Additional Item 1
Approval of Minutes of the June 8, 2022 City Council Meeting
City Attorney's Office 2. Authorize (1) settlement of the claims filed by Vandergriff Honda in the related lawsuits styled Vandergriff Honda v. The City of Dallas, Texas, Case No. 3:20-cv-03704, and Vandergriff Honda v. The City of Dallas, Texas, Devin Mallard, and American Honda Finance Corporation, Cause No. 471-00324-2021; and (2) return of impounded vehicle in as-is condition and payment of financial compensation not to exceed $75,000.00 - Not to exceed $75,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 3. Authorize payment of the final judgment in the lawsuit styled Katherine V. Homan v. City of Dallas, Phil Sikes in his Official Capacity as Building Official, and Methodist Hospitals of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-02758 - Not to exceed $65,325.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 4. Authorize payment of the property damage claim filed by Tom’s Mechanical, Inc., Claim No. GL-22-32624 - Not to exceed $33,867.63 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 5. Authorize settlement of Lamont McFarland’s claim in the lawsuit styled Lamont McFarland et al. v. City of Dallas, Cause No. CC-21-01773-B - Not to exceed $75,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 6. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Ana Garcia v. City of Dallas, Cause No. CC-21-00424-B - Not to exceed $47,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 7. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Angelica Balleza Arevalo v. City of Dallas, Cause No. CC-21-03597-C - Not to exceed $38,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 8. Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance (Grant No. TBD) in the amount of $50,000.00 for continuation of the South Oak Cliff Community Court to include the South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Project for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed 50,000.00 in the FY22-23 South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 in the FY22-23 South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions and documents required by the agreement - Not to exceed $50,000.00 - Financing: Texas Veterans Commission Grant Funds City Controller's Office 9. A resolution approving notes issued pursuant to a commercial paper program to finance improvements at Dallas Love Field - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Aviation 10. Authorize a construction services contract for construction services of Crossfield Taxiways Project at Dallas Love Field with Flatiron Constructors, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $48,618,432.00 - Financing: 2021 AVI Commercial Paper Fund ($22,156,749.42) and Aviation Passenger Facility Charge - Near Term Projects Fund ($26,461,682.58) 11. Authorize a construction services contract for construction services to the Dallas Love Field Emergency Medical Service Suite Renovation Project with JC Commercial, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of five - Not to exceed $770,777.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund 12. Authorize a professional services contract with InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. to provide a financial feasibility study for a potential Consolidated Rental Car (ConRAC) Facility at Dallas Love Field - Not to exceed $421,184.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund 13. Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the professional services contract with HNTB Corporation to provide construction support services for the Runway 13R/31L Reconstruction Project at Dallas Love Field - Not to exceed $1,214,073.00 from $9,965,821.00 to $11,179,894.00 - Financing: Aviation Passenger Facility Charge - Near Term Projects Fund Department of Code Compliance 14. An ordinance amending Chapter 17, “Food Establishments,” of the Dallas City Code, by amending Section 17-10.2; (1) revising the permit application fees for mobile food units; (2) revising annual inspection fees for Class II, Class III, and Class IV mobile food units; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; (6) and providing an effective date - Financing: Estimated Revenue Foregone $87,631.00 Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 15. Authorize (1) the sale of up to 10 Land Transfer Program lots to Masa Design Build LLC, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $12,996.49; (2) the release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 10 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to 10 single-family homes on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: $73,003.82 16. Authorize a development loan agreement with Builders of Hope CDC and/or its affiliates, for the acquisition and development of a 36-unit mixed-income affordable multifamily complex to be known as Trinity West Villas, located at Singleton Boulevard and Pointer Street Dallas, Texas - Not to exceed $1,906,419.00 - Financing: HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds ($611,227.47) and Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Funds ($1,295,191.53) 17. Authorize the Dallas Public Facility Corporation to acquire, develop, and own Standard Shoreline, a mixed-income, multifamily development to be located at 10715 Garland Road (Project) and enter into a seventy-five-year lease agreement with OP Acquisitions, LLC or its affiliate for the development of the Project - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 18. Authorize (1) the sale of up to 16 Land Transfer Program lots to Covenant Homes Construction & Renovation LLC, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $16,000.00; (2) the release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 16 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to 16 single-family homes on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $34,541.77 19. Authorize (1) the sale of up to 6 Land Transfer Program lots to Texas Heavenly Homes Ltd., and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $6,513.11; (2) the release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 6 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to 10 single-family homes on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $27,446.46 20. Authorize an amendment to the professional consulting contract with Michele S. Williams, LLC dba Community Equity Strategies a sole proprietorship, for phase II consulting services and community input for drafting a new Comprehensive Housing Policy, action plan, and accomplishment measures that incorporates the recommendations from the equity review conducted by TDA Consulting, Inc. for a term of one year, in an amount not to exceed $306,704.00 - Financing: General Fund $306,704.00 Department of Planning and Urban Design 21. An ordinance authorizing a correction to (1) Ordinance No. 31958 (Planned Development Subdistrict No. 165) within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District; (2) Ordinance No. 32126 (Planned Development District No. 508); and (3) Ordinances No. 32085 (Planned Development Subdistrict No. 164) within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Public Works 22. A resolution (1) declaring six properties unwanted and unneeded, and authorizing their advertisement for sale by sealed bid (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet); (2) establishing a minimum bid amount for each surplus property; and (3) authorizing the sale and conveyance of a deed to the highest qualified bidder - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $72,000.00 23. A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a water easement and a temporary construction easement containing a total of approximately 66,780 square feet of land to North Texas Municipal Water District for the construction, maintenance and use of water facilities across City-owned land located at Lake Ray Hubbard - Estimated Revenue: Wastewater Construction Fund ($6,254.00) and General Fund ($15,000.00) 24. A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a water easement and a temporary construction easement containing a total of approximately 121,027 square feet of land to North Texas Municipal Water District for the construction, maintenance and use of water facilities across City-owned land located at Lake Ray Hubbard - Estimated Revenue: Wastewater Construction Fund ($18,231.00) and General Fund ($15,000.00) 25. An ordinance abandoning a portion of a street easement to SEVA, Ltd., the abutting owner, containing approximately 443 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Cockrell Hill Road and Interstate Highway 30; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: General Fund $6,645.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 26. Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceedings styled City of Dallas v. Alvin Julius Scott, Sr., et al., Cause No. CC-22-00337-A, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 1, to acquire a wastewater easement of approximately 11,826 square feet of land located near the intersection of University Hills Boulevard and Camp Wisdom Road for the University Hills Infrastructure Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $2,225.00, increased from $9,990.00 ($8,900.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $1,090.00) to $12,215.00 ($11,125.00 being the award, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $1,090.00) - Financing: Water Utilities Capital G Fund 27. Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Bonnie View Road from Ann Arbor Avenue to Cummings Street - Camino Construction, LP, lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $2,503,547.50 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($2,165,922.50), Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($212,248.00), Water Construction Fund ($3,300.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($119,977.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($2,100.00) 28. Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Street Reconstruction Group 17-3003 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - David Bowers dba HD Way Concrete Service, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of six - Not to exceed $4,015,910.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($2,597,815.00) Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($669,283.00), Water Construction Fund ($29,650.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($689,762.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($29,400.00) 29. Authorize acquisition from Wilbow-Timberlawn, LLC, of approximately four acres of land located near the intersection of Samuell Boulevard and Grove Hill Road for the 4600 Samuell Boulevard Future Park Project - Not to exceed $1,207,600.86 ($1,200,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $7,600.86) - Financing: Equity Revitalization Capital Fund ($107,600.86) and General Fund ($1,100,000.00) 30. Authorize an amendment to an existing lease agreement with SOHO/Davis FG, LLC to extend the lease agreement for an additional seven-years for approximately 4,290 square feet of office space located at 11910 Greenville Avenue, Suite 100, to be used as a Building Inspection North Central District Office for the period November 1, 2022 through October 31, 2029 - Not to exceed $531,231.12 - Financing: Building Inspection Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 31. Authorize an increase in the purchase from Paradise Baptist Church, also known as Paradise Missionary Baptist Church, of approximately 239,246 square feet of land, located near the intersection of University Hills Boulevard and Camp Wisdom Road for the University Hills Infrastructure Project - Not to exceed $60,000.00, increased from $357,000.00 ($350,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $7,000.00) to $417,000.00 ($410,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses no to exceed $7,000.00) - Financing: Water Utilities Capital G Fund ($60,000.00) 32. Authorize a ten-year lease agreement with R. G. Colling, LLC, for approximately 8,333 square feet of office and warehouse space located at 10903 Shady Trail, Building A, Suite 160, to be used for office and warehouse for storage of program material and supplies for the Women, Infants and Children Program for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2032 - Not to exceed $1,124,853.82 - Financing: Health and Human Services Commission Grant Funds (subject to annual appropriations) Department of Sanitation Services 33. A resolution authorizing the adoption of an amended and restated Local Solid Waste Management Plan for the City of Dallas - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) Department of Transportation 34. Authorize (1) a Development Participation Contract with Texas Trees Foundation for the donation of privately funded design plans for a City of Dallas 2017 General Obligation Bond Program Project identified as the Southwestern Medical District Streetscape Plan/Harry Hines Boulevard Improvements (Market Center DART Station to Mockingbird Lane); and (2) an Operating and Maintenance Agreement with Texas Trees Foundation for non-standard public improvements associated with the Harry Hines Boulevard Improvements Project (Market Center to Mockingbird Lane) - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see fiscal information for potential future costs) 35. Authorize a Beautification and Maintenance Agreement, for a ten-year period, with The Bottom District Community Development Foundation, to upgrade existing signs and posts with custom signs, street toppers and decorative posts for the Bottom Beautification Project within the following limits: between Interstate 35E to the west, Corinth Street to the east, Hutchins Avenue to the south, and the Trinity River Floodplain to the north - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 36. Authorize a construction contract for the Tornado-Damaged Signals Group 1 project consisting of re-construction of traffic signals located at Midway Road and Killion Drive, Preston Road (SH 289) and Preston Royal Center (North of Royal Lane), and Lenel Place and Walnut Hill Lane - Durable Specialties, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $1,255,550.10 - Financing: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Emergency Relief Program Fund 37. An ordinance amending Chapter 28, "Motor Vehicles and Traffic" of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 28-41.1.1 “Restrictions on the Use of Motor Assisted Scooters, Pocket Bikes, and Minimotorbikes” to (1) provide definitions; (2) designate authority; (3) provide for permissible behavior and define what constitutes an offense; (4) provide a penalty not to exceed $200.00; (5) provide a saving clause; (6) provide a severability clause; and (7) provide an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 38. An ordinance amending Chapter 43, "Streets and Sidewalks," of the Dallas City Code by amending Article X. “Dockless Vehicle Permit” to (1) provide definitions; (2) designate authority; (3) provide permitting guidelines and requirements; (4) provide a saving clause; (5) provide a severability clause; and (6) provide an effective date - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $200,000.00 (see Fiscal Information) Office of Community Care 39. Authorize (1) the acceptance of additional grant funding from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC); (2) the receipt and deposit of additional grant funding from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (Contract No. HHS000802300001, CFDA No. 15.557) for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children; (a) in the amount of $458,925.00, increasing the FY 2022 Administrative allocation from $14,869,740.00 to $15,328,665.00, for the period October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022; (b) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $458,925.00 in the FY 2022 WIC Program - Women, Infants and Children Grant Fund; (c) to redistribute an additional $179,015.00 to the FY22 Administrative allocation for the period of October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 and (3) execution and agreement to all terms and conditions of an amendment or other document required to receive such additional funding - Not to exceed $458,925.00, from $14,869,740.00 to $15,328,665.00 - Financing: Health and Human Services Commission Grant Funds 40. Authorize (1) the third amendment to Contract No. HHS000455600001, with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Department of State Health Services for the Lactation Support Center Services Program (LSCS) to increase by $407,500.00, from $1,599,020.00 to $2,006,520.00; (a) to amend the term of the contract period from September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2022 to September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2023; (b) to accept additional grant funds for FY 2023 budget for Amendment No. 3, in the amount of $407,500.00 for the continuation of the LSCS Program; and (2) execution of the third amendment to the contract and all terms, conditions, and documents required by contract - Not to exceed $407,500.00, from $1,599,020.00 to $2,006,520.00 - Financing: Department of State Health Services Grant Funds Note: Agenda Item No. 41 and PH2 must be considered collectively. Office of Economic Development 41. Authorize a development agreement and all other necessary documents with One Newpark GP, LLC and/or its affiliates for a City Subsidy in an amount not to exceed $96,100,000.00 comprised of (1) an amount not to exceed $4,100,000.00 in the form of an economic development grant payable from the City’s Public/Private Partnership Fund (“PPP Grant”) and (2) an amount not to exceed $92,000,000.00 payable from future Downtown Connection TIF District funds (“TIF Subsidy”) in consideration of the One Newpark Project, a 38-floor, 1,345,845 square foot mixed-use, mixed-income development to be constructed on 1.7 acres at the southeast corner of S. Akard Street and Canton Street in Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Eleven (Downtown Connection TIF District) - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund ($4,100,000.00) and Downtown Connection TIF District Fund ($92,000,000.00) (subject to annual appropriations from tax increments) Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability 42. An ordinance correcting (1) a municipal setting designation at property generally located between Lemmon Avenue, Shorecrest Drive, Mockingbird Lane, and Denton Drive, and adjacent street rights-of-way (2) a municipal setting designation at property located near the intersection of Lemmon Avenue and McKinney Avenue and adjacent street rights-of-way; (3) a municipal setting designation at property located near the intersection of Norwood Road and Halifax Street and adjacent street rights-of-way; and (4) a municipal setting designation at property located near the intersection of Singleton Boulevard and Chalk Hill Road and adjacent street rights-of-way - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 43. Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement (SEJCA) (Grant No. AJ-02F05001, CFDA No. 66.312) grant in the amount of $200,000.00 to purchase and deploy non-regulatory air monitoring equipment in up to five (5) neighborhoods in the 75211 and 75212 zip codes, for the period October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2023; (2) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 in the EPA State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 in the EPA State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Fund (4) execution of the grant agreement with the EPA and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement; and (5) coordination of initiatives, activities and partnerships necessary to fully implement the goals set forth in the SEJCA Grant Work Plan; (6) and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Subrecipient Agreements between the City and the sub-recipients of this grant (Texas A&M University - Transportation Institute, Center for Applied Research (TAMU-TTI-CARTEEH), Children’s Health (Children’s), and Positive Breathing - Asthma Chasers (PB-AC) - Not to exceed $200,000.00 - Financing: EPA SEJCA Grant Funds Office of Procurement Services 44. Authorize (1) a five-year service price agreement for the maintenance and repair of meter test bench systems for the Water Utilities Department - OW Investors LLC dba MARS Company in the estimated amount of $1,632,511.10; and (2) a five-year master agreement for the purchase of portable meter testers for the Water Utilities Department - Sensus USA, Inc. in the estimated amount of $80,406.00, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total estimated amount of $1,712,917.10 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 45. Authorize a cooperative purchasing agreement for (1) the purchase and installation of Ubiquia equipment for the Red Cloud and Tietze Park Smart City Initiatives; and (2) a five-year software licensing agreement to provide data and software maintenance and support for the Department of Public Works with Facility Solutions Group dba American Light LP through an interlocal agreement with The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement - Total not to exceed $264,987.10 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 46. Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of aluminum sign blanks for the Department of Transportation - Vulcan, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $2,620,188 - Financing: General Fund 47. Authorize a three-year service price agreement for electric motor repair services for the Water Utilities Department - Allen’s Electric Motor Service, Inc. in the estimated amount of $2,442,422 and Evans Enterprises, Inc. in the estimated amount of $124,266, lowest responsible bidders of five - Total estimated amount of $2,566,688 - Financing: General Fund ($10,000) and Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($2,556,688) 48. Authorize a three-year service price agreement for equipment fluid sampling test analysis services for the Water Utilities Department - Tribologik in the estimated amount of $506,285 and SGS North America in the estimated amount of $133,500, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total estimated amount of $639,785 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($618,035) and Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($21,750) 49. Authorize a three-year service price agreement for citywide electrical services - KE Industrial LLC, lowest responsible bidder of three - Estimated amount of $2,664,545 - Financing: General Fund ($131,107.99), Capital Construction Fund ($2,187,154.62), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($240,511.07), Sanitation Operation Fund ($80,771.32), and Stormwater Drainage Management Operations Fund ($25,000.00) 50. Authorize a five-year service price agreement for non-engineering environmental consulting, investigative and remediation services with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., Alan Plummer and Associates Inc. dba. Plummer Associates, Inc., Apex TITAN, Inc., Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc., Arredondo, Zepeda & Brunz, LLC, W&M Environmental, a Division of Braun Intertec Corporation, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc., Enercon Services Inc., EnSafe Inc., Ensolum, LLC, Freese and Nichols, Inc., Gresham Smith and Partners, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., Halff Associates, Inc., Incontrol Technologies, Inc., Lynn Clark Associates, Inc., dba. LCA Environmental, Inc., Modern Geosciences, LLC, Raba Kistner, Inc., Terracon Consultants, Inc., Texas Green Star Environmental, LLC dba. Green Star Environmental, Weston Solutions, Inc., Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for citywide use, most advantageous proposers of forty-two - Total estimated amount of $29,417,509.07 - Financing: General Fund ($12,202,518.7411,602,518.74), Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund ($4,660,556.25), Aviation General Fund ($3,250,000.00), Sanitation Operation Fund ($1,879,434.08), Facilities (H) Fund ($1,132,500.00), Public Safety (G) Fund ($1,132,500.00), Water Construction Fund ($690,000.00), Sewer Construction Fund ($345,000.00), Storm Water Drainage Construction Fund ($3,625,000.00), Convention Center Fund ($150,000.00500,000.00), Nas Redevelopment Fund ($250,000.00), Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant ($250,000.00), and Cultural Facilities (F) Fund ($100,000.00) 51. Authorize a one-year service contract in the amount of $650,000, with two one-year renewal options in the total amount of $2,200,000, as detailed in the Fiscal Information section, for financial assistance for eligible homeless persons and risk mitigation funds for landlords for the Office of Homeless Solutions - CitySquare, most advantageous proposers of two - Total not to exceed $2,850,000 - Financing: General Fund ($2,200,000) (subject to appropriations) and American Rescue Plan Act Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program Fund ($650,000) 52. Authorize a service contract for non-profit public facility improvement projects for the Office of Budget and Management Services - Legal Aid of Northwest Texas in the amount of $211,396 and First Presbyterian Church of Dallas dba The Stewpot in the amount of $188,604, most advantageous proposers of four - Not to exceed $400,000 - Financing: FY 2021-22 Community Development Block Grant Fund 53. Authorize a three-year service contract, with one one-year renewal option, for parking meter and citation management for the Department of Transportation - SP Plus Corporation, most advantageous proposer of five - Not to exceed $9,659,302.50 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 54. Authorize an two-year eighteen-month subrecipient agreement to provide legal services to residential tenants at risk of eviction and homelessness due to financial hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic for the Office of Equity and Inclusion - Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, most advantageous proposer of two - Not to exceed $250,000 $500,000 - Financing: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 55. Authorize (1) Supplemental Renewal Agreement No. 1 to exercise the first of two one-year renewal options, with REKJ Builders, LLC, for residential rehabilitation repair services to homes with code violations that residents cannot afford to repair for the Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization, and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $500,000 in the Dallas Tomorrow Fund to be used for associated costs - Not to exceed $500,000 - Financing: Dallas Tomorrow Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 56. Authorize the purchase of battery back-up units used in traffic signals for the Department of Transportation with Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. in the amount of $402,790 and Texas Highway Products, LTD in the amount of $412,624 through The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement - Total not to exceed $815,414 - Financing: General Fund Park & Recreation Department 57. Authorize supplemental agreement No.1 to the interlocal agreement between the City of Dallas and the Richardson Independent School District for additional amenities to the park - Not to exceed $158,295.20 - Financing: Capital Gifts, Donations and Development Fund (See Fiscal Information) 58. Authorize the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County for the Right of Way boundary survey, and preparing easement documents and legal descriptions for the Cypress Waters Trail located at South Belt Line Road heading east to South North Lake Road- Not to exceed $159,833.00 - Financing: Stormwater Drainage Management Fund Police Department 59. Authorize a public hearing to be held on August 10, 2022 to receive comments on amending Dallas City Code Chapter 15D; SEC 15D-15 Definitions; Sec 15D-16 Driving Wrecker To A Police Scene Prohibited; Exception; SEC 15D-17 Soliciting Wrecker Business At A Police Scene Prohibited; Presence At Scene As Evidence Of Violation; SEC 15D-21 License Application; Change of Zone; SEC 15D-22 License Qualifications; SEC 15D-50 Emergency Wrecker Service Zones; Wrecker Rotation List; SEC 15D-52 Requirements and Operating Procedures For Emergency Wrecker Service; SEC 15D-53 Rapid Response Program; SEC 15D-55 Notification of Police Department; SEC 15D-56 City-Owned Wreckers - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 60. Authorize the (1) acceptance of a donated 2019 Protector Targa 310 boat with an estimated value of $250,000.00 from Victor Vescovo to the Dallas Police Department - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) Small Business Center Department 61. Authorize (1) a Conditional Chapter 380 Economic Development Loan Agreement with MLK Kingdom Complex, LLC (Developer) in an amount not to exceed $350,000.00 sourced with the South Dallas/Fair Park Opportunity Fund; and (2) a Chapter 380 Conditional Ggrant Agreement with Developer in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 sourced with the Southern Dallas Investment Fund, for construction costs to develop 3101 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and 2904 Meadow Street of Dallas, Texas into the MLK Wellness Complex and parking - Total amount not to exceed $450,000.00 Financing: South Dallas/Fair Park Opportunity Fund not to exceed $350,000.00 and 2017 Proposition (I) Bonds Fund not to exceed $100,000.00 in a combined total amount not to exceed $450,000.00 Water Utilities Department 62. Authorize (1) an increase in the construction services contract with Ark Contracting Services, LLC for additional work associated with the relocation of a 48-inch diameter water transmission pipeline along Ranchview Drive and Ranch Trail in the City of Irving - Not to exceed $695,156.07, from $3,010,639.00 to $3,705,795.07; and (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from the City of Irving in an amount not to exceed $257,207.75 for the City of Irving’s share of the project cost within Irving Corporate limits - Financing: Water Construction Fund ($695,156.07) 63. Authorize a construction services contract for improvements to the Jim Miller Pump Station and Reservoir - Eagle Contracting, LLC, lowest bidder of four - Not to exceed $35,936,000.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($25,000,000.00) and Water Capital Improvement G Fund ($10,936,000.00) 64. Authorize a professional services contract with Halff Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services for storm drainage and erosion control improvements at 3 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $791,300.00 - Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund 65. Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Rebcon, Inc. for additional work associated with the White Rock Lake Dam and Spillway Maintenance Improvements Project - Not to exceed $543,030.65, from $5,997,105.00 to $6,540,135.65 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement G Fund
An ordinance (1) appointing 10 full-time municipal judges and 18 associate (part-time) municipal judges for the City of Dallas municipal court of record for a two-year term ending May 31, 2024; (2) designating an administrative municipal judge; (3) establishing the annual salaries for the administrative municipal judge, the municipal judges, and the associate municipal judges; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Not to exceed $154,204.00 annually - Financing: General Fund
Authorize an amendment to the professional consulting contract with Michele S. Williams, LLC dba Community Equity Strategies a sole proprietorship, for phase II consulting services and community input for drafting a new Comprehensive Housing Policy, action plan, and accomplishment measures that incorporates the recommendations from the equity review conducted by TDA Consulting, Inc. for a term of one year, in an amount not to exceed $306,704.00 - Financing: General Fund $306,704.00
Authorize a one-year service contract in the amount of $650,000, with two one-year renewal options in the total amount of $2,200,000, as detailed in the Fiscal Information section, for financial assistance for eligible homeless persons and risk mitigation funds for landlords for the Office of Homeless Solutions - CitySquare, most advantageous proposers of two - Total not to exceed $2,850,000 - Financing: General Fund ($2,200,000) (subject to appropriations) and American Rescue Plan Act Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program Fund ($650,000)
Authorize a three-year service contract, with one one-year renewal option, for parking meter and citation management for the Department of Transportation - SP Plus Corporation, most advantageous proposer of five - Not to exceed $9,659,302.50 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Authorize (1) settlement of the lawsuit styled City of Dallas v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., et al., Cause No. 3:15-CV-02069-K - Estimated Revenue Foregone: Aviation Fund $200,000.00 annually over a six-year period until the expiration of the current Use and Lease Agreements at Love Field; (2) a facilities lease agreement at Dallas Love Field with Delta Air Lines, Inc. for scheduled airline passenger service support space; and (3) a facilities use agreement at Dallas Love Field with Southwest Airlines for terminal storage and support space - Estimated Net Annual Revenue: $470,761.40
67. Election of Officers of the City Council: Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem 68. City Council Seating and Office Selection
Authorize (1) rescinding the construction contract awarded to Post L Group, LLC, previously approved on November 10, 2021 by Resolution No. 21-1850, for the construction of Fire Station No. 41 Replacement facility; and (2) to re-advertise this project located at 5920 Royal Lane - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance amending the Dallas City Code by adding a new Chapter 38A, “Commercial Promoter Program” by (1) providing a commercial promoter registration program, registration fee, and safety plan requirements for commercial promoters; (2) amending Chapter 27, “Minimum Property Standards,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 27-46 to include violations of Chapter 38A in the definition of code violations in the habitual nuisance properties program; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $2,000.00 for a violation of this chapter governing fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation, and $500.00 for all other violations; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; and (6) providing an effective date - Estimated Revenue: Convention and Event Services Fund $26,250.00 annually (see Fiscal Information)
Authorize a development agreement (“Agreement”) and all other necessary documents with I-20 Lancaster Development, LLC and/or its affiliates for a City Subsidy in an amount not to exceed $34,210,966.00 comprised of (1) an amount not to exceed $2,800,000.00 in the form of an economic development grant payable from the City’s Public/Private Partnership Fund (“PPP Grant”); and (2) an amount not to exceed $31,410,966.00 plus an additional grant in lieu of interest payable from future University TIF District funds (“TIF Subsidy”) in consideration of the University Hills Phase I Project on property generally bounded by Interstate Highway 20 (Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway), Lancaster Road, and the DART rail line in Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Twenty One (University TIF District) - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund ($2,800,000.00) and University TIF District Fund ($31,410,966.00) (subject to annual appropriations from tax increments)
Additional Item 2
Authorize an amendment to Resolution No. 21-2047, previously approved on December 8, 2021, to allow the City to subordinate its liens to a financial institution’s liens in relation to the development of Highpoint at Wynnewood, a mixed-income, multifamily development located 1911 Pratt Street Dallas, TX 75224 (Project), subject to the requirements of the Comprehensive Housing Policy (CHP) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance abandoning portions of three water easements and a drainage easement to Urban Smart Growth LP and Central Carroll Interests LLC, the abutting owners, containing a total of approximately 39,259 square feet of land, located near the intersection of North Central Expressway and Carroll Avenue - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee
Authorize (1) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $470,000.00 in the Operating Carryover Fund from General Fund Contingency Reserve; and (2) a transfer in an amount not to exceed $470,000.00 from General Fund Contingency Reserve to the Operating Carryover Fund for the management of a diverse forestry canopy including preventative and reactive maintenance - Not to exceed $470,000.00 - Financing: Operating Carryover Fund and General Fund Contingency Reserve (See Fiscal Information)
Consider adopting the recommended districting plan for the 14 City Council districts, approved by the Redistricting Commission on May 10, 2022, and filed with Mayor Eric Johnson on May 16, 2022, including consideration of proposed modifications or changes (posted at to be implemented at the next general election of the City Council conducted on May 6, 2023 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize the following: (1) the designation of approximately 11.0 acres of property located at the current address of 2323 North Field Street as depicted in Exhibit A and further described in Exhibit B attached to the resolution, in Dallas, Texas as City of Dallas Neighborhood Empowerment Zone No. 20 (“NEZ No. 20”), pursuant to Chapter 378 of the Texas Local Government Code, which has been determined will promote an increase in economic development in the zone, establish boundaries for the zone, and provide for an effective date for the zone; (2) a real property tax abatement with Hunt Realty or an affiliate thereof, including North End L.P. (“Owner”) exempting 50% of the taxes on the added value to the net new tangible real property for a period not to exceed ten years; and (3) a business personal property tax abatement with Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC or an affiliate thereof (“Goldman Sachs” or “Tenant”) exempting 50% of the taxes on the added value to the net new tangible business personal property for a period not to exceed five years; and (4) a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement with Tenant in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00 for job retention and creation; and (5) a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement with Owner and/or Tenant or affiliates thereof in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00 associated with expedited permitting and soft construction costs grant; all of which will promote state or local economic development and to stimulate business and commercial activity in the municipality in connection with jobs created and retained in association with a new office development in accordance with the City’s Public/Private Partnership Program - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Funds ($4,375,000.00) and Estimated Revenue Foregone-- City ad valorem real personal property taxes estimated up to $12,257,000.00 over a ten-year period and City ad valorem business personal property taxes estimated up to $1,381,703.00 over a five-year period
Authorize an interlocal agreement between the City of Dallas (City) and the County of Dallas (County) for the City’s acceptance of funds in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 from the County’s allocated ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery funds (ARPA SLFR Funds) for the period of September 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024 to be used: (i) for the redevelopment of 4150 Independence Drive, Dallas, Texas 75237; and (ii) to provide housing opportunities and supportive services for unsheltered youth (ages 18-24) with a focus on LGBTQIA+ youth at or below 30% Area Median Income (collectively, the Target Populations) - Financing: FY22 Dallas County ARPA Fund $10,000,000.00
Z1. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a new subdistrict on property zoned Subdistrict 1 within Planned Development District No. 534, the C.F. Hawn Special Purpose District No. 2, with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on the west line of Pleasant Drive, north of the intersection of Pleasant Drive and C.F. Hawn Freeway with consideration for a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse Recommendation of Staff: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions, in lieu of a new subdistrict within Subdistrict 1 of Planned Development District No. 534, the C.F. Hawn Special Purpose District No. 2 Recommendation of CPC: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions, in lieu of a new subdistrict within Subdistrict 1 of Planned Development District No. 534, the C.F. Hawn Special Purpose District No. 2 Z212-130(RM) 22-1341 Attachments: Case Report Z2. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a surface accessory remote parking use on property zoned an R-5(A) Single Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, on the north of the intersection of Metropolitan Avenue and Octavia Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Z201-343(JM) 22-1227 Attachments: Case Report Z3. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new subdistrict on property within Planned Development District No. 216, on the east line of Noel Road, between Spring Valley Road and Southern Boulevard Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-163(MP) 22-1342 Attachments: Case Report Z4. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to the preservation criteria and exhibits for Historic Overlay District No. 20, the Ambassador Hotel (1312 S. Ervay Street), on property zoned Subdistrict No. 2 within Planned Development District No. 317, the Cedars Special Purpose District, on the northwest corner of St. Paul Street and Ervay Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval as amended Recommendation of CPC: Approval per staff recommendation as amended, and Landmark Commission recommended condition with changes Z212-213(LVO) 22-1343 Attachments: Case Report
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MF-2(A) Multifamily District and NS(A) Neighborhood Service District regulations and uses including multifamily and retail and personal service, on property zoned an IR Industrial Research District, on the southwest corner of Sylvan Avenue and Singleton Boulevard Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-145(MP)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses and a public school other than an open enrollment charter school use on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the north line of Lake June Road, between Conner Drive and Pleasant Drive Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Z212-158(RM)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for TH-1(A) Townhome District regulations and uses including residential uses within a shared access subdivision on property zoned an R-1/2 ac(A) Single Family District, at the northwest corner of Alpha Road and Hillcrest Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-166(MP)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development Subdistrict No. 135 within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, on the northwest line of Turtle Creek Boulevard, between Cedars Springs Road and Dickason Avenue Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-155(RM)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on a property zoned a CS Commercial Service District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the southeast corner of South Belt Line Road and C.F. Hawn Expressway Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions. Recommendation of CPC: Denial without prejudice Z212-156(OA) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on May 25, 2022 and June 8, 2022, and is scheduled for consideration on June 22, 2022.
A public hearing to receive comments on the Proposed FY 2022-23 HUD Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant Funds; and at the close of the public hearing, authorize final adoption of the FY 2022-23 HUD Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Funds in an estimated amount of $32,997,962 for the following programs and estimated amounts: (a) Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $14,120,128; (b) HOME Investment Partnerships Program in the amount of $6,440,498; (c) Emergency Solutions Grant in the amount of $1,268,197; (d) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS in the amount of $8,469,139; and (e) estimated Program Income and One-Time Revenue in the amount of $2,700,000 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) Note: This item was considered by the City Council at a public hearing on May 25, 2022, and was held under advisement until June 22, 2022, with the public hearing open.
A public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan (“Plan”) for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Eleven, the Downtown Connection Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District (“District”) to: (1) create two sub-districts within the Zone District : (a) Downtown Connection Sub-district (original District boundary) and (b) Newpark Sub-district; (2) increase the geographic area of the District to add approximately 14.2 acres to create the Newpark Sub-district to facilitate anticipated redevelopment; (3) increase the total budget of the District (Downtown Connection Sub-district budget) from $231,593,554.00 Net Present Value (NPV 2005 dollars) (approximately $454,707,775.00 total dollars) to $402,897,888.00 NPV (approximately $1,059,227,817.00 total dollars, an increase of $171,304,334.00 NPV (approximately $604,520,042.00 total dollars); (4) modify the Downtown Connection Sub-district budget to add a line item for a public safety building to replace Fire Station #18; (5) establish a termination date for the Newpark Sub-district of December 31, 2052; (6) establish the percentage of tax increment contributed by the City of Dallas during the term of the Newpark Sub-district at 90%; (7) establish a total budget for the Newpark Sub-district of $90,329,182.00 NPV 2022 dollars (approximately $223,786,626.00 total dollars); (8) request Dallas County participation in the Newpark Sub-district at 55% for twenty years beginning in 2027; and (9) make corresponding modifications to the District boundary, budget, Plan, and participation agreement with Dallas County; and at the close of the hearing, consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 26020, as amended, previously approved on June 8, 2005, and Ordinance No. 26096, as amended, previously approved on August 29, 2005, to reflect these amendments - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by 1400 Triple B Holdings, LP located near the intersection of West Commerce and Neal Streets and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to 1400 Triple B Holdings, LP by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Recommendation of Staff: Approval
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by Dallas Independent School District located near the intersection of Bickers and Greenleaf Streets and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Dallas Independent School District by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Recommendation of Staff: Approval
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by Preston Forest SC, LLC located near the intersection of Preston Road and Forest Lane and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Preston Forest SC, LLC by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Recommendation of Staff: Approval
Additional Item 1
Approval of Minutes of the June 8, 2022 City Council Meeting
City Attorney's Office 2. Authorize (1) settlement of the claims filed by Vandergriff Honda in the related lawsuits styled Vandergriff Honda v. The City of Dallas, Texas, Case No. 3:20-cv-03704, and Vandergriff Honda v. The City of Dallas, Texas, Devin Mallard, and American Honda Finance Corporation, Cause No. 471-00324-2021; and (2) return of impounded vehicle in as-is condition and payment of financial compensation not to exceed $75,000.00 - Not to exceed $75,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 3. Authorize payment of the final judgment in the lawsuit styled Katherine V. Homan v. City of Dallas, Phil Sikes in his Official Capacity as Building Official, and Methodist Hospitals of Dallas, Cause No. DC-19-02758 - Not to exceed $65,325.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 4. Authorize payment of the property damage claim filed by Tom’s Mechanical, Inc., Claim No. GL-22-32624 - Not to exceed $33,867.63 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 5. Authorize settlement of Lamont McFarland’s claim in the lawsuit styled Lamont McFarland et al. v. City of Dallas, Cause No. CC-21-01773-B - Not to exceed $75,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 6. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Ana Garcia v. City of Dallas, Cause No. CC-21-00424-B - Not to exceed $47,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 7. Authorize settlement of the lawsuit styled Angelica Balleza Arevalo v. City of Dallas, Cause No. CC-21-03597-C - Not to exceed $38,000.00 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 8. Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance (Grant No. TBD) in the amount of $50,000.00 for continuation of the South Oak Cliff Community Court to include the South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Project for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; (2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed 50,000.00 in the FY22-23 South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Fund; (3) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 in the FY22-23 South Oak Cliff Veterans Treatment Court Fund; and (4) execution of the grant agreement and all terms, conditions and documents required by the agreement - Not to exceed $50,000.00 - Financing: Texas Veterans Commission Grant Funds City Controller's Office 9. A resolution approving notes issued pursuant to a commercial paper program to finance improvements at Dallas Love Field - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Aviation 10. Authorize a construction services contract for construction services of Crossfield Taxiways Project at Dallas Love Field with Flatiron Constructors, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $48,618,432.00 - Financing: 2021 AVI Commercial Paper Fund ($22,156,749.42) and Aviation Passenger Facility Charge - Near Term Projects Fund ($26,461,682.58) 11. Authorize a construction services contract for construction services to the Dallas Love Field Emergency Medical Service Suite Renovation Project with JC Commercial, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of five - Not to exceed $770,777.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund 12. Authorize a professional services contract with InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. to provide a financial feasibility study for a potential Consolidated Rental Car (ConRAC) Facility at Dallas Love Field - Not to exceed $421,184.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund 13. Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the professional services contract with HNTB Corporation to provide construction support services for the Runway 13R/31L Reconstruction Project at Dallas Love Field - Not to exceed $1,214,073.00 from $9,965,821.00 to $11,179,894.00 - Financing: Aviation Passenger Facility Charge - Near Term Projects Fund Department of Code Compliance 14. An ordinance amending Chapter 17, “Food Establishments,” of the Dallas City Code, by amending Section 17-10.2; (1) revising the permit application fees for mobile food units; (2) revising annual inspection fees for Class II, Class III, and Class IV mobile food units; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; (6) and providing an effective date - Financing: Estimated Revenue Foregone $87,631.00 Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 15. Authorize (1) the sale of up to 10 Land Transfer Program lots to Masa Design Build LLC, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $12,996.49; (2) the release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 10 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to 10 single-family homes on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: $73,003.82 16. Authorize a development loan agreement with Builders of Hope CDC and/or its affiliates, for the acquisition and development of a 36-unit mixed-income affordable multifamily complex to be known as Trinity West Villas, located at Singleton Boulevard and Pointer Street Dallas, Texas - Not to exceed $1,906,419.00 - Financing: HOME Investment Partnership Program Funds ($611,227.47) and Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Funds ($1,295,191.53) 17. Authorize the Dallas Public Facility Corporation to acquire, develop, and own Standard Shoreline, a mixed-income, multifamily development to be located at 10715 Garland Road (Project) and enter into a seventy-five-year lease agreement with OP Acquisitions, LLC or its affiliate for the development of the Project - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 18. Authorize (1) the sale of up to 16 Land Transfer Program lots to Covenant Homes Construction & Renovation LLC, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $16,000.00; (2) the release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 16 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to 16 single-family homes on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $34,541.77 19. Authorize (1) the sale of up to 6 Land Transfer Program lots to Texas Heavenly Homes Ltd., and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $6,513.11; (2) the release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 6 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of up to 10 single-family homes on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $27,446.46 20. Authorize an amendment to the professional consulting contract with Michele S. Williams, LLC dba Community Equity Strategies a sole proprietorship, for phase II consulting services and community input for drafting a new Comprehensive Housing Policy, action plan, and accomplishment measures that incorporates the recommendations from the equity review conducted by TDA Consulting, Inc. for a term of one year, in an amount not to exceed $306,704.00 - Financing: General Fund $306,704.00 Department of Planning and Urban Design 21. An ordinance authorizing a correction to (1) Ordinance No. 31958 (Planned Development Subdistrict No. 165) within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District; (2) Ordinance No. 32126 (Planned Development District No. 508); and (3) Ordinances No. 32085 (Planned Development Subdistrict No. 164) within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Public Works 22. A resolution (1) declaring six properties unwanted and unneeded, and authorizing their advertisement for sale by sealed bid (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet); (2) establishing a minimum bid amount for each surplus property; and (3) authorizing the sale and conveyance of a deed to the highest qualified bidder - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $72,000.00 23. A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a water easement and a temporary construction easement containing a total of approximately 66,780 square feet of land to North Texas Municipal Water District for the construction, maintenance and use of water facilities across City-owned land located at Lake Ray Hubbard - Estimated Revenue: Wastewater Construction Fund ($6,254.00) and General Fund ($15,000.00) 24. A resolution authorizing the conveyance of a water easement and a temporary construction easement containing a total of approximately 121,027 square feet of land to North Texas Municipal Water District for the construction, maintenance and use of water facilities across City-owned land located at Lake Ray Hubbard - Estimated Revenue: Wastewater Construction Fund ($18,231.00) and General Fund ($15,000.00) 25. An ordinance abandoning a portion of a street easement to SEVA, Ltd., the abutting owner, containing approximately 443 square feet of land, located near the intersection of Cockrell Hill Road and Interstate Highway 30; and authorizing the quitclaim - Revenue: General Fund $6,645.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 26. Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceedings styled City of Dallas v. Alvin Julius Scott, Sr., et al., Cause No. CC-22-00337-A, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 1, to acquire a wastewater easement of approximately 11,826 square feet of land located near the intersection of University Hills Boulevard and Camp Wisdom Road for the University Hills Infrastructure Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $2,225.00, increased from $9,990.00 ($8,900.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $1,090.00) to $12,215.00 ($11,125.00 being the award, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $1,090.00) - Financing: Water Utilities Capital G Fund 27. Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Bonnie View Road from Ann Arbor Avenue to Cummings Street - Camino Construction, LP, lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $2,503,547.50 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($2,165,922.50), Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($212,248.00), Water Construction Fund ($3,300.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($119,977.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($2,100.00) 28. Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Street Reconstruction Group 17-3003 (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - David Bowers dba HD Way Concrete Service, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of six - Not to exceed $4,015,910.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($2,597,815.00) Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($669,283.00), Water Construction Fund ($29,650.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($689,762.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($29,400.00) 29. Authorize acquisition from Wilbow-Timberlawn, LLC, of approximately four acres of land located near the intersection of Samuell Boulevard and Grove Hill Road for the 4600 Samuell Boulevard Future Park Project - Not to exceed $1,207,600.86 ($1,200,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $7,600.86) - Financing: Equity Revitalization Capital Fund ($107,600.86) and General Fund ($1,100,000.00) 30. Authorize an amendment to an existing lease agreement with SOHO/Davis FG, LLC to extend the lease agreement for an additional seven-years for approximately 4,290 square feet of office space located at 11910 Greenville Avenue, Suite 100, to be used as a Building Inspection North Central District Office for the period November 1, 2022 through October 31, 2029 - Not to exceed $531,231.12 - Financing: Building Inspection Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 31. Authorize an increase in the purchase from Paradise Baptist Church, also known as Paradise Missionary Baptist Church, of approximately 239,246 square feet of land, located near the intersection of University Hills Boulevard and Camp Wisdom Road for the University Hills Infrastructure Project - Not to exceed $60,000.00, increased from $357,000.00 ($350,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $7,000.00) to $417,000.00 ($410,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses no to exceed $7,000.00) - Financing: Water Utilities Capital G Fund ($60,000.00) 32. Authorize a ten-year lease agreement with R. G. Colling, LLC, for approximately 8,333 square feet of office and warehouse space located at 10903 Shady Trail, Building A, Suite 160, to be used for office and warehouse for storage of program material and supplies for the Women, Infants and Children Program for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2032 - Not to exceed $1,124,853.82 - Financing: Health and Human Services Commission Grant Funds (subject to annual appropriations) Department of Sanitation Services 33. A resolution authorizing the adoption of an amended and restated Local Solid Waste Management Plan for the City of Dallas - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) Department of Transportation 34. Authorize (1) a Development Participation Contract with Texas Trees Foundation for the donation of privately funded design plans for a City of Dallas 2017 General Obligation Bond Program Project identified as the Southwestern Medical District Streetscape Plan/Harry Hines Boulevard Improvements (Market Center DART Station to Mockingbird Lane); and (2) an Operating and Maintenance Agreement with Texas Trees Foundation for non-standard public improvements associated with the Harry Hines Boulevard Improvements Project (Market Center to Mockingbird Lane) - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see fiscal information for potential future costs) 35. Authorize a Beautification and Maintenance Agreement, for a ten-year period, with The Bottom District Community Development Foundation, to upgrade existing signs and posts with custom signs, street toppers and decorative posts for the Bottom Beautification Project within the following limits: between Interstate 35E to the west, Corinth Street to the east, Hutchins Avenue to the south, and the Trinity River Floodplain to the north - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 36. Authorize a construction contract for the Tornado-Damaged Signals Group 1 project consisting of re-construction of traffic signals located at Midway Road and Killion Drive, Preston Road (SH 289) and Preston Royal Center (North of Royal Lane), and Lenel Place and Walnut Hill Lane - Durable Specialties, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $1,255,550.10 - Financing: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Emergency Relief Program Fund 37. An ordinance amending Chapter 28, "Motor Vehicles and Traffic" of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 28-41.1.1 “Restrictions on the Use of Motor Assisted Scooters, Pocket Bikes, and Minimotorbikes” to (1) provide definitions; (2) designate authority; (3) provide for permissible behavior and define what constitutes an offense; (4) provide a penalty not to exceed $200.00; (5) provide a saving clause; (6) provide a severability clause; and (7) provide an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 38. An ordinance amending Chapter 43, "Streets and Sidewalks," of the Dallas City Code by amending Article X. “Dockless Vehicle Permit” to (1) provide definitions; (2) designate authority; (3) provide permitting guidelines and requirements; (4) provide a saving clause; (5) provide a severability clause; and (6) provide an effective date - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $200,000.00 (see Fiscal Information) Office of Community Care 39. Authorize (1) the acceptance of additional grant funding from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC); (2) the receipt and deposit of additional grant funding from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (Contract No. HHS000802300001, CFDA No. 15.557) for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children; (a) in the amount of $458,925.00, increasing the FY 2022 Administrative allocation from $14,869,740.00 to $15,328,665.00, for the period October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022; (b) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $458,925.00 in the FY 2022 WIC Program - Women, Infants and Children Grant Fund; (c) to redistribute an additional $179,015.00 to the FY22 Administrative allocation for the period of October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022 and (3) execution and agreement to all terms and conditions of an amendment or other document required to receive such additional funding - Not to exceed $458,925.00, from $14,869,740.00 to $15,328,665.00 - Financing: Health and Human Services Commission Grant Funds 40. Authorize (1) the third amendment to Contract No. HHS000455600001, with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Department of State Health Services for the Lactation Support Center Services Program (LSCS) to increase by $407,500.00, from $1,599,020.00 to $2,006,520.00; (a) to amend the term of the contract period from September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2022 to September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2023; (b) to accept additional grant funds for FY 2023 budget for Amendment No. 3, in the amount of $407,500.00 for the continuation of the LSCS Program; and (2) execution of the third amendment to the contract and all terms, conditions, and documents required by contract - Not to exceed $407,500.00, from $1,599,020.00 to $2,006,520.00 - Financing: Department of State Health Services Grant Funds Note: Agenda Item No. 41 and PH2 must be considered collectively. Office of Economic Development 41. Authorize a development agreement and all other necessary documents with One Newpark GP, LLC and/or its affiliates for a City Subsidy in an amount not to exceed $96,100,000.00 comprised of (1) an amount not to exceed $4,100,000.00 in the form of an economic development grant payable from the City’s Public/Private Partnership Fund (“PPP Grant”) and (2) an amount not to exceed $92,000,000.00 payable from future Downtown Connection TIF District funds (“TIF Subsidy”) in consideration of the One Newpark Project, a 38-floor, 1,345,845 square foot mixed-use, mixed-income development to be constructed on 1.7 acres at the southeast corner of S. Akard Street and Canton Street in Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Eleven (Downtown Connection TIF District) - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund ($4,100,000.00) and Downtown Connection TIF District Fund ($92,000,000.00) (subject to annual appropriations from tax increments) Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability 42. An ordinance correcting (1) a municipal setting designation at property generally located between Lemmon Avenue, Shorecrest Drive, Mockingbird Lane, and Denton Drive, and adjacent street rights-of-way (2) a municipal setting designation at property located near the intersection of Lemmon Avenue and McKinney Avenue and adjacent street rights-of-way; (3) a municipal setting designation at property located near the intersection of Norwood Road and Halifax Street and adjacent street rights-of-way; and (4) a municipal setting designation at property located near the intersection of Singleton Boulevard and Chalk Hill Road and adjacent street rights-of-way - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 43. Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement (SEJCA) (Grant No. AJ-02F05001, CFDA No. 66.312) grant in the amount of $200,000.00 to purchase and deploy non-regulatory air monitoring equipment in up to five (5) neighborhoods in the 75211 and 75212 zip codes, for the period October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2023; (2) receipt and deposit of funds in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 in the EPA State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Fund; (3) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 in the EPA State Environmental Justice Cooperative Agreement Fund (4) execution of the grant agreement with the EPA and all terms, conditions, and documents required by the agreement; and (5) coordination of initiatives, activities and partnerships necessary to fully implement the goals set forth in the SEJCA Grant Work Plan; (6) and execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Subrecipient Agreements between the City and the sub-recipients of this grant (Texas A&M University - Transportation Institute, Center for Applied Research (TAMU-TTI-CARTEEH), Children’s Health (Children’s), and Positive Breathing - Asthma Chasers (PB-AC) - Not to exceed $200,000.00 - Financing: EPA SEJCA Grant Funds Office of Procurement Services 44. Authorize (1) a five-year service price agreement for the maintenance and repair of meter test bench systems for the Water Utilities Department - OW Investors LLC dba MARS Company in the estimated amount of $1,632,511.10; and (2) a five-year master agreement for the purchase of portable meter testers for the Water Utilities Department - Sensus USA, Inc. in the estimated amount of $80,406.00, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total estimated amount of $1,712,917.10 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 45. Authorize a cooperative purchasing agreement for (1) the purchase and installation of Ubiquia equipment for the Red Cloud and Tietze Park Smart City Initiatives; and (2) a five-year software licensing agreement to provide data and software maintenance and support for the Department of Public Works with Facility Solutions Group dba American Light LP through an interlocal agreement with The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement - Total not to exceed $264,987.10 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 46. Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of aluminum sign blanks for the Department of Transportation - Vulcan, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $2,620,188 - Financing: General Fund 47. Authorize a three-year service price agreement for electric motor repair services for the Water Utilities Department - Allen’s Electric Motor Service, Inc. in the estimated amount of $2,442,422 and Evans Enterprises, Inc. in the estimated amount of $124,266, lowest responsible bidders of five - Total estimated amount of $2,566,688 - Financing: General Fund ($10,000) and Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($2,556,688) 48. Authorize a three-year service price agreement for equipment fluid sampling test analysis services for the Water Utilities Department - Tribologik in the estimated amount of $506,285 and SGS North America in the estimated amount of $133,500, lowest responsible bidders of two - Total estimated amount of $639,785 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($618,035) and Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($21,750) 49. Authorize a three-year service price agreement for citywide electrical services - KE Industrial LLC, lowest responsible bidder of three - Estimated amount of $2,664,545 - Financing: General Fund ($131,107.99), Capital Construction Fund ($2,187,154.62), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($240,511.07), Sanitation Operation Fund ($80,771.32), and Stormwater Drainage Management Operations Fund ($25,000.00) 50. Authorize a five-year service price agreement for non-engineering environmental consulting, investigative and remediation services with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., Alan Plummer and Associates Inc. dba. Plummer Associates, Inc., Apex TITAN, Inc., Aptim Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc., Arredondo, Zepeda & Brunz, LLC, W&M Environmental, a Division of Braun Intertec Corporation, Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., EA Engineering, Science and Technology, Inc., Enercon Services Inc., EnSafe Inc., Ensolum, LLC, Freese and Nichols, Inc., Gresham Smith and Partners, Groundwater & Environmental Services, Inc., Halff Associates, Inc., Incontrol Technologies, Inc., Lynn Clark Associates, Inc., dba. LCA Environmental, Inc., Modern Geosciences, LLC, Raba Kistner, Inc., Terracon Consultants, Inc., Texas Green Star Environmental, LLC dba. Green Star Environmental, Weston Solutions, Inc., Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for citywide use, most advantageous proposers of forty-two - Total estimated amount of $29,417,509.07 - Financing: General Fund ($12,202,518.7411,602,518.74), Park and Recreation Facilities (B) Fund ($4,660,556.25), Aviation General Fund ($3,250,000.00), Sanitation Operation Fund ($1,879,434.08), Facilities (H) Fund ($1,132,500.00), Public Safety (G) Fund ($1,132,500.00), Water Construction Fund ($690,000.00), Sewer Construction Fund ($345,000.00), Storm Water Drainage Construction Fund ($3,625,000.00), Convention Center Fund ($150,000.00500,000.00), Nas Redevelopment Fund ($250,000.00), Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant ($250,000.00), and Cultural Facilities (F) Fund ($100,000.00) 51. Authorize a one-year service contract in the amount of $650,000, with two one-year renewal options in the total amount of $2,200,000, as detailed in the Fiscal Information section, for financial assistance for eligible homeless persons and risk mitigation funds for landlords for the Office of Homeless Solutions - CitySquare, most advantageous proposers of two - Total not to exceed $2,850,000 - Financing: General Fund ($2,200,000) (subject to appropriations) and American Rescue Plan Act Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program Fund ($650,000) 52. Authorize a service contract for non-profit public facility improvement projects for the Office of Budget and Management Services - Legal Aid of Northwest Texas in the amount of $211,396 and First Presbyterian Church of Dallas dba The Stewpot in the amount of $188,604, most advantageous proposers of four - Not to exceed $400,000 - Financing: FY 2021-22 Community Development Block Grant Fund 53. Authorize a three-year service contract, with one one-year renewal option, for parking meter and citation management for the Department of Transportation - SP Plus Corporation, most advantageous proposer of five - Not to exceed $9,659,302.50 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 54. Authorize an two-year eighteen-month subrecipient agreement to provide legal services to residential tenants at risk of eviction and homelessness due to financial hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic for the Office of Equity and Inclusion - Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, most advantageous proposer of two - Not to exceed $250,000 $500,000 - Financing: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 55. Authorize (1) Supplemental Renewal Agreement No. 1 to exercise the first of two one-year renewal options, with REKJ Builders, LLC, for residential rehabilitation repair services to homes with code violations that residents cannot afford to repair for the Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization, and (2) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $500,000 in the Dallas Tomorrow Fund to be used for associated costs - Not to exceed $500,000 - Financing: Dallas Tomorrow Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 56. Authorize the purchase of battery back-up units used in traffic signals for the Department of Transportation with Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. in the amount of $402,790 and Texas Highway Products, LTD in the amount of $412,624 through The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement - Total not to exceed $815,414 - Financing: General Fund Park & Recreation Department 57. Authorize supplemental agreement No.1 to the interlocal agreement between the City of Dallas and the Richardson Independent School District for additional amenities to the park - Not to exceed $158,295.20 - Financing: Capital Gifts, Donations and Development Fund (See Fiscal Information) 58. Authorize the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with Dallas County for the Right of Way boundary survey, and preparing easement documents and legal descriptions for the Cypress Waters Trail located at South Belt Line Road heading east to South North Lake Road- Not to exceed $159,833.00 - Financing: Stormwater Drainage Management Fund Police Department 59. Authorize a public hearing to be held on August 10, 2022 to receive comments on amending Dallas City Code Chapter 15D; SEC 15D-15 Definitions; Sec 15D-16 Driving Wrecker To A Police Scene Prohibited; Exception; SEC 15D-17 Soliciting Wrecker Business At A Police Scene Prohibited; Presence At Scene As Evidence Of Violation; SEC 15D-21 License Application; Change of Zone; SEC 15D-22 License Qualifications; SEC 15D-50 Emergency Wrecker Service Zones; Wrecker Rotation List; SEC 15D-52 Requirements and Operating Procedures For Emergency Wrecker Service; SEC 15D-53 Rapid Response Program; SEC 15D-55 Notification of Police Department; SEC 15D-56 City-Owned Wreckers - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 60. Authorize the (1) acceptance of a donated 2019 Protector Targa 310 boat with an estimated value of $250,000.00 from Victor Vescovo to the Dallas Police Department - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) Small Business Center Department 61. Authorize (1) a Conditional Chapter 380 Economic Development Loan Agreement with MLK Kingdom Complex, LLC (Developer) in an amount not to exceed $350,000.00 sourced with the South Dallas/Fair Park Opportunity Fund; and (2) a Chapter 380 Conditional Ggrant Agreement with Developer in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 sourced with the Southern Dallas Investment Fund, for construction costs to develop 3101 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and 2904 Meadow Street of Dallas, Texas into the MLK Wellness Complex and parking - Total amount not to exceed $450,000.00 Financing: South Dallas/Fair Park Opportunity Fund not to exceed $350,000.00 and 2017 Proposition (I) Bonds Fund not to exceed $100,000.00 in a combined total amount not to exceed $450,000.00 Water Utilities Department 62. Authorize (1) an increase in the construction services contract with Ark Contracting Services, LLC for additional work associated with the relocation of a 48-inch diameter water transmission pipeline along Ranchview Drive and Ranch Trail in the City of Irving - Not to exceed $695,156.07, from $3,010,639.00 to $3,705,795.07; and (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from the City of Irving in an amount not to exceed $257,207.75 for the City of Irving’s share of the project cost within Irving Corporate limits - Financing: Water Construction Fund ($695,156.07) 63. Authorize a construction services contract for improvements to the Jim Miller Pump Station and Reservoir - Eagle Contracting, LLC, lowest bidder of four - Not to exceed $35,936,000.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($25,000,000.00) and Water Capital Improvement G Fund ($10,936,000.00) 64. Authorize a professional services contract with Halff Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services for storm drainage and erosion control improvements at 3 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $791,300.00 - Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund 65. Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Rebcon, Inc. for additional work associated with the White Rock Lake Dam and Spillway Maintenance Improvements Project - Not to exceed $543,030.65, from $5,997,105.00 to $6,540,135.65 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement G Fund
An ordinance (1) appointing 10 full-time municipal judges and 18 associate (part-time) municipal judges for the City of Dallas municipal court of record for a two-year term ending May 31, 2024; (2) designating an administrative municipal judge; (3) establishing the annual salaries for the administrative municipal judge, the municipal judges, and the associate municipal judges; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Not to exceed $154,204.00 annually - Financing: General Fund
Authorize an amendment to the professional consulting contract with Michele S. Williams, LLC dba Community Equity Strategies a sole proprietorship, for phase II consulting services and community input for drafting a new Comprehensive Housing Policy, action plan, and accomplishment measures that incorporates the recommendations from the equity review conducted by TDA Consulting, Inc. for a term of one year, in an amount not to exceed $306,704.00 - Financing: General Fund $306,704.00
Authorize a one-year service contract in the amount of $650,000, with two one-year renewal options in the total amount of $2,200,000, as detailed in the Fiscal Information section, for financial assistance for eligible homeless persons and risk mitigation funds for landlords for the Office of Homeless Solutions - CitySquare, most advantageous proposers of two - Total not to exceed $2,850,000 - Financing: General Fund ($2,200,000) (subject to appropriations) and American Rescue Plan Act Homelessness Assistance and Supportive Services Program Fund ($650,000)
Authorize a three-year service contract, with one one-year renewal option, for parking meter and citation management for the Department of Transportation - SP Plus Corporation, most advantageous proposer of five - Not to exceed $9,659,302.50 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Authorize (1) settlement of the lawsuit styled City of Dallas v. Delta Air Lines, Inc., et al., Cause No. 3:15-CV-02069-K - Estimated Revenue Foregone: Aviation Fund $200,000.00 annually over a six-year period until the expiration of the current Use and Lease Agreements at Love Field; (2) a facilities lease agreement at Dallas Love Field with Delta Air Lines, Inc. for scheduled airline passenger service support space; and (3) a facilities use agreement at Dallas Love Field with Southwest Airlines for terminal storage and support space - Estimated Net Annual Revenue: $470,761.40
67. Election of Officers of the City Council: Mayor Pro Tem and Deputy Mayor Pro Tem 68. City Council Seating and Office Selection
Authorize (1) rescinding the construction contract awarded to Post L Group, LLC, previously approved on November 10, 2021 by Resolution No. 21-1850, for the construction of Fire Station No. 41 Replacement facility; and (2) to re-advertise this project located at 5920 Royal Lane - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance amending the Dallas City Code by adding a new Chapter 38A, “Commercial Promoter Program” by (1) providing a commercial promoter registration program, registration fee, and safety plan requirements for commercial promoters; (2) amending Chapter 27, “Minimum Property Standards,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 27-46 to include violations of Chapter 38A in the definition of code violations in the habitual nuisance properties program; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $2,000.00 for a violation of this chapter governing fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation, and $500.00 for all other violations; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; and (6) providing an effective date - Estimated Revenue: Convention and Event Services Fund $26,250.00 annually (see Fiscal Information)
Authorize a development agreement (“Agreement”) and all other necessary documents with I-20 Lancaster Development, LLC and/or its affiliates for a City Subsidy in an amount not to exceed $34,210,966.00 comprised of (1) an amount not to exceed $2,800,000.00 in the form of an economic development grant payable from the City’s Public/Private Partnership Fund (“PPP Grant”); and (2) an amount not to exceed $31,410,966.00 plus an additional grant in lieu of interest payable from future University TIF District funds (“TIF Subsidy”) in consideration of the University Hills Phase I Project on property generally bounded by Interstate Highway 20 (Lyndon B. Johnson Freeway), Lancaster Road, and the DART rail line in Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Twenty One (University TIF District) - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Fund ($2,800,000.00) and University TIF District Fund ($31,410,966.00) (subject to annual appropriations from tax increments)
Additional Item 2
Authorize an amendment to Resolution No. 21-2047, previously approved on December 8, 2021, to allow the City to subordinate its liens to a financial institution’s liens in relation to the development of Highpoint at Wynnewood, a mixed-income, multifamily development located 1911 Pratt Street Dallas, TX 75224 (Project), subject to the requirements of the Comprehensive Housing Policy (CHP) - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance abandoning portions of three water easements and a drainage easement to Urban Smart Growth LP and Central Carroll Interests LLC, the abutting owners, containing a total of approximately 39,259 square feet of land, located near the intersection of North Central Expressway and Carroll Avenue - Revenue: General Fund $5,400.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee
Authorize (1) an increase in appropriations in an amount not to exceed $470,000.00 in the Operating Carryover Fund from General Fund Contingency Reserve; and (2) a transfer in an amount not to exceed $470,000.00 from General Fund Contingency Reserve to the Operating Carryover Fund for the management of a diverse forestry canopy including preventative and reactive maintenance - Not to exceed $470,000.00 - Financing: Operating Carryover Fund and General Fund Contingency Reserve (See Fiscal Information)
Consider adopting the recommended districting plan for the 14 City Council districts, approved by the Redistricting Commission on May 10, 2022, and filed with Mayor Eric Johnson on May 16, 2022, including consideration of proposed modifications or changes (posted at to be implemented at the next general election of the City Council conducted on May 6, 2023 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize the following: (1) the designation of approximately 11.0 acres of property located at the current address of 2323 North Field Street as depicted in Exhibit A and further described in Exhibit B attached to the resolution, in Dallas, Texas as City of Dallas Neighborhood Empowerment Zone No. 20 (“NEZ No. 20”), pursuant to Chapter 378 of the Texas Local Government Code, which has been determined will promote an increase in economic development in the zone, establish boundaries for the zone, and provide for an effective date for the zone; (2) a real property tax abatement with Hunt Realty or an affiliate thereof, including North End L.P. (“Owner”) exempting 50% of the taxes on the added value to the net new tangible real property for a period not to exceed ten years; and (3) a business personal property tax abatement with Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC or an affiliate thereof (“Goldman Sachs” or “Tenant”) exempting 50% of the taxes on the added value to the net new tangible business personal property for a period not to exceed five years; and (4) a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement with Tenant in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00 for job retention and creation; and (5) a Chapter 380 Economic Development Grant Agreement with Owner and/or Tenant or affiliates thereof in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00 associated with expedited permitting and soft construction costs grant; all of which will promote state or local economic development and to stimulate business and commercial activity in the municipality in connection with jobs created and retained in association with a new office development in accordance with the City’s Public/Private Partnership Program - Financing: Public/Private Partnership Funds ($4,375,000.00) and Estimated Revenue Foregone-- City ad valorem real personal property taxes estimated up to $12,257,000.00 over a ten-year period and City ad valorem business personal property taxes estimated up to $1,381,703.00 over a five-year period
Authorize an interlocal agreement between the City of Dallas (City) and the County of Dallas (County) for the City’s acceptance of funds in an amount not to exceed $10,000,000.00 from the County’s allocated ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery funds (ARPA SLFR Funds) for the period of September 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024 to be used: (i) for the redevelopment of 4150 Independence Drive, Dallas, Texas 75237; and (ii) to provide housing opportunities and supportive services for unsheltered youth (ages 18-24) with a focus on LGBTQIA+ youth at or below 30% Area Median Income (collectively, the Target Populations) - Financing: FY22 Dallas County ARPA Fund $10,000,000.00
Z1. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a new subdistrict on property zoned Subdistrict 1 within Planned Development District No. 534, the C.F. Hawn Special Purpose District No. 2, with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on the west line of Pleasant Drive, north of the intersection of Pleasant Drive and C.F. Hawn Freeway with consideration for a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse Recommendation of Staff: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions, in lieu of a new subdistrict within Subdistrict 1 of Planned Development District No. 534, the C.F. Hawn Special Purpose District No. 2 Recommendation of CPC: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for an office showroom/warehouse for a ten-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional ten-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions, in lieu of a new subdistrict within Subdistrict 1 of Planned Development District No. 534, the C.F. Hawn Special Purpose District No. 2 Z212-130(RM) 22-1341 Attachments: Case Report Z2. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a surface accessory remote parking use on property zoned an R-5(A) Single Family Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 595, the South Dallas/Fair Park Special Purpose District, on the north of the intersection of Metropolitan Avenue and Octavia Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a five-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a revised site plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Z201-343(JM) 22-1227 Attachments: Case Report Z3. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a new subdistrict on property within Planned Development District No. 216, on the east line of Noel Road, between Spring Valley Road and Southern Boulevard Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-163(MP) 22-1342 Attachments: Case Report Z4. A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to the preservation criteria and exhibits for Historic Overlay District No. 20, the Ambassador Hotel (1312 S. Ervay Street), on property zoned Subdistrict No. 2 within Planned Development District No. 317, the Cedars Special Purpose District, on the northwest corner of St. Paul Street and Ervay Street Recommendation of Staff: Approval as amended Recommendation of CPC: Approval per staff recommendation as amended, and Landmark Commission recommended condition with changes Z212-213(LVO) 22-1343 Attachments: Case Report
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MF-2(A) Multifamily District and NS(A) Neighborhood Service District regulations and uses including multifamily and retail and personal service, on property zoned an IR Industrial Research District, on the southwest corner of Sylvan Avenue and Singleton Boulevard Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-145(MP)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for R-7.5(A) Single Family District uses and a public school other than an open enrollment charter school use on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the north line of Lake June Road, between Conner Drive and Pleasant Drive Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Z212-158(RM)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for TH-1(A) Townhome District regulations and uses including residential uses within a shared access subdivision on property zoned an R-1/2 ac(A) Single Family District, at the northwest corner of Alpha Road and Hillcrest Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-166(MP)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Planned Development Subdistrict No. 135 within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, on the northwest line of Turtle Creek Boulevard, between Cedars Springs Road and Dickason Avenue Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, landscape plan, and conditions Z212-155(RM)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for a Specific Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store greater than 3,500 square feet on a property zoned a CS Commercial Service District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the southeast corner of South Belt Line Road and C.F. Hawn Expressway Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period with eligibility for automatic renewals for additional five-year periods, subject to a site plan and conditions. Recommendation of CPC: Denial without prejudice Z212-156(OA) Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearings on May 25, 2022 and June 8, 2022, and is scheduled for consideration on June 22, 2022.
A public hearing to receive comments on the Proposed FY 2022-23 HUD Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant Funds; and at the close of the public hearing, authorize final adoption of the FY 2022-23 HUD Consolidated Plan Budget for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Grant Funds in an estimated amount of $32,997,962 for the following programs and estimated amounts: (a) Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $14,120,128; (b) HOME Investment Partnerships Program in the amount of $6,440,498; (c) Emergency Solutions Grant in the amount of $1,268,197; (d) Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS in the amount of $8,469,139; and (e) estimated Program Income and One-Time Revenue in the amount of $2,700,000 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) Note: This item was considered by the City Council at a public hearing on May 25, 2022, and was held under advisement until June 22, 2022, with the public hearing open.
A public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments to the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan (“Plan”) for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Eleven, the Downtown Connection Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District (“District”) to: (1) create two sub-districts within the Zone District : (a) Downtown Connection Sub-district (original District boundary) and (b) Newpark Sub-district; (2) increase the geographic area of the District to add approximately 14.2 acres to create the Newpark Sub-district to facilitate anticipated redevelopment; (3) increase the total budget of the District (Downtown Connection Sub-district budget) from $231,593,554.00 Net Present Value (NPV 2005 dollars) (approximately $454,707,775.00 total dollars) to $402,897,888.00 NPV (approximately $1,059,227,817.00 total dollars, an increase of $171,304,334.00 NPV (approximately $604,520,042.00 total dollars); (4) modify the Downtown Connection Sub-district budget to add a line item for a public safety building to replace Fire Station #18; (5) establish a termination date for the Newpark Sub-district of December 31, 2052; (6) establish the percentage of tax increment contributed by the City of Dallas during the term of the Newpark Sub-district at 90%; (7) establish a total budget for the Newpark Sub-district of $90,329,182.00 NPV 2022 dollars (approximately $223,786,626.00 total dollars); (8) request Dallas County participation in the Newpark Sub-district at 55% for twenty years beginning in 2027; and (9) make corresponding modifications to the District boundary, budget, Plan, and participation agreement with Dallas County; and at the close of the hearing, consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 26020, as amended, previously approved on June 8, 2005, and Ordinance No. 26096, as amended, previously approved on August 29, 2005, to reflect these amendments - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by 1400 Triple B Holdings, LP located near the intersection of West Commerce and Neal Streets and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to 1400 Triple B Holdings, LP by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Recommendation of Staff: Approval
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by Dallas Independent School District located near the intersection of Bickers and Greenleaf Streets and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Dallas Independent School District by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Recommendation of Staff: Approval
A public hearing to receive comments on a proposed municipal setting designation to prohibit the use of groundwater as potable water beneath property owned by Preston Forest SC, LLC located near the intersection of Preston Road and Forest Lane and adjacent street rights-of-way; and an ordinance authorizing support of the issuance of a municipal setting designation to Preston Forest SC, LLC by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and prohibiting the use of groundwater beneath the designated property as potable water - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Recommendation of Staff: Approval