contract with Dai-Tech Engineering, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-1305 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $248,311.26- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($223,023.26) and Water Capital Improvement Fund ($25,288.00) 12. 18-1158 Authorize a professional services contract with Salcedo Group, Inc., for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-4005 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $188,334.07- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($160,934.07) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($27,400.00) 13. 18-1123 Authorize a professional services contract with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-4007 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $217,109.02- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($200,169.02) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($16,940.00) 14. 18-1113 Authorize a professional services contract with Bridgefarmer & Associates, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-6007 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $167,953.20- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($134,137.20) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($33,816.00) 15. 18-1114 Authorize a professional services contract with Metropolitan Infrastructure, PLLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-8002 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $216,564.50 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($167,839.50) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($48,725.00) 16. 18-1117 Authorize a professional services contract with Henry Nguyen Consulting, LLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-10003 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $131,092.43 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($113,022.43) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($18,070.00) 17. 18-1115 Authorize a professional services contract with Arredondo, Zepeda and Brunz, LLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-10004 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $289,646.69- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($255,146.69) and Water Utilities Capital Improvement Funds ($34,500.00) 18. 18-903 Authorize a construction contract for the construction of Henderson Avenue from U.S. Highway 75 to Ross Avenue - The Fain Group, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $2,251,681.00- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) Department of Sanitation Services 19. 18-1172 Authorize (1) Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the professional engineering contract with Biggs & Matthews Environmental, Inc. for engineering and construction management services related to landfill infrastructure improvements, including construction of waste cells 6B.2and 7; (2) to extend the third optional year contract term by an additional six months, from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 to complete additional engineering and construction management tasks; and (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $345,000.00 in the Sanitation Capital Improvement Funds - Not to exceed $345,000.00, from $1,785,442.00 to $2,130,442.00- Financing: Sanitation Capital Improvement Fund Department of Sustainable Development and Construction 20. 18-1192 Authorize acquisition from Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, of approximately 30,000 square feet of land located between Strait Lane and Inwood Road for the Northaven Trail Phase 2A Project - Not to exceed $50,000.00 ($44,211.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $5,789.00) - Financing: Capital Gifts Donation & Development Fund 21. 18-1251 A resolution (1) declaring two properties unwanted and unneeded and authorizing their sale by public auction (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet); (2) authorizing a Purchase and Sale Agreement to be prepared for each auctioned surplus property receiving the highest qualified bid that is sold absolute; and (3) waving the minimum reserve amount - Estimated Revenue: $13,560.00 22. 18-663 A resolution (1) declaring a property containing approximately 150,702 square feet of land unwanted and unneeded, located near the intersection of Forest and Quincy Lanes, and authorizing its advertisement for sale by public auction; (2) establishing a reserve for the auctioned surplus property; and (3) authorizing a Purchase and Sale Agreement to be prepared for the auctioned surplus property receiving the highest qualified bid that meets or exceeds the reserve - Estimated Revenue: $1,808,460.00 23. 18-771 An ordinance abandoning a portion of Mid town Boulevard and a sidewalk and utility easement to Legacy at Midtown Park, Inc., the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 9,418 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Manderville Lane and Midtown Boulevard; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: $179,482.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 24. 18-1038 An ordinance abandoning portions of an alley to Commerce-Canton Investors LLC, Westdale Futura Lofts, Ltd. and Westdale Properties America I, Ltd., the abutting owners, containing a total of approximately 4,744 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Murray and Commerce Streets; and authorizing the quitclaim; and providing for the dedication of approximately 1,629 square feet of land needed for a wastewater easement - Revenue: $181,458.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 26. 18-936 An ordinance abandoning portions of water and wastewater easements to Henderson Residential Lands (Dallas), LLC, the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 1,498 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Henderson Avenue and Fuqua Street - Revenue: $22,253.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee Department of Transportation 27. 18-1150 An ordinance amending Chapter 28, "Motor Vehicles and Traffic," of the Dallas City Code by amending Sections 28-41.1 and 28-41.1.1; extending the sunset date of Section to November 28, 2019; and providing that the requirements of Section 28-41.1 take effect if Section 28-41.1.1 has not been re-enacted on or before November 28, 2019- Financing: No cost consideration to the City 28. 18-1256 Authorize amendments to the Comprehensive Housing Policy Manual (CHP), previously approved on May 9, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-0704 to: (1) amend the program statement for the Home Improvement and Preservation Program to: (a) clarify that an applicant will not be eligible to receive funding if the applicant's property was previously assisted with City funds and the project is still within the period of affordability; and (b) align the credit standards with other City programs; (2) amend the program statement for the Dallas Homebuyer Assistance Program (DHAP) to: (a) change the minimum eligible income for an applicant from 40% Area Median Family Income to 60% Area Median Family Income; (b) require that an applicant have cash reserves; (c) align the credit standards with other City programs; and (d) modify the terms under which the heir(s) of an applicant who received DHAP funding may repay the loan; (3) amend the program statement for the New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation Program to indicate that the form of financial assistance and the repayment terms are negotiated on a project by project basis and demonstrated by financial underwriting; (4) amend the Rental Development Underwriting standards in Appendix 2 to remove the maximum monetary limit on developer fees and add a requirement that the fees be "reasonable"; and (5) replace any reference to the Chief of Economic Development and Neighborhood Services to the City Manager and/or his or her designee in the CHP and Resolution No. 18-0704 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 29. 18-1271 Authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Contract for the Urban Land Bank Demonstration Program with Dallas County, Dallas Independent School District, Dallas County Hospital District, Dallas County Community College District, and the Dissolution Committee for the former board of Dallas County School Trustees on behalf of the former Dallas County Schools District to facilitate the Dallas Housing Acquisition and Development Corporation's acquisition of unimproved tax foreclosed properties for sale to developers for the development of affordable housing and other approved purposes in accordance with Chapter 379C of the Texas Local Government Code - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 30. 18-1273 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services passed through the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (Grant No. 900976/FAIN No. LS-00-17-0044-17, CFDA No. 45.310) for partial reimbursement of interlibrary loan service's direct costs in an amount not to exceed $68,749.02, for the period September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $68,749.02 in the Interlibrary Loan 17-18 Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of grant funds for reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $68,749.02 in the Interlibrary Loan 17-18 Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $68,749.02 - Financing: Texas State Library and Archives Commission Grant Funds 33. 18-1252 Authorize the nomination of Brinker International Payroll Company, L.P. located at 3000 Olympus Boulevard, Dallas, Texas 75019 to receive designation as an Enterprise Project under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, as amended (Government Code, Chapter 2303) to the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 34. 18-1253 Authorize the nomination of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP located at 2121 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75201 to receive designation as an Enterprise Project under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, as amended (Government Code, Chapter 2303) to the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism through the Economic Development Bank - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Equity and Human Rights 35. 18-1213 Authorize a contract with Race Forward, dba the Government Alliance on Race and Equity for (1) a membership in a consortium of over 80 jurisdictions that promotes equity; (2) a consultation on equity including assistance in developing a racial equity lens for budgeting and evaluation of city services; (3) an equity assessment survey of city employees; and (4) a citywide training on equity for the period December 1, 2018 through December 31, 2019- Not to exceed $178,500.00- Financing: General Fund 36. 18-1204 Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement with the University of Texas at Arlington to conduct the Analysis of Impediments for the period December 1, 2018 through July 31, 2019; and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $72,536.00, from $129,064.00 to $201,600.00 in the Fair Housing Trust Fund - Not to exceed $72,536.00 - Financing: Fair Housing Trust Funds Office of Homeless Solutions 37. 18-1157 Authorize a secured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $179,011.00 to Shelter Ministries of Dallas dba Austin Street Center, to provide for shelter renovations at Austin Street Center located at 2916 and 2929 Hickory Street, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $179,011.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds 38. 18-1161 Authorize a secured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $50,000.00 to The Family Place ("Borrower") and Buckner Baptist Benevolences ("Owner"), to provide for shelter renovations, consisting of minor site improvements to expand and renovate the kitchen at its emergency shelter serving homeless families fleeing domestic violence, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $50,000.00 - Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds 39. 18-1162 Authorize a secured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $1,190,445.00 to PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc. dba AIDS Services of Dallas, as the project sponsor, and PWA Holdings LLC, as the owner, to provide for substantial rehabilitation of a property located at 511 North Lancaster Avenue, which provides permanent housing for persons with HIV/AIDS, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 - Not to exceed $1,190,445.00- Financing: 2016-17 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Funds ($486,100.00) and 2017-18 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Funds ($704,345.00) 40. 18-1166 Authorize (1) an assignment to PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc. dba AIDS Services of Dallas as recipient grantee in place of the City of Dallas, for the period December 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019, of the grant agreement for the Continuum of Care Grant ("CoC Grant") (Grant No. TX0236L6T001709 and CFDA No. 14.267) in an amount not to exceed $718,103.00 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for the City of Dallas' Gateway to Permanent Supportive Housing Project ("Project"), to provide project-based rental assistance and case management for single chronically homeless persons; (2) an amendment to Resolution No. 18-1376, previously approved on September 26, 2018, to decrease the local cash match from the City of Dallas for the CoC Grant for the Project, by $66,629.00, from $96,550.00 to $29,921.00, and increase the matching contribution from the local partner agencies by $66,629.00, from $82,976.00 to $149,605.00; and (3) execution of any and all documents required for the grantee substitution - Not to exceed $29,921.00 - Financing: General Fund 41. 18-1164 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Catholic Charities of Dallas, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals and families, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $98,085.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($20,700.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($77,385.00) 42. 18-1165 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Family Gateway, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $125,260.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($26,900.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($98,360.00) 43. 18-1169 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Family Gateway Inc., to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $92,478.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($10,728.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($81,750.00) 44. 18-1167 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Shared Housing Center, Inc., to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals and families, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $130,436.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($28,020.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($102,416.00) 45. 18-1170 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Shelter Ministries of Dallas dba Austin Street Center, to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $154,961.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($18,476.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($136,485.00) 46. 18-1171 Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with The Family Place, to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection fees, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $74,440.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($8,940.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($65,500.00) 47. 18-1168 Authorize (1) an amendment to Resolution No, 18-1377, previously approved on September 26, 2018 to amend the grant agreement for the Continuum of Care Grant ("CoC Grant") (Grant No. TX0085L6T001710 and CFDA No. 14.268) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for the City of Dallas' My Residence Program {Rapid Re-housing) ("Project") providing tenant-based rental assistance and case management in an amount not to exceed $435,627.00 for homeless families and single homeless persons, to: (a) substitute Housing Crisis Center, Inc. as recipient grantee, in place of the City of Dallas, with their assumption of all rights and obligations under the grant, for the period December 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019; (b) increase the local cash match from the City of Dallas for the CoC Grant for the Project, by $1,331.00, from $58,575.00 to $59,906.00; and (c) decrease the matching contribution from the local partner agencies by $1,331.00, from $50,332.00 to $49,001.00; (2) a contract with Housing Crisis Center, Inc. ("HCC") to provide funds as match assistance for the local cash match for the CoC Grant in the amount of $59,906.00 for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019, with HCC as the local partner agency to provide the remaining matching contribution for the CoC Grant in the amount of $49,001.00; and (3) execution of any and all documents required for the grantee substitution - Total not to exceed $59,906.00- Financing: General Fund Office of Procurement Services 48. 18-1212 Authorize a one-year service price agreement for commercial wireless communication services and equipment with Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless and its related entities through the Department of Information Resources cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $4,375,769.40 - Financing: Various Funds (see Fiscal Information) 49. 18-1111 Authorize (1) rescinding the three-year service price agreement with Technical Testing International, LLC dba TTI Environmental Laboratories, previously approved on August 8, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-1046, for analytical laboratory testing services; and (2) a three-year service price agreement for analytical laboratory testing services - Pace Analytical Services, LLC, second lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $5,381,524.38- Financing: Equipment and Fleet Management ($485.00), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($4,938,504.18), Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($331,866.70), Sanitation Services Fund ($110,668.50) 50. 18-606 Authorize a three-year service contract for maintenance and support of the existing multiple vendor reading system software application and meter reading handheld computers for the Water Utilities Department - Itron, Inc., sole source - Not to exceed $178,805.43- Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 51. 18-1247 Authorize a five-year service contract for automated notification services for the Office of Emergency Management with AT&T Services, Inc. through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $324,688.80- Financing: 9-1-1 System Operations Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 53. 18-1197 Authorize a three-year subscription and maintenance contract for Adobe enterprise licenses with SHI Government Solutions, Inc. through the BuyBoard purchasing cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $1,081,340.00- Financing: Data Services Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 54. 18-1190 Authorize (1) a nine-year concession contract, with two one-year renewal options, for food and beverage services (Package 1) for the Department of Aviation - Air Star - Bush - LTS Marquis DAL, LLC in an estimated minimum annual guarantee in the amount of $1,093,500.00, most advantageous proposer of seven; and (2) a seven-year concession contract, with two one-year renewal options, for food and beverage services (Package 2) for the Department of Aviation - Bush - Air Star - LTS Marquis DAL, LLC in an estimated minimum annual guarantee in the amount of $330,750.00, most advantageous proposer of eight - Total Estimated Minimum Annual Guarantee: $1,424,250.00 55. 18-1186 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of temporary traffic signs, permanent sign posts, and installation hardware for permanent signs for the Water Utilities Department - Centerline Supply in the estimated amount of $112,645.50 and Telecom Electric Supply in the estimated amount of $44,075.00, lowest responsible bidders of three - Estimated amount of $156,720.50 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 56. 18-1156 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to exercise the first of two, one-year renewal options to the service and policy contract with Standard Insurance Company to provide (1) City paid basic life insurance for $1.75 per employee per month, in an estimated cost of $265,503.00; and (2) elective employee paid supplemental group term life, elective dependent life, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage, in an estimated cost of $2,576,272.32 (to be fully reimbursed by participating employees) increasing the service contract from $8,490,838.11 to $11,332,613.43- Total not to exceed $2,841,775.32- Financing: Benefits Fund (subject to appropriations) 59. 18-1179 Authorize a professional services contract with APM & Associates, Inc. for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for the Martin Weiss Park - Loop Trail Extension to Greenbelt Project located at 1111 Martindell Avenue - Not to exceed $124,775.00- Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 61. 18-1189 Authorize the rejection of the only proposal received for construction of the exterior lighting upgrades for the Music Hall at Fair Park located at 909 1st Avenue - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 62. 18-1185 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the design-build services contract with Harrison, Walker & Harper, LP. for the design and construction for Fair Park Facility Improvements for additional architectural and engineering design services and an increase in the early construction package for an elevator, Americans with Disabilities Act improvements and to add exterior lighting for the Music Hall located at 909 1st Avenue - Not to exceed $1,333,556.00, from $930,303.00 to $2,263,859.00- Financing: Fair Park Improvements (C) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 63. 18-1191 Authorize a Joint Funding Agreement with the United States Geological Survey to continue the operation of stream flow and water quality gauging stations in the Trinity River basin, a zebra mussel sampling study, a Mountain Creek Water Quality special study, and reservoir water quality study on each of the reservoirs in Dallas' water supply system from November 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $889,523.00 - Financing: Water Utilities Fund
An ordinance abandoning a portion of an alley (also known as Howland Street) to OR Asset Holdings, L.P., the abutting owner, containing approximately 3,588 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Howland and Routh Streets; and authorizing the quitclaim; and providing for the dedication of approximately 3,651 square feet of land needed for a wastewater easement - Revenue: $640,458.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee
31. 18-829 A resolution (1) authorizing the adoption of the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 as the cultural plan for the City of Dallas; (2) authorizing the adoption of a new cultural policy for the City of Dallas; and (3) authorizing and establishing the Cultural Projects Funding Program, Cultural Vitality Program, and Community Artist Program to support artist and cultural services in the City of Dallas - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 32. 18-880 An ordinance amending Chapter 2, "Administration," of the Dallas City Code, providing (1) that the City Manager is authorized to approve certain contracts with intergovernmental agencies without further city council action; (2) clarifying the definition of collectible property to mean property owned by the city that is under the care and control of the Dallas Museum of Art; (3) removing WRR radio station from duties of the director of convention and event services; (4) renaming the cultural affairs commission to arts and culture advisory commission; (5) renaming the arts committee to the public art committee; (6) clarifying the definition of public art committee; (7) providing that the director of cultural affairs may manage approval of lease or license agreements for use of cultural facilities for short terms not exceeding a year; (8) providing that the director of cultural affairs may award cultural funding contracts to cultural organizations and individuals; (9) providing that short-term lease and license agreements with small or ethnically and culturally specific nonprofit arts and cultural organizations may be entered into for nominal consideration; and (10) providing procurement rules and regulations for cultural services - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize a two-year consultant contract to conduct a staffing study for the Police Department - KPMG LLP, most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $500,000.00- Financing: W.W. Caruth Jr. Foundation at Communities Foundation of Texas Grant Funds ($250,000.00) and Confiscated Funds ($250,000.00)
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 31 to exercise the first of two, two-year renewal options, with AT&T Corp for voice and data network services, network management, monitoring, maintenance, information technology security, and related services for the Department of Communication and Information Services - Not to exceed $33,081,983.75- Financing: Communication and Information Services Funds (subject to annual appropriations)
Authorize (1) a development and maintenance agreement with Lincoln LAG LTD. and HEB Grocery Company, LP for the purpose of constructing the Matilda Trail, an enhanced sidewalk, hike and bike trail, and appurtenances located at East Lovers Lane and Matilda Street; (2) the establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 in the Mowmentum Park Improvement Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of endowment funds in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 in the Mowmentum Park Improvement Fund; and (4) execution of the development and maintenance agreement -Financing: Revenue: $30,000.00
Authorize a professional services contract with Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc. for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for Phase 2 of the Dallas City Hall Median Renovations Project along South Akard and South Ervay Streets - Not to exceed $107,000.00- Financing: General Fund (see Fiscal Information)
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Consideration of appointment to the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors for Positions 03 (completion of unexpired term) (Closed Session, if necessary, Personnel, Sec. 551.074, T. O. M. A.) (Name of nominee in the City Secretary's Office) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize acceptance of a zoning application on property with delinquent taxes located at 4350 Metropolitan Avenue - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Bridge Steps, to provide emergency shelter services, consisting of shelter operations and essential services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $126,565.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($14,900.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($111,665.00)
Authorize the twelve-month renewal option to the contract with Bridge Steps. to provide rapid re-housing services, consisting of rental assistance, financial assistance, and housing relocation and stabilization services, to homeless individuals, and Homeless Management Information System data collection, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019- Not to exceed $122,824.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($26,380.00) and 2018-19 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($96,444.00)
Authorize an unsecured, zero percent interest, forgivable loan agreement in the amount of $36,000.00 to Bridge Steps, to provide for shelter renovations at the Bridge Steps Homeless Assistance Center located at 1818 Corsicana Street, which provides shelter and services to homeless individuals, for the period October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019-Not to exceed $36,000.00- Financing: 2017-18 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds
A resolution designating absences by Councilmembers Kevin D. Felder and Tennell Atkins as being for "Official City Business" - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned an RR-D-1 Regional Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on the north side of West Camp Wisdom Road, east of Marvin D. Love Freeway (US 67) Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and staffs recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z178-263(CY)
71. 18-1260 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2059 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northwest corner of Bruton Road and North Prairie Creek Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to conditions Z178-224(CT) 75. 18-1265 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1919 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned Subdistrict 6 within Planned Development District No. 830 with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northwest corner of North Hampton Road and West Jefferson Boulevard Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z178-320(JM) 76. 18-1266 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1902 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northwest corner of Walnut Hill Lane and Marsh Lane Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z178-321 (CY)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development Subdistrict for Multiple Family Subdistrict uses on property zoned an MF-2 Multiple Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, along the northeast corner of McKinney Avenue and Hester Avenue Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan and conditions Z178-174(PD1
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for Multifamily District uses on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the southwest corner of North Tennant Street and West Davis Street, with consideration given to a Planned Development District for Single Family District uses Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z178-235(JM)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development District No. 574, on the northeast side of Highland Road, northwest of Ferguson Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z178-315(JM)
A public hearing on an application for and a resolution granting a variance to the alcohol spacing requirements from an open-enrollment charter school, Texans Can Academy [DBA Dallas Can Academy] as required by Section 6-4 of the Dallas City Code to allow a mixed-beverages permit (Chapter 28 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code) for a restaurant without drive-in or drive-through service with a food and beverage certificate [Cafe Chaman] on the south line of Jefferson Boulevard, east of Bishop Avenue -AV189-001 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for (1) an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses on property zoned an NO (A) Neighborhood Office District, a CS Commercial Service District, and an R-7.5(A) Single Family District with Specific Use Permit No. 1781 for a transit passenger station or transfer center on a portion; and (2) a resolution terminating the existing deed restrictions, on the south line of Walnut Hill Lane and the west line of White Rock Trail Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan, conceptual fence elevation plan, and conditions; and approval of the termination of existing deed restrictions Z178-238(SM)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers