Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 1 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
2. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Adriel Santos v. The City of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-08555 - Not to exceed $45,000.00 - Financing: Risk Management Funds 3. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Robert Keating v. The City of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-04624 - Not to exceed $59,500.00 - Financing: Risk Management Funds 4. Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to the professional services contract with Moses, Palmer & Howell, L.L.P., for additional legal services in the lawsuit styled Trinity East Energy, LLC v. City of Dallas, Texas, Cause No. DC-14-01443 - Not to exceed $300,000.00, from $875,000.00 to $1,175,000.00 - Financing: Risk Management Funds 5. A resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and the payment of potential future costs and expenses for the issuances of (1) General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2020 in an amount not to exceed $280,000,000; (2) Certificates of Obligation, Series 2020 in an amount not to exceed $16,000,000; and (3) Equipment Notes, Series 2020 in an amount not to exceed $33,000,000 - Total not to exceed $329,000,000 - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs) 6. A resolution of the City Council of the City of Dallas, Texas, authorizing the publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation; approving the preparation of a preliminary official statement and a Notice of Sale; and providing for the effective date thereof - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 7. Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for additional services including electrical re-design, entry signage design, public art installation coordination, increased project management, project and bid phasing services, additional construction management and traffic signal modifications at pedestrian crossings for the Dallas Love Field Entry Road - Not to exceed $331,400.00, from $1,095,000.00 to $1,426,400.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund 8. Authorize a professional services contract with Alpha Testing, Inc. to provide construction material testing services during the construction of the Alley Reconstruction Groups 17-1204, 17-2004, 17-5005, and 17-10001 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $149,975.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) 9. Authorize a construction contract for the exterior restoration of the Sammons Center for the Arts located at 3630 Harry Hines Boulevard - Phoenix I Restoration and Construction, Ltd., best value proposer of four - Not to exceed $734,000.00 - Financing: Cultural Arts (F) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) 10. Authorize settlement in lieu of proceeding with condemnation from Plains Capital Bank, of approximately 16,022 square feet of land for right-of-way and 14,167 square feet of land for a temporary working space easement located in Dallas County for the Southwest 120/96-inch Water Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $346,578.00, increased from $202,976.00 ($199,976.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) to $549,554.00 ($543,554.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $6,000.00) - Financing: Water Capital Improvement E Fund 11. A resolution authorizing (1) the conveyance of a tract of land for approximately 8,495 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Dallas County; (2) a Possession and Use Agreement; and (3) a Utility Joint Use Agreement - Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($122,203.90) and General Fund ($6,000.00) 12. A resolution authorizing (1) the conveyance of a tract of land for approximately 49,122 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Dallas County; (2) a Possession and Use Agreement; and (3) a Utility Joint Use Agreement - Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($561,065.00) and General Fund ($6,000.00) 13. A resolution authorizing (1) the conveyance of a tract of land for approximately 4,286 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Dallas County; (2) a Possession and Use Agreement; and (3) a Utility Joint Use Agreement - Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($65,898.20) and General Fund ($6,000.00) 14. An ordinance abandoning a portion of an alley to PSREG Ross Avenue Owner, LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 4,920 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Peak Street and Ross Avenue; and authorizing the quitclaim; and providing for the dedication of approximately 2,410 square feet of land needed for a sidewalk easement - Revenue: General Capital Reserve Fund ($260,440.00) and General Fund ($20,000.00), plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 15. An ordinance abandoning portions of a sanitary sewer with temporary working space easement and wastewater easement to Presbyterian Village North, the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 9,034 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Landa Lane and Skyline Drive - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 16. An ordinance abandoning a portion of a utility easement to C/T Prestonwood Creek JV LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 2,406 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Prestonwood Boulevard and Beltline Road - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 19. Authorize a contract with Jennifer Monet Cowley for the fabrication and installation of a site-specific, free-standing, outdoor sculpture to celebrate the life and art of Dallas artist Arthello Beck, Jr., at Twin Falls Park located at 6300 South Polk Street - Not to exceed $81,000.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Fund) 20. Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County to accept (a) FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds (Federal Grant No. E17-UC-48-0003, CFDA No. 14.231) for emergency shelter operations and utilities reimbursement at The Bridge in the amount of $91,181.00 for the period April 3, 2018 through March 31,2020; and (b) FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds (Federal Grant No. E18-UC-48-0003, CFDA No. 14.231) for emergency shelter operating utilities reimbursement at The Bridge in the amount of $102,624.00 for the period April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020; (2) Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the amended and restated Management Services Contract, Phase II, with Bridge Steps, to add Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds in the amount of $91,181.00 to be used for emergency shelter operating utilities reimbursement at The Bridge for the period April 3, 2018 through October 30, 2019 and Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds in the amount of $102,624.00 to be used for emergency shelter operating utilities reimbursement at The Bridge for the period April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020, with a corresponding increase in the diversification of funding percentage from 55.0 to 56.2 percent to allow for this addition of funds to the contract; (3) the receipt and deposit of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $91,181.00 in the Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund and in an amount not to exceed $102,624.00 in the Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund; and (4) the establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $91,181.00 in the Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund and in an amount not to exceed $102,624.00 in the Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund - Total not to exceed $193,805.00 - Financing: Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($91,181.00) and Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($102,624.00) 22. Authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Dallas Independent School District (DISD) to maximize resources and programming opportunities for both City of Dallas (City) Park and Recreation Department and DISD students by ensuring mutual use of City and DISD athletic facilities through July 31, 2022 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 23. Authorize a construction contract for six prefabricated restroom buildings at Grauwyler Park located at 7780 Harry Hines Boulevard, Jaycee/Zaragoza Park located at 3114 Clymer Street, Kleberg Park located at 1515 Edd Road, Nash/Davis Park located at 3700 North Hampton Road, K.B. Polk Park located at 3860 Thedford Avenue, and Timberglen Park located at 3900 Timberglen Road with Restroom Facilities Ltd. through the Texas Association of School Boards cooperative agreement - Not exceed $867,786.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($64,631.00), Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($658,524.00) and Elgin B. Robertson Land Sale Fund ($144,631.00) 24. Authorize a construction contract for the Martin Weiss Park Loop Trail located at 3400 West Clarendon Drive - North Rock Construction, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $582,480.50 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)
19-1526 Authorize payment to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for operation and maintenance costs for the Dallas Streetcar System from Union Station to Bishop Arts District for Fiscal Year 2020 - Not to exceed $1,602,000.00 - Financing: Streetcar Developer Fund ($370,100.00) and General Fund ($1,231,900.00)
20-191 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a donation of the sculpture “Adelfa Callejo,” by German Michel Leal, valued at $100,000.00, from the Callejo-Botello Foundation (Foundation) to be installed by the Foundation at Main Street Garden Park located at 1902 Main Street; (2) the acceptance of a monetary donation in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 from the Foundation for maintenance and conservation of the sculpture; (3) the receipt and deposit of funds from the Foundation in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 in the Office of Cultural Affairs Gifts and Donations Fund; (4) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 in the Office of Cultural Affairs Gifts and Donations Fund; and (5) a contract with the Foundation to make the donations and install the sculpture, approved as to form by the City Attorney - Not to exceed $10,000.00 - Financing: Office of Cultural Affairs Gifts and Donations Fund
20-150 Authorize a five-year master agreement for personal protective bunker gear for Dallas Fire-Rescue with Casco Industries, Inc. through the Texas Association of School Boards cooperative agreement - Estimated amount of $8,965,950 - Financing: General Fund
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 2 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
20-109 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with JBI Partners, Inc. for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for the Glendale Park Master Plan Phase 1 Implementation Project located at 1515 East Ledbetter Drive - Not to exceed $231,800.00, from $47,447.62 to $279,247.62 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)
20-44 Authorize an Interlocal Agreement with the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office for reimbursement of program expenses associated with the Dallas County Highway Traffic Program for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022 - Not to exceed $1,800,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to appropriations)
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 3 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
A closed executive session may be held if the discussion of any of the above agenda items concerns one of the following: 1. seeking the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.071] 2. deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.072] 3. deliberating a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the city if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.073] 4. deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee unless the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.074] 5. deliberating the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.076] 6. discussing or deliberating commercial or financial information that the city has received from a business prospect that the city seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city and with which the city is conducting economic development negotiations; or deliberating the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. [Tex Govt . Code §551.087] 7. deliberating security assessments or deployments relating to information resources technology, network security information, or the deployment or specific occasions for implementations of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices. [ Tex Govt. Code §551.089]
20-16 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new tract on property zoned Tract 1A within Planned Development District No. 751 with existing deed restrictions [Z834-368], on the northeast side of the westbound service road of Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway (IH-20), and the southwest side of Cliff Creek Crossing Drive, between Bainbridge Drive and Chrysalis Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development/conceptual plan, a revised landscape plan and conditions Z189-315(PD) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearing on December 11, 2019, and is scheduled for consideration on February 12, 2020
20-181 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for an amendment to the Existing Land Use Map to allow a duplex use on property zoned Tract III within Planned Development District No. 67, on the east side of Tyree Street, north of Savage Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised Existing Land Use Map Recommendation of CPC: Denial Z189-292(CY) 20-181
Z2. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to and the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2108 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a restaurant without drive-through service use on property zoned an LC-D-1 Light Commercial Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District and a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the south corner of McKinnon Street and Ivan Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-287(PD) 20-173 Z3. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Historic Overlay No. 31, Old Parkland Hospital, and to Planned Development District No. 262 by amending Section 51P-262.112 “Preservation Criteria” on property zoned Tract 3 within Planned Development District No. 262, on the east side of Dallas North Tollway, north of Oak Lawn Avenue and west of Maple Avenue Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to revised preservation criteria, a revised development plan, and revised exhibits Recommendation of Landmark Commission: Approval, subject to revised preservation criteria Z189-299(LC) 20-174 Z4. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development District No. 824 for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses and a public school other than an open-enrollment charter school use on property zoned Planned Development District No. 824, on the northwest corner of Lingo Lane and Millmar Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, traffic management plan, and conditions Z189-320(PD) 20-175 Z5. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1653 for a potentially incompatible industrial (outside) use limited to wood or lumber processing on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District with existing deed restrictions [Z056-308], on the north side of Manana Drive, east of Spangler Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period, subject to conditions Z189-343(AU) 20-177 Z6. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development Subdistrict for MF-2 Multifamily Subdistrict uses and a public school use and an ordinance granting the repeal of Specific Use Permit No. 893 for a public school use on property zoned MF-2 Multifamily Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District with Historic Overlay No. 111 North Dallas High School, on the north corner of McKinney Avenue and North Haskell Avenue Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval of a planned development subdistrict, subject to a development plan, traffic management plan, and conditions and approval of the repeal of Specific Use Permit No. 893 Z189-354(SM) 20-178 Z7. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2119 for an alcoholic beverage establishment limited to a bar, lounge, or tavern on property zoned Planned Development District No. 808, on the south corner of Gaston Avenue and Tucker Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a three-year period, subject to conditions Z189-369(CT) 20-179 Z8. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a commercial amusement (inside) use on property zoned Subdistrict 3 (Tract 2), Midtown Green Walkable Urban Mixed Use District (WMU-20) within Planned Development District No. 887, the Valley View-Galleria Area Special Purpose District, on the southwest corner of Montfort Drive and James Temple Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z190-106(CT) 20-180
20-172 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of and an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 1817 for an open-enrollment charter school use on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the north side of Bruton Road, east of North Masters Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan, traffic management plan, and conditions Z189-268(AU)
20-53 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for (1) an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for mixed uses; and (2) an ordinance terminating Specific Use Permit No. 1172 for a private school and child-care facility on property zoned Planned Development District No. 314, the Preston Center Special Purpose District; an MF-1(A) Multifamily District; and an R-7.5(A) Single Family District with Specific Use Permit No. 1172, on the north side of Colgate Avenue, between Lomo Alto Drive and Douglas Avenue Recommendation of Staff: Approval of a Planned Development District, subject to a conceptual plan, development plans, height and setbacks diagram, mixed use development parking chart, and staff’s recommended conditions; and approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1172 Recommendation of CPC: Approval of a Planned Development District, subject to a conceptual plan, development plans, height and setbacks diagram, mixed use development parking chart, and conditions; and approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1172 Z178-358(JM/AU)
20-182 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Tract 2 within Planned Development District No. 610, on the northeast corner of Greenville Avenue and Milton Street Recommendation of Staff: Denial Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to conditions Z190-109(AU)
20-134 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for (1) an ordinance granting a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay; (2) an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet use; and (3) an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use on property zoned a CR-D Community Retail District with D Liquor Control Overlay, on the southeast corner of Military Parkway and North St. Augustine Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval of a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, approval of a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions; and approval of a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval of a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, approval of a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions; and approval of a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use for a ten-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-221(CT) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearing on January 8, 2020, and is scheduled for consideration on February 12, 2020
20-189 A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath properties owned by local businesses and individuals (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) generally located along Harry Hines Boulevard, Inwood Road, Denton Drive, and Empire Central and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Virtuolotry, LLC by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
20-232 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application by Murdeaux Rehab Development, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for 4% Non-Competitive Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the Sphinx at Murdeaux Villas located at 125 South Murdeaux Lane; and, at the close of the public hearing adopt a Resolution of No Objection for Murdeaux Rehab Development, LP, or its affiliate, related to its application to TDHCA for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Sphinx at Murdeaux Villas - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
20-171 Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
20-152 Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a wastewater easement from Clams Casino, LLC, of approximately 2,257 square feet of land located near the intersection of Turtle Creek Boulevard and Market Center Boulevard for the Lower Eastbank Interceptor Project - Not to exceed $104,565.00 ($101,565.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement D Fund
20-159 Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a wastewater easement from Market Center Boulevard, LLC, of approximately 2,724 square feet of land located near the intersection of Turtle Creek Boulevard and Market Center Boulevard for the Lower Eastbank Interceptor Project - Not to exceed $114,684.00 ($111,684.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement D Fund
20-224 Authorize a ratification of the fourth amendment to Resolution No. 19-0360, previously approved on February 27, 2019, as amended, and the third amendment to the Community Development Block Grant development loan agreement with the City of Dallas Housing Finance Corporation (DHFC) for a mixed-use and mixed-income multifamily residential development to be located at 2400 Bryan Street to: (1) amend the loan maturity to the 15th anniversary from the date of conversion from construction financing to permanent financing plus 6 months or 6 months from the maturity date of the senior lender note, whichever is later; and (2) increase the minimum investment requirement by DHFC and 2400 Bryan Street, LLC from $45,000,000.00 to $45,500,000.00 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
31. 20-225 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Dallas Sorcey Road, Ltd., an affiliate of Palladium USA International, Inc. (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of the Dallas Sorcey Road Apartments; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 32. 20-226 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Dallas Stemmons, Ltd., an affiliate of Palladium USA International, Inc. (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of Dallas Stemmons Apartments; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 33. 20-227 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Gateway Oak Cliff, LP, or its affiliate (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of the Gateway Oak Cliff; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 34. 20-229 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Juliette Fowler Senior Affordable Housing, LP, or its affiliate (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of Juliette Fowler Residences; and (2) authorize an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 35. 20-230 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for The Magenta, LLC, an affiliate of Saigebrook Development, LLC (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of The Magenta; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 36. 20-231 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Villas at WH 20, LP, or its affiliate (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of Villas at Western Heights; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 4 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance (Council Chambers)
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 1 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
2. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Adriel Santos v. The City of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-08555 - Not to exceed $45,000.00 - Financing: Risk Management Funds 3. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Robert Keating v. The City of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-04624 - Not to exceed $59,500.00 - Financing: Risk Management Funds 4. Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to the professional services contract with Moses, Palmer & Howell, L.L.P., for additional legal services in the lawsuit styled Trinity East Energy, LLC v. City of Dallas, Texas, Cause No. DC-14-01443 - Not to exceed $300,000.00, from $875,000.00 to $1,175,000.00 - Financing: Risk Management Funds 5. A resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and the payment of potential future costs and expenses for the issuances of (1) General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2020 in an amount not to exceed $280,000,000; (2) Certificates of Obligation, Series 2020 in an amount not to exceed $16,000,000; and (3) Equipment Notes, Series 2020 in an amount not to exceed $33,000,000 - Total not to exceed $329,000,000 - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs) 6. A resolution of the City Council of the City of Dallas, Texas, authorizing the publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Certificates of Obligation; approving the preparation of a preliminary official statement and a Notice of Sale; and providing for the effective date thereof - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 7. Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for additional services including electrical re-design, entry signage design, public art installation coordination, increased project management, project and bid phasing services, additional construction management and traffic signal modifications at pedestrian crossings for the Dallas Love Field Entry Road - Not to exceed $331,400.00, from $1,095,000.00 to $1,426,400.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund 8. Authorize a professional services contract with Alpha Testing, Inc. to provide construction material testing services during the construction of the Alley Reconstruction Groups 17-1204, 17-2004, 17-5005, and 17-10001 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $149,975.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) 9. Authorize a construction contract for the exterior restoration of the Sammons Center for the Arts located at 3630 Harry Hines Boulevard - Phoenix I Restoration and Construction, Ltd., best value proposer of four - Not to exceed $734,000.00 - Financing: Cultural Arts (F) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) 10. Authorize settlement in lieu of proceeding with condemnation from Plains Capital Bank, of approximately 16,022 square feet of land for right-of-way and 14,167 square feet of land for a temporary working space easement located in Dallas County for the Southwest 120/96-inch Water Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $346,578.00, increased from $202,976.00 ($199,976.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) to $549,554.00 ($543,554.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $6,000.00) - Financing: Water Capital Improvement E Fund 11. A resolution authorizing (1) the conveyance of a tract of land for approximately 8,495 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Dallas County; (2) a Possession and Use Agreement; and (3) a Utility Joint Use Agreement - Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($122,203.90) and General Fund ($6,000.00) 12. A resolution authorizing (1) the conveyance of a tract of land for approximately 49,122 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Dallas County; (2) a Possession and Use Agreement; and (3) a Utility Joint Use Agreement - Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($561,065.00) and General Fund ($6,000.00) 13. A resolution authorizing (1) the conveyance of a tract of land for approximately 4,286 square feet of City-owned land to the State of Texas located in Dallas County; (2) a Possession and Use Agreement; and (3) a Utility Joint Use Agreement - Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($65,898.20) and General Fund ($6,000.00) 14. An ordinance abandoning a portion of an alley to PSREG Ross Avenue Owner, LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 4,920 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Peak Street and Ross Avenue; and authorizing the quitclaim; and providing for the dedication of approximately 2,410 square feet of land needed for a sidewalk easement - Revenue: General Capital Reserve Fund ($260,440.00) and General Fund ($20,000.00), plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 15. An ordinance abandoning portions of a sanitary sewer with temporary working space easement and wastewater easement to Presbyterian Village North, the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 9,034 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Landa Lane and Skyline Drive - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 16. An ordinance abandoning a portion of a utility easement to C/T Prestonwood Creek JV LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 2,406 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Prestonwood Boulevard and Beltline Road - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 19. Authorize a contract with Jennifer Monet Cowley for the fabrication and installation of a site-specific, free-standing, outdoor sculpture to celebrate the life and art of Dallas artist Arthello Beck, Jr., at Twin Falls Park located at 6300 South Polk Street - Not to exceed $81,000.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Fund) 20. Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County to accept (a) FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds (Federal Grant No. E17-UC-48-0003, CFDA No. 14.231) for emergency shelter operations and utilities reimbursement at The Bridge in the amount of $91,181.00 for the period April 3, 2018 through March 31,2020; and (b) FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds (Federal Grant No. E18-UC-48-0003, CFDA No. 14.231) for emergency shelter operating utilities reimbursement at The Bridge in the amount of $102,624.00 for the period April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020; (2) Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the amended and restated Management Services Contract, Phase II, with Bridge Steps, to add Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds in the amount of $91,181.00 to be used for emergency shelter operating utilities reimbursement at The Bridge for the period April 3, 2018 through October 30, 2019 and Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds in the amount of $102,624.00 to be used for emergency shelter operating utilities reimbursement at The Bridge for the period April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020, with a corresponding increase in the diversification of funding percentage from 55.0 to 56.2 percent to allow for this addition of funds to the contract; (3) the receipt and deposit of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $91,181.00 in the Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund and in an amount not to exceed $102,624.00 in the Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund; and (4) the establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $91,181.00 in the Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund and in an amount not to exceed $102,624.00 in the Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Fund - Total not to exceed $193,805.00 - Financing: Dallas County FY 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($91,181.00) and Dallas County FY 2019 Emergency Solutions Grant Funds ($102,624.00) 22. Authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Dallas Independent School District (DISD) to maximize resources and programming opportunities for both City of Dallas (City) Park and Recreation Department and DISD students by ensuring mutual use of City and DISD athletic facilities through July 31, 2022 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 23. Authorize a construction contract for six prefabricated restroom buildings at Grauwyler Park located at 7780 Harry Hines Boulevard, Jaycee/Zaragoza Park located at 3114 Clymer Street, Kleberg Park located at 1515 Edd Road, Nash/Davis Park located at 3700 North Hampton Road, K.B. Polk Park located at 3860 Thedford Avenue, and Timberglen Park located at 3900 Timberglen Road with Restroom Facilities Ltd. through the Texas Association of School Boards cooperative agreement - Not exceed $867,786.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($64,631.00), Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($658,524.00) and Elgin B. Robertson Land Sale Fund ($144,631.00) 24. Authorize a construction contract for the Martin Weiss Park Loop Trail located at 3400 West Clarendon Drive - North Rock Construction, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $582,480.50 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)
19-1526 Authorize payment to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for operation and maintenance costs for the Dallas Streetcar System from Union Station to Bishop Arts District for Fiscal Year 2020 - Not to exceed $1,602,000.00 - Financing: Streetcar Developer Fund ($370,100.00) and General Fund ($1,231,900.00)
20-191 Authorize (1) the acceptance of a donation of the sculpture “Adelfa Callejo,” by German Michel Leal, valued at $100,000.00, from the Callejo-Botello Foundation (Foundation) to be installed by the Foundation at Main Street Garden Park located at 1902 Main Street; (2) the acceptance of a monetary donation in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 from the Foundation for maintenance and conservation of the sculpture; (3) the receipt and deposit of funds from the Foundation in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 in the Office of Cultural Affairs Gifts and Donations Fund; (4) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 in the Office of Cultural Affairs Gifts and Donations Fund; and (5) a contract with the Foundation to make the donations and install the sculpture, approved as to form by the City Attorney - Not to exceed $10,000.00 - Financing: Office of Cultural Affairs Gifts and Donations Fund
20-150 Authorize a five-year master agreement for personal protective bunker gear for Dallas Fire-Rescue with Casco Industries, Inc. through the Texas Association of School Boards cooperative agreement - Estimated amount of $8,965,950 - Financing: General Fund
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Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
20-109 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with JBI Partners, Inc. for schematic design, design development, construction documents, procurement and construction observation phases for the Glendale Park Master Plan Phase 1 Implementation Project located at 1515 East Ledbetter Drive - Not to exceed $231,800.00, from $47,447.62 to $279,247.62 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)
20-44 Authorize an Interlocal Agreement with the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office for reimbursement of program expenses associated with the Dallas County Highway Traffic Program for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022 - Not to exceed $1,800,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to appropriations)
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 3 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers
A closed executive session may be held if the discussion of any of the above agenda items concerns one of the following: 1. seeking the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.071] 2. deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.072] 3. deliberating a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the city if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.073] 4. deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee unless the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.074] 5. deliberating the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.076] 6. discussing or deliberating commercial or financial information that the city has received from a business prospect that the city seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city and with which the city is conducting economic development negotiations; or deliberating the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. [Tex Govt . Code §551.087] 7. deliberating security assessments or deployments relating to information resources technology, network security information, or the deployment or specific occasions for implementations of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices. [ Tex Govt. Code §551.089]
20-16 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new tract on property zoned Tract 1A within Planned Development District No. 751 with existing deed restrictions [Z834-368], on the northeast side of the westbound service road of Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway (IH-20), and the southwest side of Cliff Creek Crossing Drive, between Bainbridge Drive and Chrysalis Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development/conceptual plan, a revised landscape plan and conditions Z189-315(PD) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearing on December 11, 2019, and is scheduled for consideration on February 12, 2020
20-181 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for an amendment to the Existing Land Use Map to allow a duplex use on property zoned Tract III within Planned Development District No. 67, on the east side of Tyree Street, north of Savage Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised Existing Land Use Map Recommendation of CPC: Denial Z189-292(CY) 20-181
Z2. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to and the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2108 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a restaurant without drive-through service use on property zoned an LC-D-1 Light Commercial Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District and a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the south corner of McKinnon Street and Ivan Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-287(PD) 20-173 Z3. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Historic Overlay No. 31, Old Parkland Hospital, and to Planned Development District No. 262 by amending Section 51P-262.112 “Preservation Criteria” on property zoned Tract 3 within Planned Development District No. 262, on the east side of Dallas North Tollway, north of Oak Lawn Avenue and west of Maple Avenue Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to revised preservation criteria, a revised development plan, and revised exhibits Recommendation of Landmark Commission: Approval, subject to revised preservation criteria Z189-299(LC) 20-174 Z4. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development District No. 824 for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses and a public school other than an open-enrollment charter school use on property zoned Planned Development District No. 824, on the northwest corner of Lingo Lane and Millmar Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, traffic management plan, and conditions Z189-320(PD) 20-175 Z5. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1653 for a potentially incompatible industrial (outside) use limited to wood or lumber processing on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District with existing deed restrictions [Z056-308], on the north side of Manana Drive, east of Spangler Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period, subject to conditions Z189-343(AU) 20-177 Z6. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development Subdistrict for MF-2 Multifamily Subdistrict uses and a public school use and an ordinance granting the repeal of Specific Use Permit No. 893 for a public school use on property zoned MF-2 Multifamily Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District with Historic Overlay No. 111 North Dallas High School, on the north corner of McKinney Avenue and North Haskell Avenue Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval of a planned development subdistrict, subject to a development plan, traffic management plan, and conditions and approval of the repeal of Specific Use Permit No. 893 Z189-354(SM) 20-178 Z7. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2119 for an alcoholic beverage establishment limited to a bar, lounge, or tavern on property zoned Planned Development District No. 808, on the south corner of Gaston Avenue and Tucker Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a three-year period, subject to conditions Z189-369(CT) 20-179 Z8. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a commercial amusement (inside) use on property zoned Subdistrict 3 (Tract 2), Midtown Green Walkable Urban Mixed Use District (WMU-20) within Planned Development District No. 887, the Valley View-Galleria Area Special Purpose District, on the southwest corner of Montfort Drive and James Temple Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z190-106(CT) 20-180
20-172 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of and an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 1817 for an open-enrollment charter school use on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the north side of Bruton Road, east of North Masters Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan, traffic management plan, and conditions Z189-268(AU)
20-53 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for (1) an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for mixed uses; and (2) an ordinance terminating Specific Use Permit No. 1172 for a private school and child-care facility on property zoned Planned Development District No. 314, the Preston Center Special Purpose District; an MF-1(A) Multifamily District; and an R-7.5(A) Single Family District with Specific Use Permit No. 1172, on the north side of Colgate Avenue, between Lomo Alto Drive and Douglas Avenue Recommendation of Staff: Approval of a Planned Development District, subject to a conceptual plan, development plans, height and setbacks diagram, mixed use development parking chart, and staff’s recommended conditions; and approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1172 Recommendation of CPC: Approval of a Planned Development District, subject to a conceptual plan, development plans, height and setbacks diagram, mixed use development parking chart, and conditions; and approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1172 Z178-358(JM/AU)
20-182 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Tract 2 within Planned Development District No. 610, on the northeast corner of Greenville Avenue and Milton Street Recommendation of Staff: Denial Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to conditions Z190-109(AU)
20-134 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for (1) an ordinance granting a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay; (2) an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet use; and (3) an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use on property zoned a CR-D Community Retail District with D Liquor Control Overlay, on the southeast corner of Military Parkway and North St. Augustine Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval of a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, approval of a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions; and approval of a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval of a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, approval of a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet for a two-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions; and approval of a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use for a ten-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions Z189-221(CT) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearing on January 8, 2020, and is scheduled for consideration on February 12, 2020
20-189 A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath properties owned by local businesses and individuals (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) generally located along Harry Hines Boulevard, Inwood Road, Denton Drive, and Empire Central and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Virtuolotry, LLC by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
20-232 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application by Murdeaux Rehab Development, LP to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for 4% Non-Competitive Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the Sphinx at Murdeaux Villas located at 125 South Murdeaux Lane; and, at the close of the public hearing adopt a Resolution of No Objection for Murdeaux Rehab Development, LP, or its affiliate, related to its application to TDHCA for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Sphinx at Murdeaux Villas - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
20-171 Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
20-152 Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a wastewater easement from Clams Casino, LLC, of approximately 2,257 square feet of land located near the intersection of Turtle Creek Boulevard and Market Center Boulevard for the Lower Eastbank Interceptor Project - Not to exceed $104,565.00 ($101,565.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement D Fund
20-159 Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a wastewater easement from Market Center Boulevard, LLC, of approximately 2,724 square feet of land located near the intersection of Turtle Creek Boulevard and Market Center Boulevard for the Lower Eastbank Interceptor Project - Not to exceed $114,684.00 ($111,684.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement D Fund
20-224 Authorize a ratification of the fourth amendment to Resolution No. 19-0360, previously approved on February 27, 2019, as amended, and the third amendment to the Community Development Block Grant development loan agreement with the City of Dallas Housing Finance Corporation (DHFC) for a mixed-use and mixed-income multifamily residential development to be located at 2400 Bryan Street to: (1) amend the loan maturity to the 15th anniversary from the date of conversion from construction financing to permanent financing plus 6 months or 6 months from the maturity date of the senior lender note, whichever is later; and (2) increase the minimum investment requirement by DHFC and 2400 Bryan Street, LLC from $45,000,000.00 to $45,500,000.00 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
31. 20-225 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Dallas Sorcey Road, Ltd., an affiliate of Palladium USA International, Inc. (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of the Dallas Sorcey Road Apartments; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 32. 20-226 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Dallas Stemmons, Ltd., an affiliate of Palladium USA International, Inc. (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of Dallas Stemmons Apartments; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 33. 20-227 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Gateway Oak Cliff, LP, or its affiliate (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of the Gateway Oak Cliff; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 34. 20-229 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Juliette Fowler Senior Affordable Housing, LP, or its affiliate (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of Juliette Fowler Residences; and (2) authorize an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 35. 20-230 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for The Magenta, LLC, an affiliate of Saigebrook Development, LLC (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of The Magenta; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund 36. 20-231 Authorize (1) the adoption of a Resolution of Support for Villas at WH 20, LP, or its affiliate (Applicant), related to its application to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits for the development of Villas at Western Heights; and (2) an agreement with the Applicant for a line of credit in an amount not to exceed $500.00 for the proposed multifamily development - Not to exceed $500.00 - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund
Open Microphone Speakers (Part 4 of 4)
Agenda Item/Open Microphone Speakers