Open Microphone Speakers
Approval of Minutes of the June 9, 2021 City Council Meeting
Building Services Department 2. 21-904 Authorize an amendment to the electricity services contract with TXU Energy Retail Company, LLC to enroll the City in their Surplus Power Purchase Program for any self- and co-generation renewable energy projects installed at city facilities - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 3. 21-780 Authorize (1) an agreement with Oncor Delivery Electric Company LLC (Oncor), for City of Dallas to participate in the Oncor Commercial Standard Offer Program which provides cash incentives for implementing energy efficiency measures at City facilities; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 in the Capital Construction Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of funds in an estimated amount of $25,000.00 annually in the Capital Construction Fund; and (4) execution of the agreement with Oncor - Estimated Annual Revenue: Capital Construction Fund $25,000.00 City Attorney's Office 4. 21-1062 Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Norris Smith, et al. v. City of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-08618 - Not to exceed $155,000.00 -Financing: Liability Reserve Fund Department of Aviation 6. 21-1101 Authorize an increase in funding to fulfill existing lease payment obligations pursuant to that certain lease agreement with Mockingbird Partners, L.P. for the remainder of the initial five years of the lease - Not to exceed an estimated $148,325.24, from $2,035,111.84 to $2,183,437.08 - Not to exceed $148,325.24 - Financing: Aviation Fund (subject to annual appropriations) Department of Equipment and Fleet Management 7. 21-1015 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) through the Alternative Fueling Facilities Program (AFFP) (Contract No. 582-21-22682-AF) to construct a compressed natural gas (CNG) facility at 9811 Harry Hines Boulevard to allow fast fill CNG fueling for City vehicles and equipment in the amount of $400,000.00 for the period June 23, 2021 through April 30, 2023; (2) receipt and deposit of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 in the CNG AFFP Program Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 in the CNG AFFP Program Fund (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $400,000.00 - Financing: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Grant Funds Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 9. 21-1158 Authorize the (1) sale of up to five Land Transfer lots to Women That Soar, L.L.C., and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program; Estimated Revenue: General Fund $12,509.93; (2) release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to five Land Transfer lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to four single-family homes on the Land Transfer lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: $8,930.90 Department of Public Works 10. 21-969 Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement with County of Collin, Texas (“Collin County”) for funding participation of transportation-related improvements of Frankford Road from State Highway 289 (Preston Road) to Coit Road in Dallas; (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from Collin County in an amount not to exceed $2,677,326.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund; and (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $2,677,326.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund - Not to exceed $2,677,326.00 - Financing: Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund 11. 21-813 Authorize a professional services contract with Burgess & Niple, Inc. for the engineering design services of Frankford Road from Texas State Highway 289 (Preston Road) to Coit Road - Not to exceed $495,585.00 -Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) 12. 21-804 Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-9001 - Package B (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - CCGMG LLC Series B, lowest responsible bidder of eleven - Not to exceed $946,885.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) 13. 21-1035 Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Montfort Drive from Interstate Highway 635 Frontage Road to Alpha Road -Vescorp Construction, LLC dba Chavez Concrete Cutting, lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $4,470,718.90 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($2,108,210.19), Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund ($1,746,308.71), Water Capital Improvement D Fund ($360,150.00), Water Capital Construction Fund ($38,500.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement E Fund ($202,350.00), and Wastewater Capital Construction Fund ($15,200.00) 14. 21-851 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the professional services contract with Urban Engineers Group, Inc. to provide additional design services associated with the new alignment of the existing Coombs Creek Trail to the southeast corner of Interstate Highway 30 (IH 30) and North Beckley Avenue and design of a trail connection structure to the existing pedestrian/bike trail facility built as part of the IH 30 Horseshoe Design-Build Project for the Coombs Creek Trail Extension Project - Not to exceed $289,221.21, from $621,048.00 to $910,269.21 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) Department of Sustainable Development and Construction 15. 21-1016 Authorize settlement in lieu of proceeding further with condemnation in the condemnation suit styled City of Dallas v. Curtis Seastrunk, et al, for acquisition from Curtis Seastrunk, et al., of approximately 7,308 square feet of land for right-of-way located in Hunt County, Texas for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch raw Water Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $3,983.00, increased from $5,000.00 ($2,517.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $2,483.00) to $8,983.00 ($6,500.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $2,483.00) - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund 16. 21-5 An ordinance abandoning a portion of a sanitary sewer easement to St. Philip’s School & Community Center, the abutting owner, containing approximately 4,130 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Holmes Street - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 17. 21-435 An ordinance abandoning a portion of a wastewater easement to 2026 North Prairie LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 1,302 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Monarch Street - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 18. 21-522 An ordinance abandoning portions of a water and sanitary sewer easement to Pegasus Place, LLC, the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 26,424 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Commonwealth and Pegasus Park Drives - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 19. 21-718 An ordinance abandoning a portion of Wisconsin Street to American Property Acquisition, LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 2,900 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Wisconsin Street and Goodnight Lane; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: General Fund $8,700.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 20. 21-967 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 31287, previously approved on August 28, 2019, which abandoned portions of Winnetka Avenue (formerly Earle Street), located near the intersection of Fort Worth and Winnetka Avenues, to Paul V. Toler and Donna Toler and Worth Trinity, LLC, to extend the final replat from one year to thirty months - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 21. 21-945 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 31440, previously approved on February 12, 2020, which abandoned a portion of an alley, located near the intersection of Peak Street and Ross Avenue to PSREG Ross Avenue Owner, LLC, to extend the final replat deadline from eighteen months to twenty-four months - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 22. 21-946 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 31581, previously approved on August 12, 2020, which abandoned portions of a utility easement, wastewater easement and avigation easement, located near the intersection of Denton Drive and Denton Drive Cut-Off to OH Maplewood, LP, to extend the final replat deadline from one year to eighteen months -Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 23. 21-1067 An ordinance correcting Chapter 51 of the Dallas Development Code, Section 51-4.217(19) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 24. 21-1068 An ordinance correcting (1) Planned Development District No. 326 amended by Ordinance No. 30285; (2) Planned Development District No. 1029 amended by Ordinance No. 31458; (3) Planned Development District No. 278 amended by Ordinance No. 31542; and (4) Planned Development District No. 484 amended by Ordinance No. 31626 -Financing: No cost consideration to the City 25. 21-1071 An ordinance correcting (1) Ordinance No. 30946, passed by Dallas City Council on August 8, 2018, which changed the zoning from a CR Community Retail District to an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on the east side of Pastor Bailey Drive, north of Scout Avenue; and (2) Ordinance No. 31458, passed by Dallas City Council on February 26, 2020, which created Planned Development District No. 1029 on the west side of Prichard Lane between Umphress Road and Stonehurst Street -Financing: No cost consideration to the City 26. 20-1720 An ordinance granting a private license to CADG Jackson Parking A, LLC, for the use of a total of approximately 757 square feet of aerial space to occupy, maintain and utilize two canopies without a premise sign over a portion of Jackson Street right-of-way located near its intersection with Harwood Street - Revenue: General Fund $100.00 one-time, plus the $20 ordinance publication fee 27. 21-811 An ordinance granting renewal of a revocable license to Big Outdoor Texas, LLC, for the use of approximately 360 square feet of aerial space to occupy, maintain and utilize the existing 12 lights that illuminate a supergraphic façade over a portion of Pacific Avenue right-of-way located near its intersection with Griffin Street - Revenue: General Fund $2,653.00 annually, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee Department of Transportation 28. 21-808 Authorize (1) the transfer of funds from the Public/Private Partnership Fund to the Dallas Streetcar System Fund; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 in the Dallas Streetcar System Fund; and (3) payment to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for operation and maintenance costs for the Dallas Streetcar System from Union Station to Bishop Arts District for Fiscal Year 2021 - Not to exceed $1,000,000.00 - Financing: Dallas Streetcar System Fund 29. 21-1049 Authorize payment to the Texas Department of Transportation for cost overruns related to the intersection and traffic signal improvements, including widening the bridge to add turn lanes, improving the approach, and replacing the traffic signal system at the intersection of Interstate Highway 20 and Bonnie View Road (CSJ 2374-03-074, CFDA No. 20.205) in the amount of $527,505.50 - Financing: General Fund ($427,505.50) and Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($100,000.00) 30. 21-1089 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation Care of Communities Foundation of Texas in the amount of $5,000.00 to preserve and restore the Juanita J. Craft Civil Rights House for the period June 23, 2021 through June 23, 2022; (2) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 in Juanita Craft House Luse Foundation Grant Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in amount not to exceed $5,000.00 in the Juanita Craft House Luse Foundation Grant Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement with W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation and Bank of America, NA, as Co-Trustee, and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $5,000.00 - Financing: W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation Grant Fund 31. 21-1009 Authorize an amendment to the FY 2020-21 Cultural Organizations Program contract with TeCo Theatrical Productions, Inc., d/b/a Bishop Arts Theatre Center to (1) extend the contract term for supplemental cultural services and proof of private match for supplemental funding by one year, from September 30, 2021, to September 30, 2022; (2) change the structure of the one-time $150,000.00 payment, to be disbursed in two payments of $75,000.00; and (3) provide additional cultural services as consideration for the amendment - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 32. 21-1074 Authorize (1) a second amendment to the FY 2020-21 Cultural Organizations Program (“COP”) Guidelines, to support cultural services for the period June 9, 2021 through September 30, 2021; (2) a contract for cultural services through the FY 2020-21 COP Guidelines with the Foundation for African-American Art in the amount of $72,660.00; and (3) a contract for cultural services through the FY 2020-21 COP Guidelines with the Dallas Historical Society in the amount of $36,435.00 - Total not to exceed $109,095.00 - Financing: General Fund 33. 21-1073 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the consultant services contract with Southroad Pictures, LLC, for additional services to expand the scope from a 15-minute short film to an approximately 26-minute broadcast-length documentary on the Hall of Negro Life - Not to exceed $15,800.00, from $43,800.00 to $59,600.00 - Financing: Office of Cultural Affairs Gift and Donations Fund ($9,600.00) and NPS African American Civil Rights History Grant Fund ($6,200.00) Office of Bond and Construction Management 34. 21-1039 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the design-build contract with Harrison Walker & Harper, LLC to provide construction services for the new Fire Station No. 59 facility to be located at 201 North Jim Miller Road - Not to exceed $200,169.54, from $6,578,434.00 to $6,778,603.54 - Financing: Public Safety (G) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) Office of Economic Development 36. 21-1118 Authorize a six-month extension of the option-period deadline with respect to the Option Agreement previously authorized by Resolution No. 20-1037, on June 24, 2020, and executed January 27, 2021, with Refuge City of Dallas “Refuge” for the development of city-owned property located at 12000 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas from August 13, 2021 to February 14, 2022 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Equity and Inclusion 38. 21-901 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the professional services contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. through an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Addison to conduct Phase III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self Evaluation and Transition Plan, which includes the review of city department services, programs, and activities; ADA electronic media and website training; and additional ADA building and facilities reviews for twenty-four months - Not to exceed $500,000.00, from $456,000.00 to $956,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to appropriations) Office of Procurement Services 39. 21-1133 Authorize a one-year contract, with two one-year renewal options, for emergency shelter services for the homeless for the Office of Homeless Solutions - Family Gateway, Inc. in the amount of $135,000, The Salvation Army A Georgia Corp. in the amount of $175,000, and Shelter Ministries of Dallas dba Austin Street Center in the amount of $155,000, most advantageous proposers of eight - Total not to exceed $465,000 -Financing: Emergency Solutions Grant Fund 40. 21-1131 Authorize a one-year service contract, with two one-year renewal options, for homeless services targeting young adults twenty-four years of age and younger for the Office of Homeless Solutions - CitySquare, most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $270,554 - Financing: FY21 Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs TDHCA Funds 41. 21-1132 Authorize a three-year contract for short-term homelessness diversion services for the Office of Homeless Solutions - After8toEducate in the amount of $811,662, First Presbyterian Church of Dallas dba The Stewpot in the amount of $372,696, Bridge Steps dba The Bridge in the amount of $355,500, and D.F.W. Economic Solutions in the amount of $225,000, most advantageous proposers of seven - Total not to exceed $1,764,858 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 42. 21-1004 Authorize two-year contracts, with two five-year renewal options, for property management, supportive services and renovations for temporary and permanent housing for the Office of Homeless Solutions -CitySquare in the amount of $3,291,666 and Family Gateway, Inc. in the amount of $2,911,856, most advantageous proposers of three - Total not to exceed $6,203,522 - Financing: Homeless Assistance (J) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($2,845,273), 2020 CARES Act Relief ESG #2 Fund ($2,378,666) and American Rescue Plan Act Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program Fund ($979,583) (subject to appropriations) 43. 21-1091 Authorize a two-year master agreement for the purchase of traffic signal control cabinets and ancillary equipment for the Department of Transportation with Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments cooperative agreement - Estimated amount of $2,073,107 - Financing: General Fund ($1,373,107), Street and Transportation (A) Fund ($400,000), and TxDOT IH-635 LBJ East Corridor Project Cost Reimbursement Fund ($300,000) 44. 21-799 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of water meters, parts, and accessories for the Water Utilities Department -Badger Meter, Inc. dba National Meter & Automation in the estimated amount of $10,259,590.00, Neptune Technology Group, Inc. in the estimated amount of $2,938,355.00, Mueller Systems, LLC in the estimated amount of $2,196,273.48, Itron, Inc. in the estimated amount of $324,886.00, Core & Main LP in the estimated amount of $132,500.00, Master Meter, Inc. in the estimated amount of $95,345.08, Process Solution Corp. dba Total Process Solutions, Inc. in the estimated amount of $44,400.00, Fortiline, Inc. dba Fortiline Waterworks in the estimated amount of $20,816.00, Metron-Farnier, LLC in the estimated amount of $13,255.00, and Sensus USA, Inc. in the estimated amount of $500.00, lowest responsible bidders of eleven - Total estimated amount of $16,025,920.56 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 45. 21-712 Authorize a two-year service contract for the development of a new districting plan to reflect the 2020 census data for the Office of Government Affairs - ARCBridge Consulting, Inc., most advantageous proposer of six - Not to exceed $158,625 - Financing: General Fund Attachments: Resolution 46. 21-1060 Authorize a two-year contract for financial empowerment centers and financial stability services for the Office of Community Care - CitySquare in the amount of $463,000.00 and International Rescue Committee, Inc. dba IRC in the amount of $723,596.90, most advantageous proposers of six - Total not to exceed $1,186,596.90 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 47. 21-1044 Authorize a three-year service price agreement for the purchase of firefighting tools, parts, and associated repairs of equipment for the Fire-Rescue Department - Casco Industries, Inc. in the estimated amount of $748,550 and Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. in the estimated amount of $335,460, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total estimated amount of $1,084,010 - Financing: General Fund 48. 21-1040 Authorize a five-year service price agreement for feral hog control and abatement services on City owned properties - Striker Outfitters, LLC, most advantageous proposer of two - Estimated amount of $693,125 -Financing: General Fund ($160,425), Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($217,100), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($207,900), and Sanitation Operation Fund ($107,700) 49. 20-2552 Authorize a three-year service price agreement for parts, repairs, and preventative maintenance and calibration for automatic stretcher load systems, power stretchers, and stair chairs for the Fire-Rescue Department - Stryker Sales Corporation, lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $635,500 - Financing: General Fund Office of the City Auditor 50. 21-1081 Authorize a budget estimate of the needs and requirements of the Office of the City Auditor for Fiscal Year 2021-22 in the amount of $3,004,204.00 (subject to final citywide funding adjustments for decisions that will be made on a citywide basis for items such as staff benefits, insurance, Department of Information and Technology Services chargebacks, and other items that may affect all City departmental budgets) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 53. 21-1059 Authorize (1) a Project Funding Agreement with Dallas County, County Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects 10233, to designate terms for the assignment of the City as the lead agency for the construction of Phase I of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail Project, establish the trail alignment (map), Dallas County funding participation and Dallas County attendance at meetings and inspection of construction of the planned approximately 8-mile Trinity Forest Spine Trail from the Santa Fe Trail just north of Tenison Park Golf Course to the DART Lawnview Station located at 5900 Scyene Road; (2) the receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $3,335,000.00 in the Capital Gifts, Donation and Development Fund for the County's share of the project cost; and (3) execution of the agreement including all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement - Revenue: Capital Gifts, Donation and Development Fund $3,335,000.00 54. 21-1048 Authorize a construction services contract for construction of five shade structures and bleacher seating at Campbell Green Park located at 16600 Hillcrest Road with Kraftsman, L.P. dba Kraftsman Commercial Playgrounds & Waterparks through the Texas Association of School Boards - Not to exceed $100,055.75 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) . 55. 21-1046 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with J.C. Commercial, Inc. for the addition of a senior activity center, technology center, gymnasium, and expansion of the parking lot at Willie B. Johnson Recreation Center located at 12225 Willowdell Drive to add increased scope of work to include heating and air conditioning system and electrical changes, emergency egress light changes, remobilization, installation of cell phone lockers, and changes due to Architect’s Supplemental Instructions No. 6 - Not to exceed $124,458.22, from $7,499,088.91 to $7,623,547.13 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) 58. 21-564 Authorize professional services contracts with eight consulting firms to provide construction materials testing services during the installation of capital improvement projects for water and wastewater pipelines, erosion control and storm drainage, and water treatment facilities - Professional Service Industries, Inc. in the amount of $245,500.00, Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc. in the amount of $280,000.00, Rone Engineering in the amount of $278,295.00, TEAM Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $237,000.00, ETTL Engineers and Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $289,875.00, HVJ North Texas - Chelliah Consultants, Inc. dba HVJ Associates in the amount of $300,000.00, Fugro USA Land, Inc. in the amount of $280,125.00, and Kleinfelder Inc. in the amount of $300,000.00 - Total not to exceed $2,210,795.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund ($600,000.00), Water Construction Fund ($564,147.50), Wastewater Capital Improvement D Fund ($564,147.50), Flood Control (D) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($185,000.00), Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund ($171,000.00), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2012 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($119,000.00), and Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($7,500.00) 59. 21-785 Authorize a construction services contract for the installation of water and wastewater main improvements at 18 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of six - Not to exceed $9,001,454.00 - Financing: Wastewater (Clean Water) - TWDB 2019 Fund ($3,004,836.00), Water (Drinking Water) - TWDB 2019 Fund ($2,807,969.00), Equity Revitalization Capital Fund ($1,408,963.42), Wastewater Capital Improvement E Fund ($821,873.00), Street and Alley Improvement Fund ($449,074.00), and ECO (I) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($508,738.58) Attachments: List Maps Resolution 60. 21-787 Authorize a construction services contract for residual handling improvements at the East Side Water Treatment Plant - BAR Constructors, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of five - Not to exceed $27,335,500.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund 61. 21-999 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with S. J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd. for additional work associated with the installation of a 36-inch diameter water transmission main in Pacific Avenue from Ervay Street to Pearl Expressway - Not to exceed $269,156.43, from $6,050,138.00 to $6,319,294.43 - Financing: Water Construction Fund 62. 21-805 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the professional services contract with Black & Veatch Corporation for additional engineering and construction phase services for water quality improvements at the East Side Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $1,286,000.00, from $22,634,885.00 to $23,920,885.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund
A resolution authorizing (1) the issuance of Refunding Bonds by the Love Field Airport Modernization Corporation in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $350,000,000; and (2) the financing documents relating to the sale of such bonds - Not to exceed $1,296,000.00 -Financing: 2021 Aviation Bond Funds ($997,000.00) and Aviation Fund ($299,000.00)
Authorize a second amendment to the conditional grant agreement, previously approved by Resolution No. 15-0861 on May 13, 2015, as amended, with Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity (Habitat) and Builders of Hope CDC, who assumed the obligations of Greenleaf Ventures, LLC for infrastructure construction related to the development of 50 to 53 single-family homes in East Dallas located on Chariot Drive, to (1) extend the completion date from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2021; (2) extend the term of the conditional grant agreement to December 31, 2021, to allow for final payment and closeout of the project; and (3) require that Habitat donate $1,500.00 to the Chariot Village Homeowner’s Association for neighborhood beautification projects -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) an amendment to the Program Statement for the Emergency Rental Assistance and Utility Program, funded by Coronavirus Response and Relief Funds, to amend the program requirements, previously approved by Resolution No. 21-0240 on January 27, 2021, as shown in Exhibit A; and (2) the City Manager to (a) apply for and receive and deposit funds in an amount not to exceed $50,225,677.40 in the American Recovery Plan Act Funds for the Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) for the Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 (CFDA No. 21.023), with 40% distributed within 60 days of enactment and subsequent payments once 75% has been obligated; (b) establish appropriations in an amount not to exceed $50,225,677.40 $20,090,270.96 in the ARPA Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 Fund; (c) execute any documents necessary with the Treasury to accept and/or spend the funds; and (d) implement an Emergency Rental Assistance and Utility Assistance Program in accordance with Exhibit B and utilize up to 15 percent of the funds for administration - Not to exceed $50,225,677.40 - Financing: U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program Grant Funds
Park & Recreation Department Note: Agenda Item Nos. 51 and 52 must be considered collectively. 51. 21-965 Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement between the Regional Transportation Council (RTC), the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), and the City of Dallas (City), and joined and consented to by the Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation (WRPF) to secure $30,000,000.00 in federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Funds for the expansion of Klyde Warren Park, known as “Klyde Warren Park Phase 2” (KWP2), and available for the construction of KWP2 by a separate Advance Funding Agreement between the City and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT); (2) an increase in appropriations in the amount of $10,000,000.00 in the Woodall Rodgers Development Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit in the amount of $10,000,000.00 from WRPF in the Woodall Rodgers Development Fund; (4) the repayment of $10,000,000.00 of STBG Funds by the City to NCTCOG after completion of the project; and (5) execution of the Interlocal Agreement including all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement - Not to exceed $10,000,000.00 - Financing: Woodall Rodgers Development Fund 52. 21-981 Authorize (1) two Advanced Funding Agreements with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) as follows: (i) on-system and; (ii) on-system maintenance and Amendment No. 1 (TxDOT Agreement No. CSJ 0916-07-034) for the Woodall Rodgers Park Deck Plaza Extension Structure On-System from west of Akard Street to St. Paul Street; and (iii) to provide funding for project costs in the amount of $7,900,000.00 from Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund and assign TxDOT as the project lead to for the entire project; and (2) execution of the Advanced Funding Agreements including all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreements - Total amount of $7,900,000.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)
Authorize (1) acquisition from 5901 South Lamar Street LLC of a commercially improved tract of land containing approximately 15.8 acres located on South Lamar Street near its intersection with South Central Expressway for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $63,320.68 in the Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Funds (1995 General Obligation Bond Funds); (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $40,004.00 in the Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Funds (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds); (4) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $196,694.00 in the Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Fund (2003 General Obligation Bond Funds); and (5) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $8,915,611.00 in the Trinity River Corridor Project Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) - Not to exceed $15,049,549.40 ($14,990,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $59,549.40) - Financing: Trinity River Corridor Project Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($8,974,829.23), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($5,774,701.49), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Fund (2003 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($196,694.00), Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Fund (1995 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($63,320.68), and Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($40,004.00)
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Authorize an ordinance amending the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan (“Plans”) for the City Center Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District (the “Zone”) to approve: (1) the TIF Board’s finding that Klyde Warren Park is an area of public assembly and that TIF funds from the District-Wide Improvement budget category may be used for the Phase 2 expansion of Klyde Warren Park (“KWP2”) because it is a project benefitting the Zone and because such expansion is necessary or convenient to the creation of the Zone or to the implementation of the Plans; and (2) corresponding modifications to the Plans to reflect these amendments and findings - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) a development agreement with Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation (“Foundation”) in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 for the design and construction of the Phase 2 expansion of the Klyde Warren Park project (“KWP2”), payable from City Center Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District funds, such improvements being necessary and convenient to the implementation of the project plans for the City Center TIF District; (2) all other necessary documents between the City, the Foundation and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (“NCTCOG”) related to such funding for KWP2; and (3) an assignment of all City Center TIF District revenues payable to the Foundation under the development agreement to NCTCOG - Not to exceed $3,000,000.00 -Financing: City Center TIF District Fund (subject to annual appropriations from tax increments)
Attorney Briefings (Sec. 551.071 T.O.M.A.) - Legal issues related to the temporary inclement weather shelter ordinances.
A resolution to authorize the City Manager to (1) spend funds in compliance with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury for the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CFDA No. 21.027); (2) take all necessary actions to apply for and receive funds for which the City is eligible from state and federal sources; (3) receive and deposit funds in an amount not to exceed $355,426,891.00 in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund which will be received in two tranches with 50% in 2021 and 50% in 2022; (4) establish appropriations in an amount not to exceed $177,713,445.50 in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund; (5) transfer appropriations, expenses, or cash between funds established for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response; and (6) execute any grant agreements necessary to receive COVID-19 funding from federal and state sources - Not to exceed $355,426,891.00 - Financing: U.S. Department of the Treasury - Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Authorize the (1) acceptance of the 2021-22 Veterans Treatment Court Grant in the amount of $50,000.00 from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance (Grant No. GT-VTC21-019) for continuation of the South Oak Cliff Community Court to include the South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Project for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 in the 2021-22 Veterans Treatment Court Grant Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 in the 2021-22 Veterans Treatment Court Grant Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions and documents required by the agreement - Not to exceed $50,000.00 -Financing: Texas Veterans Commission Grant Funds
An ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-3 Mixed Use District uses and warehouse and outside storage uses on property zoned an MU-3 Mixed Use District at the south side of West Mockingbird Lane, east of Elmbrook Drive - Z190-348(LG) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-1 Mixed Use District uses and a resolution accepting the termination of deed restrictions [Z990-137] on property zoned an MU-1 Mixed Use District and a CR Community Retail District at the Southeast corner of Gaston Avenue, Garland Road, and East Grand Avenue -Z201-139(NN) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize approval of 15 nominees to serve on the Economic Development Advisory Task Force which will advise on implementation of the economic development policy and creation of an economic development entity - Financing: No cost consideration to City
Authorize a consulting contract with (1) HR&A Advisors, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,296,000.00 to implement the City of Dallas Economic Development Policy; and (2) Tip Strategies, Inc. dba TIP Strategies in an amount not to exceed $800,000.00 to lead formation of a new economic development entity - Total not to exceed $2,096,000.00 -Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund
Authorize a development agreement and all other necessary documents with Circuit Trail Conservancy and/or its affiliates for the design and construction of the North Victory segment of the Hi Line Connector Trail Project located in the Victory Sub-district of the Sports Arena TIF District in an amount not to exceed $11,562,124.00 - Not to exceed $11,562,124.00 - Financing: Sports Arena TIF District Fund (subject to current and future appropriations from tax increments)
Authorize a fourth amendment to the 2016 Chapter 380 Grant Agreement (“2016 Chapter 380 Agreement”) with WCWRD Inc and its affiliate or subsidiaries (“Developer”), a third amendment to the Tax Increment Development, Chapter 380 Grant, and Chapter 380 Loan Agreement (“2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement”) with Developer, and any amendments to any other documents, including but not limited to deeds of trust and promissory notes, necessary to accommodate the Red Bird Mall Redevelopment Project (“Project”) in accordance with the City Council-approved terms, approved as to form by the City Attorney, related to the Project generally located at the southeast corner of Camp Wisdom Road and Westmoreland Road in the Mall Area Redevelopment TIF District to: (a) modify Programmatic Requirements in the 2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement to (i) reduce by 60,000 gross square feet (from a minimum of 100,000 gross square feet to a minimum of 40,000 gross square feet) the Developer’s requirement to construct new retail, restaurant, and entertainment buildings and (ii) authorize the Developer to use reasonable efforts to prepare and convey property within the Project site to a hotel developer; (b) clarify authorization for the Developer to obtain mezzanine and preferred equity financing and authorization for the City to enter into intercreditor agreements and/or recognition agreements, as applicable; (c) extend the maturity date on the loan (“Loan”) authorized by the 2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement by five years until June 2038; (d) authorize the release of a portion of the property within the Project site (“Sears Property”) to a third-party purchaser upon completion of the initial phase of tenant improvements and prior to the Loan’s maturity date; and (e) modify the Developer’s ability to sell the Project prior to maturity of the Loan, subject to the Loan and assignment of the 2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement; and as consideration for the amendments: (i) increase the Developer’s Minimum Investment Requirement by $5,000,000.00 for the Project from $130,000,000.00 to $135,000,000.00, (ii) add a requirement to the Programmatic Requirements that the Developer make reasonable efforts to prepare and convey property within the Project site for a grocery store or renovate and lease space within an existing building within the Project site for a grocery store, (iii) require that the Developer pay interest current on the Loan to the extent that the TIF Subsidy does not fully repay the Loan during the extended term, and (iv) prohibit the Developer from distributing any net proceeds of the sale of the Sears Property to equity shareholders and require the Developer to use the net proceeds to either repay debt that is senior to the City’s lien in payment priority, pay for remaining Infrastructure Work, invest in additional building improvements on property secured by the City’s lien, or acquire additional properties in the Project area to be added to the City’s collateral -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to increase the cooperative purchasing agreement for the purchase of additional software licenses, maintenance and support, and training to upgrade and convert the existing Electronic Plan Review System to a software as a solution model provided by Avolve Software Corporation and sold through SHI Government Solutions, Inc. through The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement managed by the Department of Information and Technology Services for the Department of Sustainable Development and Construction - Not to exceed $469,236.04, from $2,864,232.00 to $3,333,468.04 - Financing: Building Inspection Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Authorize a ten-year lease agreement with one five-year renewal option between Fair Park First and zoOceanarium Group, LLC to operate the Children’s Aquarium located at 1462 First Avenue in Fair Park -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Additional Item
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District with Specific Use Permit No. 105 for Convalescent Home & Institutional Uses, at the southeast corner of Samuell Boulevard and Grove Hill Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z201-160(CT)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an R-5(A) Single Family District on property zoned CS Commercial Service District, on the north line of Corregidor Street, east of Carbondale Street Recommendation of Staff: Denial Recommendation of CPC: Approval Z201-202(OA)
Z1. 21-1072 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development District No. 663 for UC-2 Urban Corridor District uses, at the northwest corner of Bengal Street and Macatee Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, revised Area 2 development plan, and conditions Z189-308(ND) Z2. 21-1075 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of and an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 2021 for a motor vehicle fueling station on property zoned NC(E) Neighborhood Commercial (Enhanced) Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, at the southwest corner of South Central Expressway and Elsie Faye Heggins Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z190-157(CT) Z6. 21-1079 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2155 for a recycling buy-back center for the collection of household and industrial metals on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District, on the southwest line of Botham Jean Boulevard South Lamar Street, between Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Lenway Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to conditions Z201-198(AO) Z7. 21-1080 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 651 for a college on property zoned R-1/2ac(A) District, at the southeast corner of Walnut Street and Abrams Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z201-209(LG) Z8. 21-1084 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2093 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned CS-D-1 Commercial Service District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the south line of Bruton Road, between North Jim Miller Road and Joan Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to conditions Z201-211(CT) Z9. 21-1086 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 2218 for a local utilities use limited to utility services on property zoned MF-2(A) Multifamily District, on the south line of Bank Street, east of Herndon Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z201-217(CT)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to and an expansion of Planned Development District No. 936 on property zoned an R-5(A) Single Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, and Planned Development District No. 936, at the southwest corner of Bexar Street and Vesper Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, a revised landscape plan, and conditions Z201-173(ND)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-5(A) Single Family District uses and Private School, Community Service Center, and Child-care Facility uses on property zoned Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District with H/61 Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School Historic Overlay and H/100 Wheatley Place Historic District Overlay, on the southeast line of Metropolitan Avenue, between Meyers Street and Havana Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Z201-192(LG)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for TH-3(A) Townhouse District Uses on property zoned an IR Industrial Research District and a TH-3(A) Townhouse District, south of Muncie Avenue, between Conklin Street and Borger Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z190-279(CT) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on May 26, 2021 and June 9, 2021, and is scheduled for consideration on June 23, 2021
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MC-4 Multiple Commercial District uses and single family uses on property zoned an MC-4 Multiple Commercial District, on the southwest corner of Skillman Street and Whitehurst Drive Recommendation of Staff: Denial without prejudice Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z201-162(LG)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a TH-2(A) Townhouse District with deed restrictions volunteered by the applicant on property zoned an R-10(A) Single Family District, on the northeast side of Whispering Oaks Drive, south of Jordan Ridge Drive Recommendation of Staff: Denial without prejudice Recommendation of CPC: Denial Z201-205(NN)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposal to consider a request to change the name of Village Fair Place, between Village Fair Drive and Ledbetter Drive, to “Pastor Pryor Drive” and an ordinance granting the name change - NC201-002 - Financing: New street blades to be prepared and paid for by the City of Dallas (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding the application for and approval of the fill permit and removal of the floodplain (FP) prefix from approximately 0.19 acres of the current 1.38 acres of floodplain located at 4950 Wedgewood Lane, within the floodplain of Browning Branch, Fill Permit 20-09 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Open Microphone Speakers
Approval of Minutes of the June 9, 2021 City Council Meeting
Building Services Department 2. 21-904 Authorize an amendment to the electricity services contract with TXU Energy Retail Company, LLC to enroll the City in their Surplus Power Purchase Program for any self- and co-generation renewable energy projects installed at city facilities - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 3. 21-780 Authorize (1) an agreement with Oncor Delivery Electric Company LLC (Oncor), for City of Dallas to participate in the Oncor Commercial Standard Offer Program which provides cash incentives for implementing energy efficiency measures at City facilities; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 in the Capital Construction Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit of funds in an estimated amount of $25,000.00 annually in the Capital Construction Fund; and (4) execution of the agreement with Oncor - Estimated Annual Revenue: Capital Construction Fund $25,000.00 City Attorney's Office 4. 21-1062 Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Norris Smith, et al. v. City of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-08618 - Not to exceed $155,000.00 -Financing: Liability Reserve Fund Department of Aviation 6. 21-1101 Authorize an increase in funding to fulfill existing lease payment obligations pursuant to that certain lease agreement with Mockingbird Partners, L.P. for the remainder of the initial five years of the lease - Not to exceed an estimated $148,325.24, from $2,035,111.84 to $2,183,437.08 - Not to exceed $148,325.24 - Financing: Aviation Fund (subject to annual appropriations) Department of Equipment and Fleet Management 7. 21-1015 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) through the Alternative Fueling Facilities Program (AFFP) (Contract No. 582-21-22682-AF) to construct a compressed natural gas (CNG) facility at 9811 Harry Hines Boulevard to allow fast fill CNG fueling for City vehicles and equipment in the amount of $400,000.00 for the period June 23, 2021 through April 30, 2023; (2) receipt and deposit of grant funds in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 in the CNG AFFP Program Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 in the CNG AFFP Program Fund (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $400,000.00 - Financing: Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Grant Funds Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 9. 21-1158 Authorize the (1) sale of up to five Land Transfer lots to Women That Soar, L.L.C., and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program; Estimated Revenue: General Fund $12,509.93; (2) release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to five Land Transfer lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to four single-family homes on the Land Transfer lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: $8,930.90 Department of Public Works 10. 21-969 Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement with County of Collin, Texas (“Collin County”) for funding participation of transportation-related improvements of Frankford Road from State Highway 289 (Preston Road) to Coit Road in Dallas; (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from Collin County in an amount not to exceed $2,677,326.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund; and (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $2,677,326.00 in the Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund - Not to exceed $2,677,326.00 - Financing: Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund 11. 21-813 Authorize a professional services contract with Burgess & Niple, Inc. for the engineering design services of Frankford Road from Texas State Highway 289 (Preston Road) to Coit Road - Not to exceed $495,585.00 -Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) 12. 21-804 Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-9001 - Package B (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - CCGMG LLC Series B, lowest responsible bidder of eleven - Not to exceed $946,885.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) 13. 21-1035 Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Montfort Drive from Interstate Highway 635 Frontage Road to Alpha Road -Vescorp Construction, LLC dba Chavez Concrete Cutting, lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $4,470,718.90 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($2,108,210.19), Capital Projects Reimbursement Fund ($1,746,308.71), Water Capital Improvement D Fund ($360,150.00), Water Capital Construction Fund ($38,500.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement E Fund ($202,350.00), and Wastewater Capital Construction Fund ($15,200.00) 14. 21-851 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the professional services contract with Urban Engineers Group, Inc. to provide additional design services associated with the new alignment of the existing Coombs Creek Trail to the southeast corner of Interstate Highway 30 (IH 30) and North Beckley Avenue and design of a trail connection structure to the existing pedestrian/bike trail facility built as part of the IH 30 Horseshoe Design-Build Project for the Coombs Creek Trail Extension Project - Not to exceed $289,221.21, from $621,048.00 to $910,269.21 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) Department of Sustainable Development and Construction 15. 21-1016 Authorize settlement in lieu of proceeding further with condemnation in the condemnation suit styled City of Dallas v. Curtis Seastrunk, et al, for acquisition from Curtis Seastrunk, et al., of approximately 7,308 square feet of land for right-of-way located in Hunt County, Texas for the Lake Tawakoni 144-inch raw Water Transmission Pipeline Project - Not to exceed $3,983.00, increased from $5,000.00 ($2,517.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $2,483.00) to $8,983.00 ($6,500.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $2,483.00) - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund 16. 21-5 An ordinance abandoning a portion of a sanitary sewer easement to St. Philip’s School & Community Center, the abutting owner, containing approximately 4,130 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Holmes Street - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 17. 21-435 An ordinance abandoning a portion of a wastewater easement to 2026 North Prairie LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 1,302 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Prairie Avenue and Monarch Street - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 18. 21-522 An ordinance abandoning portions of a water and sanitary sewer easement to Pegasus Place, LLC, the abutting owner, containing a total of approximately 26,424 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Commonwealth and Pegasus Park Drives - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 19. 21-718 An ordinance abandoning a portion of Wisconsin Street to American Property Acquisition, LLC, the abutting owner, containing approximately 2,900 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Wisconsin Street and Goodnight Lane; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: General Fund $8,700.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 20. 21-967 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 31287, previously approved on August 28, 2019, which abandoned portions of Winnetka Avenue (formerly Earle Street), located near the intersection of Fort Worth and Winnetka Avenues, to Paul V. Toler and Donna Toler and Worth Trinity, LLC, to extend the final replat from one year to thirty months - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 21. 21-945 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 31440, previously approved on February 12, 2020, which abandoned a portion of an alley, located near the intersection of Peak Street and Ross Avenue to PSREG Ross Avenue Owner, LLC, to extend the final replat deadline from eighteen months to twenty-four months - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 22. 21-946 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 31581, previously approved on August 12, 2020, which abandoned portions of a utility easement, wastewater easement and avigation easement, located near the intersection of Denton Drive and Denton Drive Cut-Off to OH Maplewood, LP, to extend the final replat deadline from one year to eighteen months -Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 23. 21-1067 An ordinance correcting Chapter 51 of the Dallas Development Code, Section 51-4.217(19) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 24. 21-1068 An ordinance correcting (1) Planned Development District No. 326 amended by Ordinance No. 30285; (2) Planned Development District No. 1029 amended by Ordinance No. 31458; (3) Planned Development District No. 278 amended by Ordinance No. 31542; and (4) Planned Development District No. 484 amended by Ordinance No. 31626 -Financing: No cost consideration to the City 25. 21-1071 An ordinance correcting (1) Ordinance No. 30946, passed by Dallas City Council on August 8, 2018, which changed the zoning from a CR Community Retail District to an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on the east side of Pastor Bailey Drive, north of Scout Avenue; and (2) Ordinance No. 31458, passed by Dallas City Council on February 26, 2020, which created Planned Development District No. 1029 on the west side of Prichard Lane between Umphress Road and Stonehurst Street -Financing: No cost consideration to the City 26. 20-1720 An ordinance granting a private license to CADG Jackson Parking A, LLC, for the use of a total of approximately 757 square feet of aerial space to occupy, maintain and utilize two canopies without a premise sign over a portion of Jackson Street right-of-way located near its intersection with Harwood Street - Revenue: General Fund $100.00 one-time, plus the $20 ordinance publication fee 27. 21-811 An ordinance granting renewal of a revocable license to Big Outdoor Texas, LLC, for the use of approximately 360 square feet of aerial space to occupy, maintain and utilize the existing 12 lights that illuminate a supergraphic façade over a portion of Pacific Avenue right-of-way located near its intersection with Griffin Street - Revenue: General Fund $2,653.00 annually, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee Department of Transportation 28. 21-808 Authorize (1) the transfer of funds from the Public/Private Partnership Fund to the Dallas Streetcar System Fund; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000.00 in the Dallas Streetcar System Fund; and (3) payment to Dallas Area Rapid Transit for operation and maintenance costs for the Dallas Streetcar System from Union Station to Bishop Arts District for Fiscal Year 2021 - Not to exceed $1,000,000.00 - Financing: Dallas Streetcar System Fund 29. 21-1049 Authorize payment to the Texas Department of Transportation for cost overruns related to the intersection and traffic signal improvements, including widening the bridge to add turn lanes, improving the approach, and replacing the traffic signal system at the intersection of Interstate Highway 20 and Bonnie View Road (CSJ 2374-03-074, CFDA No. 20.205) in the amount of $527,505.50 - Financing: General Fund ($427,505.50) and Street and Transportation Improvements Fund (2012 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($100,000.00) 30. 21-1089 Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation Care of Communities Foundation of Texas in the amount of $5,000.00 to preserve and restore the Juanita J. Craft Civil Rights House for the period June 23, 2021 through June 23, 2022; (2) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 in Juanita Craft House Luse Foundation Grant Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in amount not to exceed $5,000.00 in the Juanita Craft House Luse Foundation Grant Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement with W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation and Bank of America, NA, as Co-Trustee, and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the grant agreement - Not to exceed $5,000.00 - Financing: W.P. & Bulah Luse Foundation Grant Fund 31. 21-1009 Authorize an amendment to the FY 2020-21 Cultural Organizations Program contract with TeCo Theatrical Productions, Inc., d/b/a Bishop Arts Theatre Center to (1) extend the contract term for supplemental cultural services and proof of private match for supplemental funding by one year, from September 30, 2021, to September 30, 2022; (2) change the structure of the one-time $150,000.00 payment, to be disbursed in two payments of $75,000.00; and (3) provide additional cultural services as consideration for the amendment - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 32. 21-1074 Authorize (1) a second amendment to the FY 2020-21 Cultural Organizations Program (“COP”) Guidelines, to support cultural services for the period June 9, 2021 through September 30, 2021; (2) a contract for cultural services through the FY 2020-21 COP Guidelines with the Foundation for African-American Art in the amount of $72,660.00; and (3) a contract for cultural services through the FY 2020-21 COP Guidelines with the Dallas Historical Society in the amount of $36,435.00 - Total not to exceed $109,095.00 - Financing: General Fund 33. 21-1073 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the consultant services contract with Southroad Pictures, LLC, for additional services to expand the scope from a 15-minute short film to an approximately 26-minute broadcast-length documentary on the Hall of Negro Life - Not to exceed $15,800.00, from $43,800.00 to $59,600.00 - Financing: Office of Cultural Affairs Gift and Donations Fund ($9,600.00) and NPS African American Civil Rights History Grant Fund ($6,200.00) Office of Bond and Construction Management 34. 21-1039 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the design-build contract with Harrison Walker & Harper, LLC to provide construction services for the new Fire Station No. 59 facility to be located at 201 North Jim Miller Road - Not to exceed $200,169.54, from $6,578,434.00 to $6,778,603.54 - Financing: Public Safety (G) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) Office of Economic Development 36. 21-1118 Authorize a six-month extension of the option-period deadline with respect to the Option Agreement previously authorized by Resolution No. 20-1037, on June 24, 2020, and executed January 27, 2021, with Refuge City of Dallas “Refuge” for the development of city-owned property located at 12000 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas from August 13, 2021 to February 14, 2022 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Equity and Inclusion 38. 21-901 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the professional services contract with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. through an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Addison to conduct Phase III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self Evaluation and Transition Plan, which includes the review of city department services, programs, and activities; ADA electronic media and website training; and additional ADA building and facilities reviews for twenty-four months - Not to exceed $500,000.00, from $456,000.00 to $956,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to appropriations) Office of Procurement Services 39. 21-1133 Authorize a one-year contract, with two one-year renewal options, for emergency shelter services for the homeless for the Office of Homeless Solutions - Family Gateway, Inc. in the amount of $135,000, The Salvation Army A Georgia Corp. in the amount of $175,000, and Shelter Ministries of Dallas dba Austin Street Center in the amount of $155,000, most advantageous proposers of eight - Total not to exceed $465,000 -Financing: Emergency Solutions Grant Fund 40. 21-1131 Authorize a one-year service contract, with two one-year renewal options, for homeless services targeting young adults twenty-four years of age and younger for the Office of Homeless Solutions - CitySquare, most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $270,554 - Financing: FY21 Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs TDHCA Funds 41. 21-1132 Authorize a three-year contract for short-term homelessness diversion services for the Office of Homeless Solutions - After8toEducate in the amount of $811,662, First Presbyterian Church of Dallas dba The Stewpot in the amount of $372,696, Bridge Steps dba The Bridge in the amount of $355,500, and D.F.W. Economic Solutions in the amount of $225,000, most advantageous proposers of seven - Total not to exceed $1,764,858 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 42. 21-1004 Authorize two-year contracts, with two five-year renewal options, for property management, supportive services and renovations for temporary and permanent housing for the Office of Homeless Solutions -CitySquare in the amount of $3,291,666 and Family Gateway, Inc. in the amount of $2,911,856, most advantageous proposers of three - Total not to exceed $6,203,522 - Financing: Homeless Assistance (J) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($2,845,273), 2020 CARES Act Relief ESG #2 Fund ($2,378,666) and American Rescue Plan Act Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program Fund ($979,583) (subject to appropriations) 43. 21-1091 Authorize a two-year master agreement for the purchase of traffic signal control cabinets and ancillary equipment for the Department of Transportation with Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. through the Houston-Galveston Area Council of Governments cooperative agreement - Estimated amount of $2,073,107 - Financing: General Fund ($1,373,107), Street and Transportation (A) Fund ($400,000), and TxDOT IH-635 LBJ East Corridor Project Cost Reimbursement Fund ($300,000) 44. 21-799 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of water meters, parts, and accessories for the Water Utilities Department -Badger Meter, Inc. dba National Meter & Automation in the estimated amount of $10,259,590.00, Neptune Technology Group, Inc. in the estimated amount of $2,938,355.00, Mueller Systems, LLC in the estimated amount of $2,196,273.48, Itron, Inc. in the estimated amount of $324,886.00, Core & Main LP in the estimated amount of $132,500.00, Master Meter, Inc. in the estimated amount of $95,345.08, Process Solution Corp. dba Total Process Solutions, Inc. in the estimated amount of $44,400.00, Fortiline, Inc. dba Fortiline Waterworks in the estimated amount of $20,816.00, Metron-Farnier, LLC in the estimated amount of $13,255.00, and Sensus USA, Inc. in the estimated amount of $500.00, lowest responsible bidders of eleven - Total estimated amount of $16,025,920.56 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 45. 21-712 Authorize a two-year service contract for the development of a new districting plan to reflect the 2020 census data for the Office of Government Affairs - ARCBridge Consulting, Inc., most advantageous proposer of six - Not to exceed $158,625 - Financing: General Fund Attachments: Resolution 46. 21-1060 Authorize a two-year contract for financial empowerment centers and financial stability services for the Office of Community Care - CitySquare in the amount of $463,000.00 and International Rescue Committee, Inc. dba IRC in the amount of $723,596.90, most advantageous proposers of six - Total not to exceed $1,186,596.90 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 47. 21-1044 Authorize a three-year service price agreement for the purchase of firefighting tools, parts, and associated repairs of equipment for the Fire-Rescue Department - Casco Industries, Inc. in the estimated amount of $748,550 and Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. in the estimated amount of $335,460, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total estimated amount of $1,084,010 - Financing: General Fund 48. 21-1040 Authorize a five-year service price agreement for feral hog control and abatement services on City owned properties - Striker Outfitters, LLC, most advantageous proposer of two - Estimated amount of $693,125 -Financing: General Fund ($160,425), Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($217,100), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($207,900), and Sanitation Operation Fund ($107,700) 49. 20-2552 Authorize a three-year service price agreement for parts, repairs, and preventative maintenance and calibration for automatic stretcher load systems, power stretchers, and stair chairs for the Fire-Rescue Department - Stryker Sales Corporation, lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $635,500 - Financing: General Fund Office of the City Auditor 50. 21-1081 Authorize a budget estimate of the needs and requirements of the Office of the City Auditor for Fiscal Year 2021-22 in the amount of $3,004,204.00 (subject to final citywide funding adjustments for decisions that will be made on a citywide basis for items such as staff benefits, insurance, Department of Information and Technology Services chargebacks, and other items that may affect all City departmental budgets) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 53. 21-1059 Authorize (1) a Project Funding Agreement with Dallas County, County Transportation Major Capital Improvement Projects 10233, to designate terms for the assignment of the City as the lead agency for the construction of Phase I of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail Project, establish the trail alignment (map), Dallas County funding participation and Dallas County attendance at meetings and inspection of construction of the planned approximately 8-mile Trinity Forest Spine Trail from the Santa Fe Trail just north of Tenison Park Golf Course to the DART Lawnview Station located at 5900 Scyene Road; (2) the receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $3,335,000.00 in the Capital Gifts, Donation and Development Fund for the County's share of the project cost; and (3) execution of the agreement including all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement - Revenue: Capital Gifts, Donation and Development Fund $3,335,000.00 54. 21-1048 Authorize a construction services contract for construction of five shade structures and bleacher seating at Campbell Green Park located at 16600 Hillcrest Road with Kraftsman, L.P. dba Kraftsman Commercial Playgrounds & Waterparks through the Texas Association of School Boards - Not to exceed $100,055.75 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) . 55. 21-1046 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with J.C. Commercial, Inc. for the addition of a senior activity center, technology center, gymnasium, and expansion of the parking lot at Willie B. Johnson Recreation Center located at 12225 Willowdell Drive to add increased scope of work to include heating and air conditioning system and electrical changes, emergency egress light changes, remobilization, installation of cell phone lockers, and changes due to Architect’s Supplemental Instructions No. 6 - Not to exceed $124,458.22, from $7,499,088.91 to $7,623,547.13 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) 58. 21-564 Authorize professional services contracts with eight consulting firms to provide construction materials testing services during the installation of capital improvement projects for water and wastewater pipelines, erosion control and storm drainage, and water treatment facilities - Professional Service Industries, Inc. in the amount of $245,500.00, Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc. in the amount of $280,000.00, Rone Engineering in the amount of $278,295.00, TEAM Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $237,000.00, ETTL Engineers and Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $289,875.00, HVJ North Texas - Chelliah Consultants, Inc. dba HVJ Associates in the amount of $300,000.00, Fugro USA Land, Inc. in the amount of $280,125.00, and Kleinfelder Inc. in the amount of $300,000.00 - Total not to exceed $2,210,795.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund ($600,000.00), Water Construction Fund ($564,147.50), Wastewater Capital Improvement D Fund ($564,147.50), Flood Control (D) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($185,000.00), Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund ($171,000.00), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2012 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($119,000.00), and Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($7,500.00) 59. 21-785 Authorize a construction services contract for the installation of water and wastewater main improvements at 18 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of six - Not to exceed $9,001,454.00 - Financing: Wastewater (Clean Water) - TWDB 2019 Fund ($3,004,836.00), Water (Drinking Water) - TWDB 2019 Fund ($2,807,969.00), Equity Revitalization Capital Fund ($1,408,963.42), Wastewater Capital Improvement E Fund ($821,873.00), Street and Alley Improvement Fund ($449,074.00), and ECO (I) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($508,738.58) Attachments: List Maps Resolution 60. 21-787 Authorize a construction services contract for residual handling improvements at the East Side Water Treatment Plant - BAR Constructors, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of five - Not to exceed $27,335,500.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund 61. 21-999 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with S. J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd. for additional work associated with the installation of a 36-inch diameter water transmission main in Pacific Avenue from Ervay Street to Pearl Expressway - Not to exceed $269,156.43, from $6,050,138.00 to $6,319,294.43 - Financing: Water Construction Fund 62. 21-805 Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the professional services contract with Black & Veatch Corporation for additional engineering and construction phase services for water quality improvements at the East Side Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $1,286,000.00, from $22,634,885.00 to $23,920,885.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement D Fund
A resolution authorizing (1) the issuance of Refunding Bonds by the Love Field Airport Modernization Corporation in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $350,000,000; and (2) the financing documents relating to the sale of such bonds - Not to exceed $1,296,000.00 -Financing: 2021 Aviation Bond Funds ($997,000.00) and Aviation Fund ($299,000.00)
Authorize a second amendment to the conditional grant agreement, previously approved by Resolution No. 15-0861 on May 13, 2015, as amended, with Dallas Area Habitat for Humanity (Habitat) and Builders of Hope CDC, who assumed the obligations of Greenleaf Ventures, LLC for infrastructure construction related to the development of 50 to 53 single-family homes in East Dallas located on Chariot Drive, to (1) extend the completion date from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2021; (2) extend the term of the conditional grant agreement to December 31, 2021, to allow for final payment and closeout of the project; and (3) require that Habitat donate $1,500.00 to the Chariot Village Homeowner’s Association for neighborhood beautification projects -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) an amendment to the Program Statement for the Emergency Rental Assistance and Utility Program, funded by Coronavirus Response and Relief Funds, to amend the program requirements, previously approved by Resolution No. 21-0240 on January 27, 2021, as shown in Exhibit A; and (2) the City Manager to (a) apply for and receive and deposit funds in an amount not to exceed $50,225,677.40 in the American Recovery Plan Act Funds for the Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 from the U.S. Department of the Treasury (“Treasury”) for the Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 (CFDA No. 21.023), with 40% distributed within 60 days of enactment and subsequent payments once 75% has been obligated; (b) establish appropriations in an amount not to exceed $50,225,677.40 $20,090,270.96 in the ARPA Emergency Rental Assistance Round 2 Fund; (c) execute any documents necessary with the Treasury to accept and/or spend the funds; and (d) implement an Emergency Rental Assistance and Utility Assistance Program in accordance with Exhibit B and utilize up to 15 percent of the funds for administration - Not to exceed $50,225,677.40 - Financing: U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program Grant Funds
Park & Recreation Department Note: Agenda Item Nos. 51 and 52 must be considered collectively. 51. 21-965 Authorize (1) an Interlocal Agreement between the Regional Transportation Council (RTC), the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), and the City of Dallas (City), and joined and consented to by the Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation (WRPF) to secure $30,000,000.00 in federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Funds for the expansion of Klyde Warren Park, known as “Klyde Warren Park Phase 2” (KWP2), and available for the construction of KWP2 by a separate Advance Funding Agreement between the City and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT); (2) an increase in appropriations in the amount of $10,000,000.00 in the Woodall Rodgers Development Fund; (3) the receipt and deposit in the amount of $10,000,000.00 from WRPF in the Woodall Rodgers Development Fund; (4) the repayment of $10,000,000.00 of STBG Funds by the City to NCTCOG after completion of the project; and (5) execution of the Interlocal Agreement including all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement - Not to exceed $10,000,000.00 - Financing: Woodall Rodgers Development Fund 52. 21-981 Authorize (1) two Advanced Funding Agreements with Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) as follows: (i) on-system and; (ii) on-system maintenance and Amendment No. 1 (TxDOT Agreement No. CSJ 0916-07-034) for the Woodall Rodgers Park Deck Plaza Extension Structure On-System from west of Akard Street to St. Paul Street; and (iii) to provide funding for project costs in the amount of $7,900,000.00 from Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund and assign TxDOT as the project lead to for the entire project; and (2) execution of the Advanced Funding Agreements including all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreements - Total amount of $7,900,000.00 - Financing: Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)
Authorize (1) acquisition from 5901 South Lamar Street LLC of a commercially improved tract of land containing approximately 15.8 acres located on South Lamar Street near its intersection with South Central Expressway for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $63,320.68 in the Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Funds (1995 General Obligation Bond Funds); (3) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $40,004.00 in the Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Funds (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds); (4) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $196,694.00 in the Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Fund (2003 General Obligation Bond Funds); and (5) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $8,915,611.00 in the Trinity River Corridor Project Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) - Not to exceed $15,049,549.40 ($14,990,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $59,549.40) - Financing: Trinity River Corridor Project Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($8,974,829.23), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($5,774,701.49), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Fund (2003 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($196,694.00), Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Fund (1995 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($63,320.68), and Flood Protection & Storm Drainage Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($40,004.00)
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Authorize an ordinance amending the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan (“Plans”) for the City Center Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District (the “Zone”) to approve: (1) the TIF Board’s finding that Klyde Warren Park is an area of public assembly and that TIF funds from the District-Wide Improvement budget category may be used for the Phase 2 expansion of Klyde Warren Park (“KWP2”) because it is a project benefitting the Zone and because such expansion is necessary or convenient to the creation of the Zone or to the implementation of the Plans; and (2) corresponding modifications to the Plans to reflect these amendments and findings - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) a development agreement with Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation (“Foundation”) in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 for the design and construction of the Phase 2 expansion of the Klyde Warren Park project (“KWP2”), payable from City Center Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District funds, such improvements being necessary and convenient to the implementation of the project plans for the City Center TIF District; (2) all other necessary documents between the City, the Foundation and the North Central Texas Council of Governments (“NCTCOG”) related to such funding for KWP2; and (3) an assignment of all City Center TIF District revenues payable to the Foundation under the development agreement to NCTCOG - Not to exceed $3,000,000.00 -Financing: City Center TIF District Fund (subject to annual appropriations from tax increments)
Attorney Briefings (Sec. 551.071 T.O.M.A.) - Legal issues related to the temporary inclement weather shelter ordinances.
A resolution to authorize the City Manager to (1) spend funds in compliance with the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury for the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CFDA No. 21.027); (2) take all necessary actions to apply for and receive funds for which the City is eligible from state and federal sources; (3) receive and deposit funds in an amount not to exceed $355,426,891.00 in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund which will be received in two tranches with 50% in 2021 and 50% in 2022; (4) establish appropriations in an amount not to exceed $177,713,445.50 in the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund; (5) transfer appropriations, expenses, or cash between funds established for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response; and (6) execute any grant agreements necessary to receive COVID-19 funding from federal and state sources - Not to exceed $355,426,891.00 - Financing: U.S. Department of the Treasury - Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
Authorize the (1) acceptance of the 2021-22 Veterans Treatment Court Grant in the amount of $50,000.00 from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance (Grant No. GT-VTC21-019) for continuation of the South Oak Cliff Community Court to include the South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Project for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 in the 2021-22 Veterans Treatment Court Grant Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 in the 2021-22 Veterans Treatment Court Grant Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions and documents required by the agreement - Not to exceed $50,000.00 -Financing: Texas Veterans Commission Grant Funds
An ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-3 Mixed Use District uses and warehouse and outside storage uses on property zoned an MU-3 Mixed Use District at the south side of West Mockingbird Lane, east of Elmbrook Drive - Z190-348(LG) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-1 Mixed Use District uses and a resolution accepting the termination of deed restrictions [Z990-137] on property zoned an MU-1 Mixed Use District and a CR Community Retail District at the Southeast corner of Gaston Avenue, Garland Road, and East Grand Avenue -Z201-139(NN) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize approval of 15 nominees to serve on the Economic Development Advisory Task Force which will advise on implementation of the economic development policy and creation of an economic development entity - Financing: No cost consideration to City
Authorize a consulting contract with (1) HR&A Advisors, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,296,000.00 to implement the City of Dallas Economic Development Policy; and (2) Tip Strategies, Inc. dba TIP Strategies in an amount not to exceed $800,000.00 to lead formation of a new economic development entity - Total not to exceed $2,096,000.00 -Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund
Authorize a development agreement and all other necessary documents with Circuit Trail Conservancy and/or its affiliates for the design and construction of the North Victory segment of the Hi Line Connector Trail Project located in the Victory Sub-district of the Sports Arena TIF District in an amount not to exceed $11,562,124.00 - Not to exceed $11,562,124.00 - Financing: Sports Arena TIF District Fund (subject to current and future appropriations from tax increments)
Authorize a fourth amendment to the 2016 Chapter 380 Grant Agreement (“2016 Chapter 380 Agreement”) with WCWRD Inc and its affiliate or subsidiaries (“Developer”), a third amendment to the Tax Increment Development, Chapter 380 Grant, and Chapter 380 Loan Agreement (“2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement”) with Developer, and any amendments to any other documents, including but not limited to deeds of trust and promissory notes, necessary to accommodate the Red Bird Mall Redevelopment Project (“Project”) in accordance with the City Council-approved terms, approved as to form by the City Attorney, related to the Project generally located at the southeast corner of Camp Wisdom Road and Westmoreland Road in the Mall Area Redevelopment TIF District to: (a) modify Programmatic Requirements in the 2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement to (i) reduce by 60,000 gross square feet (from a minimum of 100,000 gross square feet to a minimum of 40,000 gross square feet) the Developer’s requirement to construct new retail, restaurant, and entertainment buildings and (ii) authorize the Developer to use reasonable efforts to prepare and convey property within the Project site to a hotel developer; (b) clarify authorization for the Developer to obtain mezzanine and preferred equity financing and authorization for the City to enter into intercreditor agreements and/or recognition agreements, as applicable; (c) extend the maturity date on the loan (“Loan”) authorized by the 2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement by five years until June 2038; (d) authorize the release of a portion of the property within the Project site (“Sears Property”) to a third-party purchaser upon completion of the initial phase of tenant improvements and prior to the Loan’s maturity date; and (e) modify the Developer’s ability to sell the Project prior to maturity of the Loan, subject to the Loan and assignment of the 2018 TIF/Chapter 380 Agreement; and as consideration for the amendments: (i) increase the Developer’s Minimum Investment Requirement by $5,000,000.00 for the Project from $130,000,000.00 to $135,000,000.00, (ii) add a requirement to the Programmatic Requirements that the Developer make reasonable efforts to prepare and convey property within the Project site for a grocery store or renovate and lease space within an existing building within the Project site for a grocery store, (iii) require that the Developer pay interest current on the Loan to the extent that the TIF Subsidy does not fully repay the Loan during the extended term, and (iv) prohibit the Developer from distributing any net proceeds of the sale of the Sears Property to equity shareholders and require the Developer to use the net proceeds to either repay debt that is senior to the City’s lien in payment priority, pay for remaining Infrastructure Work, invest in additional building improvements on property secured by the City’s lien, or acquire additional properties in the Project area to be added to the City’s collateral -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to increase the cooperative purchasing agreement for the purchase of additional software licenses, maintenance and support, and training to upgrade and convert the existing Electronic Plan Review System to a software as a solution model provided by Avolve Software Corporation and sold through SHI Government Solutions, Inc. through The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement managed by the Department of Information and Technology Services for the Department of Sustainable Development and Construction - Not to exceed $469,236.04, from $2,864,232.00 to $3,333,468.04 - Financing: Building Inspection Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Authorize a ten-year lease agreement with one five-year renewal option between Fair Park First and zoOceanarium Group, LLC to operate the Children’s Aquarium located at 1462 First Avenue in Fair Park -Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Additional Item
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District with Specific Use Permit No. 105 for Convalescent Home & Institutional Uses, at the southeast corner of Samuell Boulevard and Grove Hill Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z201-160(CT)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an R-5(A) Single Family District on property zoned CS Commercial Service District, on the north line of Corregidor Street, east of Carbondale Street Recommendation of Staff: Denial Recommendation of CPC: Approval Z201-202(OA)
Z1. 21-1072 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development District No. 663 for UC-2 Urban Corridor District uses, at the northwest corner of Bengal Street and Macatee Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised conceptual plan, revised Area 2 development plan, and conditions Z189-308(ND) Z2. 21-1075 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of and an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 2021 for a motor vehicle fueling station on property zoned NC(E) Neighborhood Commercial (Enhanced) Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, at the southwest corner of South Central Expressway and Elsie Faye Heggins Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z190-157(CT) Z6. 21-1079 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2155 for a recycling buy-back center for the collection of household and industrial metals on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District, on the southwest line of Botham Jean Boulevard South Lamar Street, between Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Lenway Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to conditions Z201-198(AO) Z7. 21-1080 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 651 for a college on property zoned R-1/2ac(A) District, at the southeast corner of Walnut Street and Abrams Road Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z201-209(LG) Z8. 21-1084 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 2093 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned CS-D-1 Commercial Service District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the south line of Bruton Road, between North Jim Miller Road and Joan Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to conditions Z201-211(CT) Z9. 21-1086 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 2218 for a local utilities use limited to utility services on property zoned MF-2(A) Multifamily District, on the south line of Bank Street, east of Herndon Drive Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site plan and conditions Z201-217(CT)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to and an expansion of Planned Development District No. 936 on property zoned an R-5(A) Single Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, and Planned Development District No. 936, at the southwest corner of Bexar Street and Vesper Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, a revised landscape plan, and conditions Z201-173(ND)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-5(A) Single Family District uses and Private School, Community Service Center, and Child-care Facility uses on property zoned Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District with H/61 Phyllis Wheatley Elementary School Historic Overlay and H/100 Wheatley Place Historic District Overlay, on the southeast line of Metropolitan Avenue, between Meyers Street and Havana Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Z201-192(LG)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for TH-3(A) Townhouse District Uses on property zoned an IR Industrial Research District and a TH-3(A) Townhouse District, south of Muncie Avenue, between Conklin Street and Borger Street Recommendation of Staff and CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z190-279(CT) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on May 26, 2021 and June 9, 2021, and is scheduled for consideration on June 23, 2021
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MC-4 Multiple Commercial District uses and single family uses on property zoned an MC-4 Multiple Commercial District, on the southwest corner of Skillman Street and Whitehurst Drive Recommendation of Staff: Denial without prejudice Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z201-162(LG)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a TH-2(A) Townhouse District with deed restrictions volunteered by the applicant on property zoned an R-10(A) Single Family District, on the northeast side of Whispering Oaks Drive, south of Jordan Ridge Drive Recommendation of Staff: Denial without prejudice Recommendation of CPC: Denial Z201-205(NN)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding a proposal to consider a request to change the name of Village Fair Place, between Village Fair Drive and Ledbetter Drive, to “Pastor Pryor Drive” and an ordinance granting the name change - NC201-002 - Financing: New street blades to be prepared and paid for by the City of Dallas (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding the application for and approval of the fill permit and removal of the floodplain (FP) prefix from approximately 0.19 acres of the current 1.38 acres of floodplain located at 4950 Wedgewood Lane, within the floodplain of Browning Branch, Fill Permit 20-09 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City