Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Agenda ltem/Open Microphone Speakers
19-770 Approval of Minutes of the May 22, 2019 City Council Meeting
City Attorney's Office 2. 19-839 Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Three Expo Events, LLC v. City of Dallas, Cause No. 3:16-CV-00513, subject to a settlement agreement approved by the City Attorney's Office - Not to exceed $650,000.00-Financing: Risk Management Funds City Auditor's Office 3. 19-841 Authorize a budget estimate of the needs and requirements of the City Auditor's Office for Fiscal Year 2019-20 in the amount of $3,422,840 (subject to final citywide funding adjustments for decisions that will be made on a citywide basis for items such as staff benefits, insurance, Communication and Information Services chargebacks, and other items that may affect all City departmental budgets) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Dallas Animal Services 4. 19-703 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from Petco Foundation for the Petco Foundation Grant Lifesaving Investment, to create operations, programs, and partnerships that reduce the number of animals in shelters and provide additional lifesaving opportunities in the amount of $150,000.00 for the period June 12, 2019 through August 31, 2020; (2) receipt and deposit of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 in the Petco Foundation Grant 19-20 Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 in the Petco Foundation Grant 19-20 Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $150,000.00 - Financing: Petco Foundation Grant Funds Department of Public Works 5. 19-754 Authorize (1) a Contribution in Aid of Construction Agreement with the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) for funding participation in the partial paving and drainage improvements of the alley between Barnes Bridge Road and Bon Park Court/Drummond Drive from Cotillion Drive to Ferguson Road; (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from NTMWD in an amount not to exceed $63,000.00 for NTMWD's share of the project costs in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund; and (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $63,000.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund - Not to exceed $63,000.00 - Financing: Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund 6. 19-295 Authorize a professional services contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company - Dallas, LLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-1410 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $275,373.55- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 7. 19-137 Authorize a professional services contract with Dikita Enterprises, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-2009 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $202,665.26-Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($190,465.26) and Water Utilities Capital Construction Funds ($12,200.00) 8. 19-289 Authorize a professional services contract with Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-8001 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $118,878.99- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($116,053.99) and Water Construction Fund ($2,825.00) 9. 19-528 Authorize a construction contract for the construction of thoroughfare improvements for South Hampton Road from Crow Creek Drive to north of West Ledbetter Drive - DDM Construction Corporation, lowest responsible bidder of five - Not to exceed $1,826,950.00- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) 10. 19-714 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Texas Standard Construction, Ltd. for additional storm drainage work, water main lowering, and wastewater lateral adjustment construction on Fordham Road from Bonnie View Road to Illinois Avenue - Not to exceed $112,186.81, from $3,196,267.75 to $3,308,454.56- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) 11. 19-634 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Pavecon Public Works, LP for additional work associated with the construction of a drainage channel and the installation of light emitting diode street lighting for Chalk Hill Road from Davis Street to 800 feet south of Interstate Highway 30- Not to exceed $171,054.30, from $10,332,248.64 to $10,503,302.94- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 12. 19-631 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Jeske Construction Company to remove various concrete panels found underneath the roadway and add eight-inch flex-base material, and add permanent traffic signs and pavement markings along South Ewing Avenue from Galloway Avenue to Genoa Avenue - Not to exceed $149,693.90, from $2,082,956.00 to $2,232,649.90 - Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) Department of Sanitation Services 13. 19-795 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to ratify an emergency construction contract and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract with Hammett Excavation, Inc. for soil hauling, earthwork and all-weather roadway improvements at the McCommas Bluff landfill located at 5555 Youngblood Road - Not to exceed $900,308.20 - Financing: Sanitation Capital Improvement Funds Department of Sustainable Development and Construction 15. 19-567 Authorize acquisition from Curtis Seastrunk, of approximately 7,308 square feet of land located in Hunt County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $5,000.00 ($2,517.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $2,483.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 16. 19-472 Authorize acquisition from Dora Jean Gayler, of approximately 37,827 square feet of land located in Van Zandt County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $16,026.00 ($13,026.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 17. 19-473 Authorize acquisition from Lawrence Schmitz, of approximately 7,944 square feet of land improved with a single-family dwelling located in Van Zandt County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $48,000.00 ($45,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 18. 19-114 Authorize acquisition from North Texas Municipal Water District, of approximately 13,197 square feet of unimproved land located in Kaufman County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $13,500.00 ($10,065.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,435.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 19. 19-519 Authorize acquisition from Maria Barba, of approximately 7,802 square feet of land with a single-family dwelling located near the intersection of Pontiac and Morrell Avenues for the Cadillac Heights Phase II Project - Not to exceed $80,000.00 ($76,500.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not exceed $3,500.00) - Financing: Land Acquisition in Cadillac Heights Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 20. 19-638 Authorize moving expense and replacement housing payments for Maria Gloria DeLeon as a result of an official written offer of just compensation to purchase real property at 2926 McGowan Street for the Cadillac Heights Phase II Project - Not to exceed $64,900.00 - Financing: Land Acquisition in Cadillac Heights Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 21. 19-612 A resolution authorizing the conveyance of approximately 9,203 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Collin County near the intersection of State Highway 205 and John King Boulevard - Revenue: $2,588.00 22. 19-611 A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a tract of land and Drainage Easement for a total of approximately 9,308 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Collin County near the intersection of State Highway 205 and John King Boulevard - Revenue: $2,712.00 24. 19-475 An ordinance abandoning a portion of a sanitary sewer easement to 2015 Prairie LLC, the abutting owner, located near the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Monarch Street - Revenue: $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 25. 19-549 Authorize an amendment to an existing license agreement with American Towers LLC, d/b/a American Texas Towers LLC to (1) install additional antennas at the Premises; (2) increase monthly license payments; and (3) provide for a one-time "Capital Contribution Fee" representing the City's contribution for costs associated with tower modifications required to accommodate the installation of the City's equipment for approximately 14,895 square feet of land and tower space located at 2833 Remond Drive to be used for Police and Fire radio channels for the period August 1, 2019 through March 10, 2024- Not to exceed $41,085.00, from $869,938.36 to $911,023.36- Financing: Communication Service Fund ($19,880.00) (subject to annual appropriations) and 2018 Master Lease Equipment Fund ($21,205.00) 26. 19-812 Authorize a boundary adjustment agreement with the City of Grand Prairie on property located east of Hardy Road and Cardiff Street and north of Kiest Boulevard to allow more efficient delivery of city services - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City Department of Transportation 27. 19-647 Authorize payment to the Texas Department of Transportation for cost overruns related to intersection and traffic signal improvements at the following five locations: Lombardy Lane and Brockbank Drive, Illinois Avenue and Vernon Avenue, Ferguson Road and Maylee Boulevard/Shiloh Road, Cedar Springs Road and Douglas Avenue, Olive Street and San Jacinto Street in the amount of $162,321.47 - Financing: General Fund 28. 19-642 Authorize (1) the receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $12,800.00 from HCBeck, LTD on behalf of AT&T, Inc. for material, equipment and labor provided by the City related to the construction of a traffic signal upgrade at Griffin and Wood Streets; and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $12,800.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund - Not to exceed $12,800.00- Financing: Capital Projects Reimbursement Funds 29. 19-725 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the Surface Transportation Block Grant (Agreement No. CSJ 0918-47-072, CFDA No. 20.205) in the amount of $1,791,508.00 as federal share in the total project cost estimate of $2,418,411.00 (includes Federal and State participation of $1,955,406.00) for costs related to the installation of safety measures at several railroad/roadway crossing locations in East Dallas along the Kansas City Southern Railway corridor for the establishment of a Quiet Zone; (2) the establishment of appropriations in the amount of $1,791,508.00 in the Surface Transportation Block Grant Project Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of funds in the amount of $1,791,508.00 in the Surface Transportation Block Grant Project Fund; (4) a required local match in the amount of $463,005.00 from 2017 Bond Funds; (5) disbursement of a portion of local match funds in the amount of $15,128.00 to be issued as warrant checks to TxDOT for State construction costs and other State direct costs related to the project (includes $5,988.00 initial payment and $9,140.00 payment prior to construction); and (6) execution of the Local Project Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT in the approximate amount of $2,418,411.00 and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement - Total amount of $2,418,411.00- Financing: Texas Department of Transportation Grant Funds ($1,955,406.00) and Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($463,005.00) (see Fiscal Information) Equipment and Fleet Management Department 30. 19-813 An ordinance amending Chapter 15D, "Emergency Vehicles", of the Dallas City Code, by amending Sections 15D-15and 15D-53to (1) revise the definition of Emergency Wrecker Service to include City-owned vehicles; and (2) include the addition of City-owned vehicles to the rapid response program - Estimated amount of $149,994- Financing: Various Funds (see Fiscal Information) Fire-Rescue Department 31. 19-708 Authorize (1) the receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $375,188.00 in the DCCCD El Centra Fund; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $375,188.00 in the DCCCD El Centra Fund; and (3) a two-year interlocal contract with El Centra College of the Dallas County Community College District for reimbursement of City of Dallas Fire-Rescue Department training costs for the period September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2021 - Revenue: $375,188.00 Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 32. 19-819 Authorize amendments to the City of Dallas Comprehensive Housing Policy, previously approved on May 9, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-0704, as amended, to amend and restate the low income housing tax credit (HTC) policy for evaluating proposals submitted by developers requesting resolutions of support or no objection from the City for multi-family rental housing development projects (Projects) seeking HTC through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) to: (1) adjust the calendar for applications to allow applications to be received quarterly; (2) add threshold criteria that will be applied to all Projects seeking a resolution; (3) adjust the evaluation criteria; (4) add a glossary; (5) provide that a 9% HTC Project that is recommended for a resolution of support will also be recommended to receive a nominal $500.00 funding commitment from the City; and (6) allow the City Manager to update and publish the application calendar annually and to amend the service description categories and point allocations on an annual basis - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for future cost) Library 33. 19-777 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a grant from Arts Midwest on behalf of National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (Grant No. 00024062/Federal ID No. 1844334-52-C-18, CFDA No. 45.024) in the amount of $15,000.00 to support the implementation of the NEA Big Read Program for the City of Dallas for the period September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; (2) the establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 in the NEA Big Read Grant 19-20 Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of grant funds from Arts Midwest on behalf of National Endowment for the Arts in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 in the NEA Big Read Grant 19-20 Fund; (4) a required local match in an amount not to exceed $24,735.00 from the General Fund; (5) an in-kind match in the amount of $4,306.00; and (6) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Total not to exceed $44,041.00-Financing: Arts Midwest Grant Funds ($15,000.00), In-Kind ($4,306.00) and General Fund ($24,735.00) Office of Budget 34. 19-822 Authorize (1) final adoption of the FY 2019-20 HUD Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Funds in an estimated amount of $29,896,688 for the following programs and estimated amounts: (a) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $14,697,642; (b) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) in the amount of $5,427,679; (c) Emergency Solutions Grant in the amount of $1,256,675; (d) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS in the amount of $7,058,692; and (e) estimated Program Income in the amount of $1,456,000, comprised of $456,000 for CDBG and $1,000,000 for HOME; and (2) final adoption of the new Five-Year Consolidated Plan, covering the period of FY 2019-20 through FY 2023-24- Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Cultural Affairs 35. 19-661 A resolution authorizing and establishing the ArtsActivate 2020 program, which consolidates and updates two existing Cultural Support Programs within the Office of Cultural Affairs, to further the goals of the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 and support cultural services in the City of Dallas, and approving the program guidelines - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 36. 19-823 Authorize a contract with Brad Oldham International, Inc. for the composition of public artwork at Hillcrest Village Green Park located at 6959 Arapaho Road - Not to exceed $144,985.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities Fund (2006 Bond Funds) ($61,665.60) and Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($83,319.40) Office of Economic Development 39. 19-578 Authorize the extension and amendment of the Public/Private Partnership Program Guidelines and Criteria, previously approved on December 12, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-1861 for the period July 1, 2019through December 31, 2019 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Procurement Services 40. 19-471 Authorize a three-year service price agreement for event equipment rental services for the Park & Recreation Department - Texas Tent, LLC, most advantageous proposer of four - Not to exceed $609,952 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 41. 19-724 Authorize a three-year service contract for subscription to Linkedln for the Department of Human Resources and Civil Service with Carahsoft through the Department of Information Resources cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $236,362.80- Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 42. 19-821 Authorize the purchase of twenty-nine pieces of service shop equipment to be used by the Equipment and Fleet Management Department with Reeder Distributors, Inc. through the Texas Association of School Boards cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $289,395 - Financing: Master Lease-Equipment Fund 43. 19-558 Authorize the purchase of replacement bunker golf course sand to be utilized at the Tenison Park Golf Course for the Park & Recreation Department - Texas Sports Sand, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two -Not to exceed $97,572 - Financing: Golf Improvement Trust Fund 44. 19-764 Authorize the sale of one track loader through a public auction on March 29, 2019 to A&S Recycling in the amount of $21,800, highest bidder - Revenue: $21,800 45. 19-718 Authorize a two-year master agreement for furniture, floor covering, modular walls, high density storage shelving, and related support services with Allsteel, Arcadia, Coalese, Davis, Encore, Environmanics, Geiger, Groupe Lacasse, Haworth, Inc., Herman Miller, Inc., Hon Office Furniture, Human Scale, Interface, Just Ergonomics, Kl, Knoll, Inc., Krug, Miliken & Company, Mohawk Industries, National Office Furniture, Patcraft, Peter Pepper Products, Inc., Shaw Industries, SitOnlt, Spacesaver, Steelcase, Texas Correctional Industries, Varidesk, Virco, Inc. and their associated distributors through the BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperation, General Services Administration, National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance, National Joint Powers Association, The Cooperative Purchasing Network, Texas Multiple Award Schedules, and U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance cooperative agreements, as specifically described in Exhibit A - Estimated amount of $6,000,000 - Financing: General Fund ($4,844,795), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($504,428), Data Services Fund ($278,907), Aviation Fund ($227,670), Convention and Event Services Fund ($105,653), and Sanitation Services Fund ($38,547) 46. 19-564 Authorize a three-year master agreement for propane and propane cylinders - Ferrellgas, LP in the amount of $156,976.91 and Northwest Butane Gas Co. dba Northwest Propane Gas Co. in the amount of $325.00, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total not to exceed $ 157,301.91 -Financing: General Fund ($133,452.12), Convention and Event Services Fund ($12,918.41), Data Services Fund ($4,919.21), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($3,586.42), Sanitation Services Fund ($1,366.76), and Aviation Fund ($1,058.99) 47. 19-548 Authorize a three-year master agreement for concrete and asphalt saw blades - Simba Industries in an estimated amount of $316,241.37, Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc. in an estimated amount of $119,344.16, Diteq Corporation in an estimated amount of $80,208.12, and Mavich LLC in an estimated amount of $5,119.17, lowest responsible bidders of four - Total estimated amount of $520,912.82- Financing: General Fund ($325,085.23), Aviation Fund ($132,979.00), and Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($62,848.59) 48. 19-723 Authorize a five-year master agreement for law enforcement badges for the Police Department - V.H. Blackinton, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two -Estimated amount of $366,898.25 - Financing: General Fund Office of Welcoming Communities & Immigrant Affairs 49. 19-840 Authorize a Safe Network Agreement with the Vera Institute of Justice, Inc. (Vera) committing (1) the City to remit $100,000.00 in funding to Vera for representation of Dallas residents before the Executive Office of Immigration Review; (2) Vera to remit a matching catalyst grant of $100,000.00 to the selected non-profit legal service provider; and (3) Vera to provide in-kind support including the selection of a non-profit legal services provider in Dallas recognized to practice before the Immigration Court, training and technical assistance, data collection, reporting, program monitoring, and communications assistance - Not to exceed $100,000.00-Financing: General Fund Park & Recreation Department 50. 19-765 Authorize a contract for the construction of the DeGolyer House West Wing Envelope Repair at the Dallas Arboretum located at 8525 Garland Road -Phoenix I Restoration and Construction, Ltd., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $675,000.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 51. 19-778 Authorize a contract for the construction of the Hall of State Chiller Replacement Project located at 3939 Grand Avenue in Fair Park - METCO Engineering, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $511,999.00- Financing: Fair Park Improvements (C) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 52. 19-766 Authorize a contract for the construction of the Phase 2 Aquatic Facilities Project at Bahama Beach Waterpark Expansion located at 1895Campfire Circle, Exline Neighborhood Aquatic Center located at 2430 Eugene Street, and Harry Stone Neighborhood Aquatic Center located at 2403 Millmar Drive - Big Sky Construction Co., Inc., best value proposer of five - Not to exceed $14,580,000.00- Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) Water Utilities Department 53. 19-433 Authorize a professional services contract with Halff Associates, Inc., for the engineering design of Storm Drainage Contract No. 2 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $965,165.00- Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund 54. 19-604 Authorize a professional services contract with Garver, LLC for the engineering design of Storm Drainage Contract No. 3 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $886,940.13- Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund 55. 19-608 Authorize a professional services contract with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. to provide engineering services required for the investigation, preliminary design, development of construction plans and specifications, bid phase services, construction administration and start-up associated with aeration improvements at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $3,474,000.00 - Financing: Sewer Construction Fund 56. 19-500 Authorize a professional services contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. to provide construction management services for construction contracts related to improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant, the East Side Water Treatment Plant, the Bachman Water Treatment Plant, and the Walnut Hill Pump Station - Not to exceed $7,042,700.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 57. 19-600 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with MWH Constructors, Inc. for additional work associated with water quality and miscellaneous improvements at the Bachman Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $203,201.70, from $48,736,051.75 to $48,939,253.45-Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 58. 19-614 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. for additional work associated with improvements at three meter vaults (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $482,106.00, from $4,000,000.00 to $4,482,106.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 59. 19-620 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with BAR Constructors, Inc. for additional work associated with the construction of a new pump station to replace the existing Pump Station No. 1 at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $644,091.87, from $50,090,500.00 to $50,734,591.87- Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 60. 19-568 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with JQ Infrastructure, LLC to provide additional engineering services required for the investigation, preliminary design, development of construction plans and specifications, bid phase services, construction administration and start-up of rehabilitation improvements for influent piping and equipment at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $708,681.00, from $1,095,000.00 to $1,803,681.00- Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement Fund 61. 19-555 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. to provide additional engineering services for corrosion prevention design of three priority water transmission pipeline locations - Not to exceed $325,710.00, from $1,644,038.00 to $1,969,748.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund
19-779 Authorize the naming of the Texas Buckeye Trail to the Ned and Genie Fritz Texas Buckeye Trail - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-695 Authorize a resolution (1) designating approximately 373acres of property along Buckner Boulevard and Great Trinity Forest Way in the Pleasant Grove area of Dallas, Texas as City of Dallas Neighborhood Empowerment Zone No. 10("City of Dallas NEZ No. 10"), pursuant to Chapter 378of the Texas Local Government Code, to promote an increase in economic development in the zone, establish boundaries of the zone, and provide for an effective date; (2) creating a pilot economic development program for City of Dallas NEZ No. 10; and (3) increasing appropriations, future encumbrances, and disbursement as appropriate in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 - Financing: ECO (l) Fund (2017 Bond Funds)
19-817 An ordinance amending Chapter 18, "Municipal Solid Wastes," of the Dallas City Code, by amending Sections 18-2, 18-4, and 18-9; (1) clarifying and adding definitions; (2) adding restrictions to the placement of brush and bulky trash; (3) providing a limitation on the quantity of brush and bulky trash collections; (4) providing regulations on oversized brush and bulky trash collections; (5) providing that fees for excessive and non-compliant brush and bulky trash service will be adopted with the 2019-2020 fee ordinance; and (6) providing that construction debris will be collected for a fee as part of a non-compliant brush and bulky trash collection or as a cost plus rate -Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-194 An ordinance abandoning a portion of an alley to 75218 Property Company, the abutting owner, containing approximately 8,893 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Harter Road and Lake Highlands Drive; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: $151,181.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee
19-818 Authorize the Third Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Dallas Theater Center (DTC) for a five-year term to enable the DTC to continue to lease, occupy, manage, and operate the Kalita Humphreys Theater and Annex Building located at 3636 Turtle Creek Boulevard for the period June 12, 2019 through June 1, 2024 - Revenue: $5.00
19-771 Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
19-660 A resolution requesting the Board of Adjustment to authorize compliance proceedings for the Club Linares Bar located at 1101 South Haskell Avenue, Dallas, Texas - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (via Councilmembers Felder, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Medrano, Kingston, Narvaez, and Arnold)
19-755 Authorize an Interlocal Agreement with the Dallas County Community College District on behalf of Cedar Valley College (CVC) to support the CVC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) Center of Excellence and create an expanded workforce training program for commercial HVAC technicians for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021- Not to exceed $100,000.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund
19-756 Authorize (1) a development agreement with the Dallas County Heritage, Society Inc., in an amount not to exceed $650,000.00, payable from exiting and/or future Cedars TIF District Funds, to support restoration of the Park Avenue House and Rail House to be used as co-working office space at the Dallas Heritage Village located at 1515 South Harwood Street; and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $650,000.00 in the Cedars TIF District Fund - Not to exceed $650,000.00 - Financing: Cedars TIF District Fund (subject to appropriation from existing and future tax increment)
19-836 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a Continuum of Care ("CoC") Grant (Grant No. TX0236L6T001810and CFDA No. 14.267) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the City of Dallas' Gateway to Permanent Supportive Housing Project in an amount not to exceed $739,943.00, to provide project-based rental assistance and case management for single chronically homeless persons for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020; (2) an assignment of the CoC Grant to PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc. dba AIDS Services of Dallas as recipient grantee in place of the City of Dallas under the grant agreement; and (3) execution of any and all documents required for the grant and grantee substitution - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on May 22, 2019)
19-887 An ordinance amending Chapter 52 "Administrative Procedures for the Construction Codes", Section 303 of the Dallas City Code to amend the method used to calculate the fees charged for residential construction permits to be in compliance with state law - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-870 Authorize the first amendment to the loan agreement with Texas Heavenly Homes, Ltd. for the acquisition and development of single-family homes in the Bottom neighborhood, previously approved by Resolution No. 08-1800 on June 25, 2008, to: (1) extend the completion date from January 9, 2016 to: (a) within two years of completion of Phase I of the public infrastructure improvement project for the 10 parcels of real property located in Phase I of the public infrastructure improvement project; and (b) within two years of completion of Phase II of the public infrastructure improvement project for the 19 parcels of real property located in Phase II of the public infrastructure improvement project; (2) require house elevations and plans to conform with the Bottom Urban Structure and Guidelines and the Urban Design Expectations; (3) require the constructed homes to be sold to households earning 80 percent of area median income and below; (4) impose a five-year period of affordability wherein the home must remain occupied by an eligible household; (5) include performance thresholds and requirements; and (6) convert the loan agreement to a conditional grant agreement -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-867 Authorize the first amendment to Resolution No. 19-0360, previously approved on February 27, 2019, for a mixed-use and mixed-income multifamily residential development to be located at 2400 Bryan Street to: (1) amend the development loan amount with 2400 Bryan Street, LLC or an affiliate ("2400 Bryan") to only include an amount not to exceed $6,000,000.00 in Public/Private Partnership Funds for construction; (2) authorize a development loan agreement with the City of Dallas Housing Finance Corporation ("DHFC"), instead of 2400 Bryan, for acquisition of land and construction, subject to DHFC Board of Directors' approval in an amount not to exceed $7,026,943.00 in Community Development Block Grant Funds; (3) allow the closing of the 2400 Bryan and DHFC grant/loan to occur prior to closing on the equity and all other financing for the development; (4) allow 2400 Bryan and DHFC to be reimbursed for costs associated to acquisition at closing, but must meet all other requirements under Resolution No. 19-0360 to be reimbursed the remaining loan and grant amounts; and (5) allow the City to maintain no less than 3rd lien position - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-869 Authorize the first amendment to Resolution No. 19-0385, previously approved on February 27, 2019, for a mixed-income multifamily residential development to be located at the intersection of West Camp Wisdom Road and South Westmoreland Road site of the former Red Bird Mall/Southwest Center Mall to: (1) amend the development loan amount with Palladium Redbird, Ltd. or an affiliate ("Palladium Redbird") to only include an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 in HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds for construction; (2) authorize a development loan agreement with Palladium Redbird or the City of Dallas Housing Finance Corporation ("DHFC") for acquisition of land and construction, subject to DHFC Board of Directors' approval in an amount not to exceed $1,271,576.00 in Community Development Block Grant Funds; (3) allow the closing of the Palladium Redbird and DHFC grant/loan to occur prior to closing on the equity and all other financing for the development; (4) allow Palladium Redbird and DHFC to be reimbursed for costs associated to acquisition at closing, but must meet all other requirements under the agreement to be reimbursed the remaining loan and grant amounts; and (5) allow the City to maintain no less than 3rd lien position - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-824 Authorize the first amendment to Resolution No. 19-0387, previously approved on February 27, 2019, for a mixed-income multifamily complex for seniors to be located at 2649 Centerville Road to: (1) amend the funding source for the development loan amount with TX Casa View 2018, Ltd. ("TCV") from $3,801,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Funds to $1,620,154.00 in CDBG Funds and $2,180,846.00 in HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds; and (2) allow the closing of the TCV grant/loan to occur prior to closing on the equity and all other financing for the development - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-768 Authorize an increase in the homestead property tax exemption for persons who are disabled or 65 or older from $90,000 to $94,100 beginning with the 2019 tax year (fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019) -Estimated Annual Revenue Foregone: $1,300,000
19-848 Authorize (1) reprogramming of $600,000.00 from 2017 Bond Funds originally allocated for the Campbell Green Park - Site Improvements Project to the Hillcrest Village Green - Site Development Project; and (2) a contract for construction of the Hillcrest Village Green - Site Development Project located at 6959 Arapaho Road - RoeschCo Construction, Inc., best value proposer of two - Not to exceed $4,293,900.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds)
19-695 Authorize an increase in appropriations and use of 2017 Bond Funds (Proposition I) in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for design, construction and installation of a new Hawk traffic signal on Singleton Boulevard between McPherson Street and Gulden Lane - Not to exceed $250,000.00 - Financing: ECO (I) Fund (2017 Bond Funds)
19-850 Authorize (1) a development agreement with DD Dunhill Hotel LLC ("Developer") and/or its affiliates in an amount not to exceed $3,622,885.00, payable from future Design District TIF District Funds, in consideration of the Virgin Hotel Infrastructure Project on and adjacent to property currently addressed at 1909 Hi Line Drive in Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Eight (Design District TIF District); and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $3,622,885.00 in the Design District TIF District Fund - Not to exceed $3,622,885.00 - Financing: Design District TIF District Fund (subject to current and future appropriations from tax increments)
19-885 Authorize (1) an action to confirm the sale of the Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Soldier sculpture, sold through an online auction held May 23, 2019 through June 5, 2019, to the highest bidder who tenders payment in full and executes a purchase agreement and bill of sale; and (2) the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement and bill of sale with the purchaser - Revenue: $1,435,000
Closed Session Attorney Briefings (Sec. 551.071 T.O.M.A.) - Legal issues related to 189-031 compliance date hearing and Freddy Davenport d/b/a Jim's Car Wash et al. v. City of Dallas, et al. Cause No. DC-19-04899. - City of Dallas v. Akita Partners, LLC d/b/a Self Service Car Washes of Texas, et al. Cause No. DC-18-17412. - Legal issues related to Adams Food Mart at 9535 Bruton Road. - Legal issues related to demolitions in the 10th Street Historic District and Tenth Street Residential Association v. The City of Dallas, Tx. Cause No. 3:19-CV-00179-N. - E. Tobolowsky, deceased, Cause No. DC-18-17620.
19-806 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting (1) an amendment to Planned Development District No. 944 from R-5(A) Single Family District uses to MU-1 Mixed Use District uses; and (2) an expansion of Planned Development District No. 944, on property zoned Planned Development District No. 944, an IR Industrial Research District, and an IM Industrial Manufacturing District in an area bounded by Duluth Street and Singleton Boulevard to the north, Borger Street to the east, Pablo Street to the south, and Vilbig Road to the west Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, a cross section for the shared access area in Subareas B and C, a cross section for a 53-foot right-of-way, a cross section for an 80-foot right-of-way, and staffs recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, a cross section for the shared access area in Subareas B and C, a cross section for a 53-foot right-of-way, a cross section for an 80-foot right-of-way, and conditions Z178-271 (JM)
19-808 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on property zoned a CS Commercial Service District, east of Harry Hines Boulevard, at the terminus of Mail Avenue, to the southeast Recommendation of Staff: Denial Recommendation of CPC: Approval Z189-149(JM)
68. 19-798 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Tract 2 within Planned Development District No. 812, on the northwest corner of Fran Way and Compton Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a perimeter fence and gated streets plan Z178-300(SM) 69. 19-799 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 621, the Old Trinity and Design District Special Purpose District, on property zoned Subdistrict 1 within Planned Development District No. 621 and Planned Development District No. 442, north of the intersection of North Stemmons Freeway Service Road and Slocum Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to conditions Z178-314(CY) 70. 19-800 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 1339 for an open enrollment charter school on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the northwest corner of Rylie Road and Tufts Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site plan, revised traffic management plan and conditions Z189-17KCY) 73. 19-803 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a tower/antenna for cellular communication on property zoned an MU-1 Mixed Use District and a CS Commercial Service District, on the east line of Dickerson Street, north of Ronnie Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-184(SM) 74. 19-804 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the south line of Lake June Road, between Hawley Lane and Oak Hill Circle Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-212(CT)
19-801 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2074 for a potentially incompatible industrial use limited to metal or metal product treatment or processing on property zoned an RS-I Regional Service Industrial Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, on the north corner of South Harwood Street and Coombs Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to conditions Z189-173UM)
19-802 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a public library on property zoned an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on the north line of Park Lane, between Greenville Avenue and Ridgecrest Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a permanent period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-18KPD)
19-805 A public hearing to receive comments regarding a City Council authorized hearing to determine proper zoning on property zoned Subdistricts S-1a, S-1b, S-2a, S-2b, S-9, and S-10 in the South Zone of Planned Development No. 521 with consideration being given to appropriate zoning for the areas including use, development standards, and other appropriate regulations on property generally on: (1) the west side of Mountain Creek Parkway from l-20to West Camp Wisdom Road (S-1b); (2) the southwest corner of Mountain Creek Parkway and West Camp Wisdom Road (S-1a); (3) the southwest corner of West Camp Wisdom Road and Eagle Ford Drive (S-2b); (4) the north side of West Camp Wisdom Road at the terminus of Eagle Ford Drive (S-2a); and (5) the south side of West Camp Wisdom Road from west of Timberbrook Lane to Clark Road (S-9, S-10) and an ordinance granting the amendments Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval of amendments to Planned Development District No. 521 Z156-325(NW)
19-807 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to and an expansion of Planned Development District No. 372 on property zoned Planned Development District No. 372 and Planned Development Subdistrict No. 6 within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, in an area generally bounded by McKinney Avenue to the east, Lemmon Avenue East to the north, Oak Grove Avenue to the west, and Lemmon Avenue to the south Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, a revised landscape plan, and staffs recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, a revised landscape plan, and conditions Z189-141 (JM)
19-809 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a commercial motor vehicle parking use on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District, on the northeast line of South Central Expressway, between McCommas Bluff Road and Youngblood Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-186(CT)
19-810 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned an RR-D-1 Regional Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the southwest corner of Great Trinity Forest Way (Loop 12) and Murdock Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-193UM)
19-811 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned an RR-D-1 Regional Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northeast corner of Murdock Road and Elkton Circle, southwest of C.F. Hawn Freeway Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-21KPD)
19-740 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and (1) an ordinance granting an amendment to Tract 6 for LO-1(A) Limited Office District uses; and (2) an ordinance terminating Specific Use Permit No. 610 for a health center, on property zoned Tract 6 for LO-1 (A) Limited Office District uses within Planned Development District No. 508, on property bounded by Bickers Street, Holystone Street, and Greenleaf Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, development plan, landscape plan, traffic management plan, and conditions; and approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 610 for a health center use Z178-260(SM) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on February 27, 2019, April 10, 2019, and May 8, 2019, and is scheduled for consideration on June 12, 2019
19-654 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2229 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northeast corner of Great Trinity Forest Way and North Jim Miller Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to conditions Recommendation of CPC: Denial without prejudice Z178-377(PD) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on February 27, 2019 and April 24, 2019, and is scheduled for consideration on June 12, 2019
19-774 A public hearing to receive comments regarding the application for and approval of the fill permit and removal of the floodplain (FP) prefix from approximately 0.1 acres of the current 2.975 acres of land located at 4144 Cochran Chapel Road, within the floodplain of Bachman Branch, Fill Permit 17-10 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-758 A public hearing to receive comments concerning the renewal and expansion of the South Side Public Improvement District (the "District"), in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code (the "Act"), for the specified area of the District, for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and, at the closing of the public hearing authorize (1) a resolution renewing the District for a period of seven years, from 2020-2026; (2) expansion of the District's boundary; (3) the District's Service Plan for 2020-2026 for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (4) a management contract with South Side Quarter Development Corporation, a Texas non-profit corporation, as the management entity for the District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-759 A public hearing to receive comments concerning the renewal of the Uptown Public Improvement District (District), in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the specified area of the District, for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and, at the close of the public hearing authorize (1) a resolution renewing the District for a period of seven-years, from 2020 to 2026; (2) the District's Service Plan for 2020-2026 for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (3) a management contract with Uptown Dallas, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation as the management entity for the District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
Additional Item
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Agenda ltem/Open Microphone Speakers
19-770 Approval of Minutes of the May 22, 2019 City Council Meeting
City Attorney's Office 2. 19-839 Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Three Expo Events, LLC v. City of Dallas, Cause No. 3:16-CV-00513, subject to a settlement agreement approved by the City Attorney's Office - Not to exceed $650,000.00-Financing: Risk Management Funds City Auditor's Office 3. 19-841 Authorize a budget estimate of the needs and requirements of the City Auditor's Office for Fiscal Year 2019-20 in the amount of $3,422,840 (subject to final citywide funding adjustments for decisions that will be made on a citywide basis for items such as staff benefits, insurance, Communication and Information Services chargebacks, and other items that may affect all City departmental budgets) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Dallas Animal Services 4. 19-703 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from Petco Foundation for the Petco Foundation Grant Lifesaving Investment, to create operations, programs, and partnerships that reduce the number of animals in shelters and provide additional lifesaving opportunities in the amount of $150,000.00 for the period June 12, 2019 through August 31, 2020; (2) receipt and deposit of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 in the Petco Foundation Grant 19-20 Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 in the Petco Foundation Grant 19-20 Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $150,000.00 - Financing: Petco Foundation Grant Funds Department of Public Works 5. 19-754 Authorize (1) a Contribution in Aid of Construction Agreement with the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) for funding participation in the partial paving and drainage improvements of the alley between Barnes Bridge Road and Bon Park Court/Drummond Drive from Cotillion Drive to Ferguson Road; (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from NTMWD in an amount not to exceed $63,000.00 for NTMWD's share of the project costs in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund; and (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $63,000.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund - Not to exceed $63,000.00 - Financing: Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund 6. 19-295 Authorize a professional services contract with Dannenbaum Engineering Company - Dallas, LLC for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-1410 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $275,373.55- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 7. 19-137 Authorize a professional services contract with Dikita Enterprises, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-2009 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $202,665.26-Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($190,465.26) and Water Utilities Capital Construction Funds ($12,200.00) 8. 19-289 Authorize a professional services contract with Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. for the engineering design of Street Reconstruction Group 17-8001 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $118,878.99- Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($116,053.99) and Water Construction Fund ($2,825.00) 9. 19-528 Authorize a construction contract for the construction of thoroughfare improvements for South Hampton Road from Crow Creek Drive to north of West Ledbetter Drive - DDM Construction Corporation, lowest responsible bidder of five - Not to exceed $1,826,950.00- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) 10. 19-714 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Texas Standard Construction, Ltd. for additional storm drainage work, water main lowering, and wastewater lateral adjustment construction on Fordham Road from Bonnie View Road to Illinois Avenue - Not to exceed $112,186.81, from $3,196,267.75 to $3,308,454.56- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) 11. 19-634 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Pavecon Public Works, LP for additional work associated with the construction of a drainage channel and the installation of light emitting diode street lighting for Chalk Hill Road from Davis Street to 800 feet south of Interstate Highway 30- Not to exceed $171,054.30, from $10,332,248.64 to $10,503,302.94- Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 12. 19-631 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Jeske Construction Company to remove various concrete panels found underneath the roadway and add eight-inch flex-base material, and add permanent traffic signs and pavement markings along South Ewing Avenue from Galloway Avenue to Genoa Avenue - Not to exceed $149,693.90, from $2,082,956.00 to $2,232,649.90 - Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 Bond Funds) Department of Sanitation Services 13. 19-795 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to ratify an emergency construction contract and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract with Hammett Excavation, Inc. for soil hauling, earthwork and all-weather roadway improvements at the McCommas Bluff landfill located at 5555 Youngblood Road - Not to exceed $900,308.20 - Financing: Sanitation Capital Improvement Funds Department of Sustainable Development and Construction 15. 19-567 Authorize acquisition from Curtis Seastrunk, of approximately 7,308 square feet of land located in Hunt County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $5,000.00 ($2,517.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $2,483.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 16. 19-472 Authorize acquisition from Dora Jean Gayler, of approximately 37,827 square feet of land located in Van Zandt County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $16,026.00 ($13,026.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 17. 19-473 Authorize acquisition from Lawrence Schmitz, of approximately 7,944 square feet of land improved with a single-family dwelling located in Van Zandt County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $48,000.00 ($45,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 18. 19-114 Authorize acquisition from North Texas Municipal Water District, of approximately 13,197 square feet of unimproved land located in Kaufman County for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $13,500.00 ($10,065.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,435.00) - Financing: Water Construction Fund 19. 19-519 Authorize acquisition from Maria Barba, of approximately 7,802 square feet of land with a single-family dwelling located near the intersection of Pontiac and Morrell Avenues for the Cadillac Heights Phase II Project - Not to exceed $80,000.00 ($76,500.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not exceed $3,500.00) - Financing: Land Acquisition in Cadillac Heights Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 20. 19-638 Authorize moving expense and replacement housing payments for Maria Gloria DeLeon as a result of an official written offer of just compensation to purchase real property at 2926 McGowan Street for the Cadillac Heights Phase II Project - Not to exceed $64,900.00 - Financing: Land Acquisition in Cadillac Heights Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 21. 19-612 A resolution authorizing the conveyance of approximately 9,203 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Collin County near the intersection of State Highway 205 and John King Boulevard - Revenue: $2,588.00 22. 19-611 A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a tract of land and Drainage Easement for a total of approximately 9,308 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Collin County near the intersection of State Highway 205 and John King Boulevard - Revenue: $2,712.00 24. 19-475 An ordinance abandoning a portion of a sanitary sewer easement to 2015 Prairie LLC, the abutting owner, located near the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Monarch Street - Revenue: $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 25. 19-549 Authorize an amendment to an existing license agreement with American Towers LLC, d/b/a American Texas Towers LLC to (1) install additional antennas at the Premises; (2) increase monthly license payments; and (3) provide for a one-time "Capital Contribution Fee" representing the City's contribution for costs associated with tower modifications required to accommodate the installation of the City's equipment for approximately 14,895 square feet of land and tower space located at 2833 Remond Drive to be used for Police and Fire radio channels for the period August 1, 2019 through March 10, 2024- Not to exceed $41,085.00, from $869,938.36 to $911,023.36- Financing: Communication Service Fund ($19,880.00) (subject to annual appropriations) and 2018 Master Lease Equipment Fund ($21,205.00) 26. 19-812 Authorize a boundary adjustment agreement with the City of Grand Prairie on property located east of Hardy Road and Cardiff Street and north of Kiest Boulevard to allow more efficient delivery of city services - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City Department of Transportation 27. 19-647 Authorize payment to the Texas Department of Transportation for cost overruns related to intersection and traffic signal improvements at the following five locations: Lombardy Lane and Brockbank Drive, Illinois Avenue and Vernon Avenue, Ferguson Road and Maylee Boulevard/Shiloh Road, Cedar Springs Road and Douglas Avenue, Olive Street and San Jacinto Street in the amount of $162,321.47 - Financing: General Fund 28. 19-642 Authorize (1) the receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $12,800.00 from HCBeck, LTD on behalf of AT&T, Inc. for material, equipment and labor provided by the City related to the construction of a traffic signal upgrade at Griffin and Wood Streets; and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $12,800.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund - Not to exceed $12,800.00- Financing: Capital Projects Reimbursement Funds 29. 19-725 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the Surface Transportation Block Grant (Agreement No. CSJ 0918-47-072, CFDA No. 20.205) in the amount of $1,791,508.00 as federal share in the total project cost estimate of $2,418,411.00 (includes Federal and State participation of $1,955,406.00) for costs related to the installation of safety measures at several railroad/roadway crossing locations in East Dallas along the Kansas City Southern Railway corridor for the establishment of a Quiet Zone; (2) the establishment of appropriations in the amount of $1,791,508.00 in the Surface Transportation Block Grant Project Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of funds in the amount of $1,791,508.00 in the Surface Transportation Block Grant Project Fund; (4) a required local match in the amount of $463,005.00 from 2017 Bond Funds; (5) disbursement of a portion of local match funds in the amount of $15,128.00 to be issued as warrant checks to TxDOT for State construction costs and other State direct costs related to the project (includes $5,988.00 initial payment and $9,140.00 payment prior to construction); and (6) execution of the Local Project Advance Funding Agreement with TxDOT in the approximate amount of $2,418,411.00 and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement - Total amount of $2,418,411.00- Financing: Texas Department of Transportation Grant Funds ($1,955,406.00) and Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($463,005.00) (see Fiscal Information) Equipment and Fleet Management Department 30. 19-813 An ordinance amending Chapter 15D, "Emergency Vehicles", of the Dallas City Code, by amending Sections 15D-15and 15D-53to (1) revise the definition of Emergency Wrecker Service to include City-owned vehicles; and (2) include the addition of City-owned vehicles to the rapid response program - Estimated amount of $149,994- Financing: Various Funds (see Fiscal Information) Fire-Rescue Department 31. 19-708 Authorize (1) the receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $375,188.00 in the DCCCD El Centra Fund; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $375,188.00 in the DCCCD El Centra Fund; and (3) a two-year interlocal contract with El Centra College of the Dallas County Community College District for reimbursement of City of Dallas Fire-Rescue Department training costs for the period September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2021 - Revenue: $375,188.00 Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 32. 19-819 Authorize amendments to the City of Dallas Comprehensive Housing Policy, previously approved on May 9, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-0704, as amended, to amend and restate the low income housing tax credit (HTC) policy for evaluating proposals submitted by developers requesting resolutions of support or no objection from the City for multi-family rental housing development projects (Projects) seeking HTC through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) to: (1) adjust the calendar for applications to allow applications to be received quarterly; (2) add threshold criteria that will be applied to all Projects seeking a resolution; (3) adjust the evaluation criteria; (4) add a glossary; (5) provide that a 9% HTC Project that is recommended for a resolution of support will also be recommended to receive a nominal $500.00 funding commitment from the City; and (6) allow the City Manager to update and publish the application calendar annually and to amend the service description categories and point allocations on an annual basis - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for future cost) Library 33. 19-777 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a grant from Arts Midwest on behalf of National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) (Grant No. 00024062/Federal ID No. 1844334-52-C-18, CFDA No. 45.024) in the amount of $15,000.00 to support the implementation of the NEA Big Read Program for the City of Dallas for the period September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020; (2) the establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 in the NEA Big Read Grant 19-20 Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of grant funds from Arts Midwest on behalf of National Endowment for the Arts in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 in the NEA Big Read Grant 19-20 Fund; (4) a required local match in an amount not to exceed $24,735.00 from the General Fund; (5) an in-kind match in the amount of $4,306.00; and (6) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Total not to exceed $44,041.00-Financing: Arts Midwest Grant Funds ($15,000.00), In-Kind ($4,306.00) and General Fund ($24,735.00) Office of Budget 34. 19-822 Authorize (1) final adoption of the FY 2019-20 HUD Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Funds in an estimated amount of $29,896,688 for the following programs and estimated amounts: (a) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $14,697,642; (b) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) in the amount of $5,427,679; (c) Emergency Solutions Grant in the amount of $1,256,675; (d) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS in the amount of $7,058,692; and (e) estimated Program Income in the amount of $1,456,000, comprised of $456,000 for CDBG and $1,000,000 for HOME; and (2) final adoption of the new Five-Year Consolidated Plan, covering the period of FY 2019-20 through FY 2023-24- Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Cultural Affairs 35. 19-661 A resolution authorizing and establishing the ArtsActivate 2020 program, which consolidates and updates two existing Cultural Support Programs within the Office of Cultural Affairs, to further the goals of the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 and support cultural services in the City of Dallas, and approving the program guidelines - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 36. 19-823 Authorize a contract with Brad Oldham International, Inc. for the composition of public artwork at Hillcrest Village Green Park located at 6959 Arapaho Road - Not to exceed $144,985.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities Fund (2006 Bond Funds) ($61,665.60) and Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) ($83,319.40) Office of Economic Development 39. 19-578 Authorize the extension and amendment of the Public/Private Partnership Program Guidelines and Criteria, previously approved on December 12, 2018, by Resolution No. 18-1861 for the period July 1, 2019through December 31, 2019 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Procurement Services 40. 19-471 Authorize a three-year service price agreement for event equipment rental services for the Park & Recreation Department - Texas Tent, LLC, most advantageous proposer of four - Not to exceed $609,952 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 41. 19-724 Authorize a three-year service contract for subscription to Linkedln for the Department of Human Resources and Civil Service with Carahsoft through the Department of Information Resources cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $236,362.80- Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 42. 19-821 Authorize the purchase of twenty-nine pieces of service shop equipment to be used by the Equipment and Fleet Management Department with Reeder Distributors, Inc. through the Texas Association of School Boards cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $289,395 - Financing: Master Lease-Equipment Fund 43. 19-558 Authorize the purchase of replacement bunker golf course sand to be utilized at the Tenison Park Golf Course for the Park & Recreation Department - Texas Sports Sand, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two -Not to exceed $97,572 - Financing: Golf Improvement Trust Fund 44. 19-764 Authorize the sale of one track loader through a public auction on March 29, 2019 to A&S Recycling in the amount of $21,800, highest bidder - Revenue: $21,800 45. 19-718 Authorize a two-year master agreement for furniture, floor covering, modular walls, high density storage shelving, and related support services with Allsteel, Arcadia, Coalese, Davis, Encore, Environmanics, Geiger, Groupe Lacasse, Haworth, Inc., Herman Miller, Inc., Hon Office Furniture, Human Scale, Interface, Just Ergonomics, Kl, Knoll, Inc., Krug, Miliken & Company, Mohawk Industries, National Office Furniture, Patcraft, Peter Pepper Products, Inc., Shaw Industries, SitOnlt, Spacesaver, Steelcase, Texas Correctional Industries, Varidesk, Virco, Inc. and their associated distributors through the BuyBoard National Purchasing Cooperation, General Services Administration, National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance, National Joint Powers Association, The Cooperative Purchasing Network, Texas Multiple Award Schedules, and U.S. Communities Government Purchasing Alliance cooperative agreements, as specifically described in Exhibit A - Estimated amount of $6,000,000 - Financing: General Fund ($4,844,795), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($504,428), Data Services Fund ($278,907), Aviation Fund ($227,670), Convention and Event Services Fund ($105,653), and Sanitation Services Fund ($38,547) 46. 19-564 Authorize a three-year master agreement for propane and propane cylinders - Ferrellgas, LP in the amount of $156,976.91 and Northwest Butane Gas Co. dba Northwest Propane Gas Co. in the amount of $325.00, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total not to exceed $ 157,301.91 -Financing: General Fund ($133,452.12), Convention and Event Services Fund ($12,918.41), Data Services Fund ($4,919.21), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($3,586.42), Sanitation Services Fund ($1,366.76), and Aviation Fund ($1,058.99) 47. 19-548 Authorize a three-year master agreement for concrete and asphalt saw blades - Simba Industries in an estimated amount of $316,241.37, Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc. in an estimated amount of $119,344.16, Diteq Corporation in an estimated amount of $80,208.12, and Mavich LLC in an estimated amount of $5,119.17, lowest responsible bidders of four - Total estimated amount of $520,912.82- Financing: General Fund ($325,085.23), Aviation Fund ($132,979.00), and Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($62,848.59) 48. 19-723 Authorize a five-year master agreement for law enforcement badges for the Police Department - V.H. Blackinton, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two -Estimated amount of $366,898.25 - Financing: General Fund Office of Welcoming Communities & Immigrant Affairs 49. 19-840 Authorize a Safe Network Agreement with the Vera Institute of Justice, Inc. (Vera) committing (1) the City to remit $100,000.00 in funding to Vera for representation of Dallas residents before the Executive Office of Immigration Review; (2) Vera to remit a matching catalyst grant of $100,000.00 to the selected non-profit legal service provider; and (3) Vera to provide in-kind support including the selection of a non-profit legal services provider in Dallas recognized to practice before the Immigration Court, training and technical assistance, data collection, reporting, program monitoring, and communications assistance - Not to exceed $100,000.00-Financing: General Fund Park & Recreation Department 50. 19-765 Authorize a contract for the construction of the DeGolyer House West Wing Envelope Repair at the Dallas Arboretum located at 8525 Garland Road -Phoenix I Restoration and Construction, Ltd., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $675,000.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities Fund (2006 Bond Funds) 51. 19-778 Authorize a contract for the construction of the Hall of State Chiller Replacement Project located at 3939 Grand Avenue in Fair Park - METCO Engineering, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $511,999.00- Financing: Fair Park Improvements (C) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) 52. 19-766 Authorize a contract for the construction of the Phase 2 Aquatic Facilities Project at Bahama Beach Waterpark Expansion located at 1895Campfire Circle, Exline Neighborhood Aquatic Center located at 2430 Eugene Street, and Harry Stone Neighborhood Aquatic Center located at 2403 Millmar Drive - Big Sky Construction Co., Inc., best value proposer of five - Not to exceed $14,580,000.00- Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds) Water Utilities Department 53. 19-433 Authorize a professional services contract with Halff Associates, Inc., for the engineering design of Storm Drainage Contract No. 2 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $965,165.00- Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund 54. 19-604 Authorize a professional services contract with Garver, LLC for the engineering design of Storm Drainage Contract No. 3 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $886,940.13- Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund 55. 19-608 Authorize a professional services contract with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. to provide engineering services required for the investigation, preliminary design, development of construction plans and specifications, bid phase services, construction administration and start-up associated with aeration improvements at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $3,474,000.00 - Financing: Sewer Construction Fund 56. 19-500 Authorize a professional services contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. to provide construction management services for construction contracts related to improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant, the East Side Water Treatment Plant, the Bachman Water Treatment Plant, and the Walnut Hill Pump Station - Not to exceed $7,042,700.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 57. 19-600 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with MWH Constructors, Inc. for additional work associated with water quality and miscellaneous improvements at the Bachman Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $203,201.70, from $48,736,051.75 to $48,939,253.45-Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 58. 19-614 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. for additional work associated with improvements at three meter vaults (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $482,106.00, from $4,000,000.00 to $4,482,106.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 59. 19-620 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with BAR Constructors, Inc. for additional work associated with the construction of a new pump station to replace the existing Pump Station No. 1 at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $644,091.87, from $50,090,500.00 to $50,734,591.87- Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund 60. 19-568 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with JQ Infrastructure, LLC to provide additional engineering services required for the investigation, preliminary design, development of construction plans and specifications, bid phase services, construction administration and start-up of rehabilitation improvements for influent piping and equipment at the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $708,681.00, from $1,095,000.00 to $1,803,681.00- Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement Fund 61. 19-555 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. to provide additional engineering services for corrosion prevention design of three priority water transmission pipeline locations - Not to exceed $325,710.00, from $1,644,038.00 to $1,969,748.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement Fund
19-779 Authorize the naming of the Texas Buckeye Trail to the Ned and Genie Fritz Texas Buckeye Trail - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-695 Authorize a resolution (1) designating approximately 373acres of property along Buckner Boulevard and Great Trinity Forest Way in the Pleasant Grove area of Dallas, Texas as City of Dallas Neighborhood Empowerment Zone No. 10("City of Dallas NEZ No. 10"), pursuant to Chapter 378of the Texas Local Government Code, to promote an increase in economic development in the zone, establish boundaries of the zone, and provide for an effective date; (2) creating a pilot economic development program for City of Dallas NEZ No. 10; and (3) increasing appropriations, future encumbrances, and disbursement as appropriate in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 - Financing: ECO (l) Fund (2017 Bond Funds)
19-817 An ordinance amending Chapter 18, "Municipal Solid Wastes," of the Dallas City Code, by amending Sections 18-2, 18-4, and 18-9; (1) clarifying and adding definitions; (2) adding restrictions to the placement of brush and bulky trash; (3) providing a limitation on the quantity of brush and bulky trash collections; (4) providing regulations on oversized brush and bulky trash collections; (5) providing that fees for excessive and non-compliant brush and bulky trash service will be adopted with the 2019-2020 fee ordinance; and (6) providing that construction debris will be collected for a fee as part of a non-compliant brush and bulky trash collection or as a cost plus rate -Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-194 An ordinance abandoning a portion of an alley to 75218 Property Company, the abutting owner, containing approximately 8,893 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Harter Road and Lake Highlands Drive; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: $151,181.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee
19-818 Authorize the Third Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Dallas Theater Center (DTC) for a five-year term to enable the DTC to continue to lease, occupy, manage, and operate the Kalita Humphreys Theater and Annex Building located at 3636 Turtle Creek Boulevard for the period June 12, 2019 through June 1, 2024 - Revenue: $5.00
19-771 Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
19-660 A resolution requesting the Board of Adjustment to authorize compliance proceedings for the Club Linares Bar located at 1101 South Haskell Avenue, Dallas, Texas - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (via Councilmembers Felder, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Medrano, Kingston, Narvaez, and Arnold)
19-755 Authorize an Interlocal Agreement with the Dallas County Community College District on behalf of Cedar Valley College (CVC) to support the CVC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) Center of Excellence and create an expanded workforce training program for commercial HVAC technicians for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021- Not to exceed $100,000.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund
19-756 Authorize (1) a development agreement with the Dallas County Heritage, Society Inc., in an amount not to exceed $650,000.00, payable from exiting and/or future Cedars TIF District Funds, to support restoration of the Park Avenue House and Rail House to be used as co-working office space at the Dallas Heritage Village located at 1515 South Harwood Street; and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $650,000.00 in the Cedars TIF District Fund - Not to exceed $650,000.00 - Financing: Cedars TIF District Fund (subject to appropriation from existing and future tax increment)
19-836 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a Continuum of Care ("CoC") Grant (Grant No. TX0236L6T001810and CFDA No. 14.267) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the City of Dallas' Gateway to Permanent Supportive Housing Project in an amount not to exceed $739,943.00, to provide project-based rental assistance and case management for single chronically homeless persons for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020; (2) an assignment of the CoC Grant to PWA Coalition of Dallas, Inc. dba AIDS Services of Dallas as recipient grantee in place of the City of Dallas under the grant agreement; and (3) execution of any and all documents required for the grant and grantee substitution - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on May 22, 2019)
19-887 An ordinance amending Chapter 52 "Administrative Procedures for the Construction Codes", Section 303 of the Dallas City Code to amend the method used to calculate the fees charged for residential construction permits to be in compliance with state law - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-870 Authorize the first amendment to the loan agreement with Texas Heavenly Homes, Ltd. for the acquisition and development of single-family homes in the Bottom neighborhood, previously approved by Resolution No. 08-1800 on June 25, 2008, to: (1) extend the completion date from January 9, 2016 to: (a) within two years of completion of Phase I of the public infrastructure improvement project for the 10 parcels of real property located in Phase I of the public infrastructure improvement project; and (b) within two years of completion of Phase II of the public infrastructure improvement project for the 19 parcels of real property located in Phase II of the public infrastructure improvement project; (2) require house elevations and plans to conform with the Bottom Urban Structure and Guidelines and the Urban Design Expectations; (3) require the constructed homes to be sold to households earning 80 percent of area median income and below; (4) impose a five-year period of affordability wherein the home must remain occupied by an eligible household; (5) include performance thresholds and requirements; and (6) convert the loan agreement to a conditional grant agreement -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-867 Authorize the first amendment to Resolution No. 19-0360, previously approved on February 27, 2019, for a mixed-use and mixed-income multifamily residential development to be located at 2400 Bryan Street to: (1) amend the development loan amount with 2400 Bryan Street, LLC or an affiliate ("2400 Bryan") to only include an amount not to exceed $6,000,000.00 in Public/Private Partnership Funds for construction; (2) authorize a development loan agreement with the City of Dallas Housing Finance Corporation ("DHFC"), instead of 2400 Bryan, for acquisition of land and construction, subject to DHFC Board of Directors' approval in an amount not to exceed $7,026,943.00 in Community Development Block Grant Funds; (3) allow the closing of the 2400 Bryan and DHFC grant/loan to occur prior to closing on the equity and all other financing for the development; (4) allow 2400 Bryan and DHFC to be reimbursed for costs associated to acquisition at closing, but must meet all other requirements under Resolution No. 19-0360 to be reimbursed the remaining loan and grant amounts; and (5) allow the City to maintain no less than 3rd lien position - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-869 Authorize the first amendment to Resolution No. 19-0385, previously approved on February 27, 2019, for a mixed-income multifamily residential development to be located at the intersection of West Camp Wisdom Road and South Westmoreland Road site of the former Red Bird Mall/Southwest Center Mall to: (1) amend the development loan amount with Palladium Redbird, Ltd. or an affiliate ("Palladium Redbird") to only include an amount not to exceed $5,000,000.00 in HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds for construction; (2) authorize a development loan agreement with Palladium Redbird or the City of Dallas Housing Finance Corporation ("DHFC") for acquisition of land and construction, subject to DHFC Board of Directors' approval in an amount not to exceed $1,271,576.00 in Community Development Block Grant Funds; (3) allow the closing of the Palladium Redbird and DHFC grant/loan to occur prior to closing on the equity and all other financing for the development; (4) allow Palladium Redbird and DHFC to be reimbursed for costs associated to acquisition at closing, but must meet all other requirements under the agreement to be reimbursed the remaining loan and grant amounts; and (5) allow the City to maintain no less than 3rd lien position - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-824 Authorize the first amendment to Resolution No. 19-0387, previously approved on February 27, 2019, for a mixed-income multifamily complex for seniors to be located at 2649 Centerville Road to: (1) amend the funding source for the development loan amount with TX Casa View 2018, Ltd. ("TCV") from $3,801,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") Funds to $1,620,154.00 in CDBG Funds and $2,180,846.00 in HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds; and (2) allow the closing of the TCV grant/loan to occur prior to closing on the equity and all other financing for the development - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-768 Authorize an increase in the homestead property tax exemption for persons who are disabled or 65 or older from $90,000 to $94,100 beginning with the 2019 tax year (fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019) -Estimated Annual Revenue Foregone: $1,300,000
19-848 Authorize (1) reprogramming of $600,000.00 from 2017 Bond Funds originally allocated for the Campbell Green Park - Site Improvements Project to the Hillcrest Village Green - Site Development Project; and (2) a contract for construction of the Hillcrest Village Green - Site Development Project located at 6959 Arapaho Road - RoeschCo Construction, Inc., best value proposer of two - Not to exceed $4,293,900.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 Bond Funds)
19-695 Authorize an increase in appropriations and use of 2017 Bond Funds (Proposition I) in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for design, construction and installation of a new Hawk traffic signal on Singleton Boulevard between McPherson Street and Gulden Lane - Not to exceed $250,000.00 - Financing: ECO (I) Fund (2017 Bond Funds)
19-850 Authorize (1) a development agreement with DD Dunhill Hotel LLC ("Developer") and/or its affiliates in an amount not to exceed $3,622,885.00, payable from future Design District TIF District Funds, in consideration of the Virgin Hotel Infrastructure Project on and adjacent to property currently addressed at 1909 Hi Line Drive in Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Eight (Design District TIF District); and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $3,622,885.00 in the Design District TIF District Fund - Not to exceed $3,622,885.00 - Financing: Design District TIF District Fund (subject to current and future appropriations from tax increments)
19-885 Authorize (1) an action to confirm the sale of the Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Soldier sculpture, sold through an online auction held May 23, 2019 through June 5, 2019, to the highest bidder who tenders payment in full and executes a purchase agreement and bill of sale; and (2) the City Manager to execute a purchase agreement and bill of sale with the purchaser - Revenue: $1,435,000
Closed Session Attorney Briefings (Sec. 551.071 T.O.M.A.) - Legal issues related to 189-031 compliance date hearing and Freddy Davenport d/b/a Jim's Car Wash et al. v. City of Dallas, et al. Cause No. DC-19-04899. - City of Dallas v. Akita Partners, LLC d/b/a Self Service Car Washes of Texas, et al. Cause No. DC-18-17412. - Legal issues related to Adams Food Mart at 9535 Bruton Road. - Legal issues related to demolitions in the 10th Street Historic District and Tenth Street Residential Association v. The City of Dallas, Tx. Cause No. 3:19-CV-00179-N. - E. Tobolowsky, deceased, Cause No. DC-18-17620.
19-806 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting (1) an amendment to Planned Development District No. 944 from R-5(A) Single Family District uses to MU-1 Mixed Use District uses; and (2) an expansion of Planned Development District No. 944, on property zoned Planned Development District No. 944, an IR Industrial Research District, and an IM Industrial Manufacturing District in an area bounded by Duluth Street and Singleton Boulevard to the north, Borger Street to the east, Pablo Street to the south, and Vilbig Road to the west Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, a cross section for the shared access area in Subareas B and C, a cross section for a 53-foot right-of-way, a cross section for an 80-foot right-of-way, and staffs recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, a cross section for the shared access area in Subareas B and C, a cross section for a 53-foot right-of-way, a cross section for an 80-foot right-of-way, and conditions Z178-271 (JM)
19-808 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on property zoned a CS Commercial Service District, east of Harry Hines Boulevard, at the terminus of Mail Avenue, to the southeast Recommendation of Staff: Denial Recommendation of CPC: Approval Z189-149(JM)
68. 19-798 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Tract 2 within Planned Development District No. 812, on the northwest corner of Fran Way and Compton Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a perimeter fence and gated streets plan Z178-300(SM) 69. 19-799 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 621, the Old Trinity and Design District Special Purpose District, on property zoned Subdistrict 1 within Planned Development District No. 621 and Planned Development District No. 442, north of the intersection of North Stemmons Freeway Service Road and Slocum Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to conditions Z178-314(CY) 70. 19-800 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 1339 for an open enrollment charter school on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the northwest corner of Rylie Road and Tufts Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site plan, revised traffic management plan and conditions Z189-17KCY) 73. 19-803 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a tower/antenna for cellular communication on property zoned an MU-1 Mixed Use District and a CS Commercial Service District, on the east line of Dickerson Street, north of Ronnie Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-184(SM) 74. 19-804 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the south line of Lake June Road, between Hawley Lane and Oak Hill Circle Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-212(CT)
19-801 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2074 for a potentially incompatible industrial use limited to metal or metal product treatment or processing on property zoned an RS-I Regional Service Industrial Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, on the north corner of South Harwood Street and Coombs Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to conditions Z189-173UM)
19-802 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a public library on property zoned an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on the north line of Park Lane, between Greenville Avenue and Ridgecrest Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a permanent period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-18KPD)
19-805 A public hearing to receive comments regarding a City Council authorized hearing to determine proper zoning on property zoned Subdistricts S-1a, S-1b, S-2a, S-2b, S-9, and S-10 in the South Zone of Planned Development No. 521 with consideration being given to appropriate zoning for the areas including use, development standards, and other appropriate regulations on property generally on: (1) the west side of Mountain Creek Parkway from l-20to West Camp Wisdom Road (S-1b); (2) the southwest corner of Mountain Creek Parkway and West Camp Wisdom Road (S-1a); (3) the southwest corner of West Camp Wisdom Road and Eagle Ford Drive (S-2b); (4) the north side of West Camp Wisdom Road at the terminus of Eagle Ford Drive (S-2a); and (5) the south side of West Camp Wisdom Road from west of Timberbrook Lane to Clark Road (S-9, S-10) and an ordinance granting the amendments Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval of amendments to Planned Development District No. 521 Z156-325(NW)
19-807 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to and an expansion of Planned Development District No. 372 on property zoned Planned Development District No. 372 and Planned Development Subdistrict No. 6 within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, in an area generally bounded by McKinney Avenue to the east, Lemmon Avenue East to the north, Oak Grove Avenue to the west, and Lemmon Avenue to the south Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, a revised landscape plan, and staffs recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, a revised landscape plan, and conditions Z189-141 (JM)
19-809 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a commercial motor vehicle parking use on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District, on the northeast line of South Central Expressway, between McCommas Bluff Road and Youngblood Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-186(CT)
19-810 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned an RR-D-1 Regional Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the southwest corner of Great Trinity Forest Way (Loop 12) and Murdock Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-193UM)
19-811 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned an RR-D-1 Regional Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northeast corner of Murdock Road and Elkton Circle, southwest of C.F. Hawn Freeway Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-21KPD)
19-740 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and (1) an ordinance granting an amendment to Tract 6 for LO-1(A) Limited Office District uses; and (2) an ordinance terminating Specific Use Permit No. 610 for a health center, on property zoned Tract 6 for LO-1 (A) Limited Office District uses within Planned Development District No. 508, on property bounded by Bickers Street, Holystone Street, and Greenleaf Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, development plan, landscape plan, traffic management plan, and conditions; and approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 610 for a health center use Z178-260(SM) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on February 27, 2019, April 10, 2019, and May 8, 2019, and is scheduled for consideration on June 12, 2019
19-654 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2229 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northeast corner of Great Trinity Forest Way and North Jim Miller Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to conditions Recommendation of CPC: Denial without prejudice Z178-377(PD) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on February 27, 2019 and April 24, 2019, and is scheduled for consideration on June 12, 2019
19-774 A public hearing to receive comments regarding the application for and approval of the fill permit and removal of the floodplain (FP) prefix from approximately 0.1 acres of the current 2.975 acres of land located at 4144 Cochran Chapel Road, within the floodplain of Bachman Branch, Fill Permit 17-10 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
19-758 A public hearing to receive comments concerning the renewal and expansion of the South Side Public Improvement District (the "District"), in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code (the "Act"), for the specified area of the District, for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and, at the closing of the public hearing authorize (1) a resolution renewing the District for a period of seven years, from 2020-2026; (2) expansion of the District's boundary; (3) the District's Service Plan for 2020-2026 for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (4) a management contract with South Side Quarter Development Corporation, a Texas non-profit corporation, as the management entity for the District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
19-759 A public hearing to receive comments concerning the renewal of the Uptown Public Improvement District (District), in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, for the specified area of the District, for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and, at the close of the public hearing authorize (1) a resolution renewing the District for a period of seven-years, from 2020 to 2026; (2) the District's Service Plan for 2020-2026 for the purpose of providing supplemental public services, to be funded by assessments on real property and real property improvements in the District; and (3) a management contract with Uptown Dallas, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation as the management entity for the District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
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