Additional Item
Approval of Minutes of the October 12, 2022 City Council Meeting
City Attorney's Office 2. 22-2361 Authorize settlement of the property damage claim filed by Dallas HU1 LLC against the City of Dallas, Claim No. GL-22-32712 - Not to exceed $63,908.28 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 3. 22-2410 Authorize settlement of the property damage claim filed by Dallas HU1 LLC against the City of Dallas, Claim No. GL-22-32712 - Not to exceed $63,908.28 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund City Controller's Office 5. 22-2187 Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Dallas, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2022C, in the amount of $114,800,000 to the Texas Water Development Board; awarding the sale of the bonds; approving the execution of agreements in connection with the sale of the bonds; and all other matters related thereto - Not to exceed $330,050 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 6. 22-2197Authorize the annual adoption of the City’s Investment Policy and investment strategies regarding funds under the City’s control and management - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 7. 22-2378 An ordinance amending Chapter 27, “Minimum Property Standards,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Sections 27-46 and 27-53; (1) adding provisions to the definition of code violations in the Chapter 27 habitual nuisance properties program; (2) changing the annual fee for habitual criminal and nuisance properties to a monthly fee; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; and (6) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Court & Detention Services 8. 22-2385 An ordinance amending Chapter 13, “Courts, Fines and Imprisonments,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 13-10 by (1) authorizing the city marshal and his or her deputies to enforce the city’s provisions regarding standing or walking on medians contained Section 28-61.1 of the Dallas City Code and the city’s solicitation provisions contained in Section 28-63.3 of the Dallas City Code; (2) providing a saving clause; (3) providing a severability clause; and (4) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Aviation 9. 22-2220 Authorize a second amendment to the Lease of Land and Facilities at Dallas Love Field originally entered into between the City of Dallas and Enserch Corporation as of August 11, 1993, as amended, with the current lessee, HollyFrontier Corporation, previously approved on August 1, 2005, by Resolution No. 05-0921 to add four additional five-year option terms to the lease and exercise the first of such additional option terms in consideration of HollyFrontier Corporation agreeing to expend $150,000.00 on capital improvements to the leasehold within twenty-four months of the execution of the second amendment and an additional $50,000.00 on capital improvements during each of the four additional option periods - Estimated Revenue: Aviation Fund $2,203,770.40 (see Fiscal Information) Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 10. 22-2330 Authorize the (1) sale of up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots to Citybuild Community Development Corporation, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program; (2) release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of a Health and Wellness Center on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $6,500.00; Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $10,257.31 (see Fiscal Information) Department of Public Works 11. 22-2057 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32037, previously approved on October 27, 2021, which abandoned portions of an alley, located near the intersection of Malcolm X Boulevard and Taylor Street to SL4 Deep Ellum, LP, Meghani Partnership, Inc., Radical Computing, lnc., TRW Realty Holdings, LLC and Travertine, LLC, by altering Section 11 to extend certain requirements’ timeline from twelve months to eighteen months - Revenue: General Fund $7,800.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 12. 22-1980 An ordinance granting a private license to 2620 Maple Owner, LLC for the use of a total of approximately 169 square feet of land to occupy, maintain, and utilize two electrical conduits, fourteen trees, fourteen uplights, two landscaping blocks and irrigation areas, three trash receptacles, four benches, and a bollard on portions of Maple Avenue and Mahon Street rights-of-way located near its intersection with Mahon Street - Revenue: General Fund $2,000.00 annually and $900.00 one-time fee, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 13. 22-2215 Authorize a Beautification and Maintenance Agreement, for a ten-year period, with The Bottom District Community Development Foundation, for the installation and maintenance of landscape and irrigation improvements, consisting of grass sodding and an irrigation system for the Interstate Highway 35E at Colorado/Eads Landscape Beautification Project within the following limits: between Interstate Highway 35E to the west, Eads Avenue to the east, Comal Street to the south, and 400 feet north of East Colorado Boulevard to the north - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 14. 22-1862 Authorize the reprogramming of 2017 Bond Funds in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00 from the Oak Lawn/Cedar Springs Area Sidewalk Improvements (PB17V156), to reconstruct the alley between Knight Street and Douglas Avenue from Rosewood Avenue to Sylvester Street; and to reconstruct the alley between Cherrywood Avenue and Inwood Road from Vandelia Street to Rawlins Street - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs) 15. 22-1993 Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-1488 - (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of one - Not to exceed $2,363,597.20 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($1,023,735.20), Water Construction Fund ($14,525.00), Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($185,738.00), Wastewater Construction Fund ($36,800.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($1,102,799.00) Department of Transportation 16. 22-2265 An ordinance amending Chapter 28, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Dallas City Code by adding Section 28-61.1. “Standing and Walking in Certain Areas Prohibited” (1) prohibiting standing and walking on medians measuring six feet or less in width, where no medians exist, or in an area designated as a clear zone; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 17. 22-2269 Authorize a resolution to support the memorial designation of the overpass at Interstate Highway 20 and Spur 408 as the Firefighter William Scott Tanksley Memorial Bridge through the Texas Department of Transportation Highway Naming Program - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Arts and Culture 18. 22-2359 Authorize contracts with cultural organizations for the provision of artist services to the City through the Cultural Organizations Program for the period October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 (list attached to Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $5,694,617.00 - Financing: General Fund Office of Economic Development 19. 22-2222 Authorize a public hearing to be held on November 9, 2022 to receive comments on the proposed amendments to the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan (“Plan”) for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Three, the Oak Cliff Gateway Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District (the “TIF District” or the “Zone”) to: (1) increase the geographic area of the TIF District by approximately 244 acres including: (a) expanding the Bishop Arts/Jefferson Sub-District by approximately 96 acres in an area generally along Jefferson Boulevard from Storey Street to 6th Street west of IH-35 and (b) adding the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District with approximately 148 acres in an area including the future Southern Gateway Deck Park at Interstate Highway (IH)-35 between Marsalis Avenue and Ewing Avenue and generally along Clarendon Drive from Moore Street to Beckley Avenue and along Beckley Avenue from Clarendon Drive to just north of Kiest Boulevard; (2) establish a termination date for the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District of December 31, 2052; (3) establish the percentage of tax increment contributed by the City of Dallas during the term of the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District at 90 percent; (4) authorize an amendment to the participation agreement with Dallas County to request the County’s participation in the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District; (5) create a new budget category for the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District; (6) create a new budget category for the TIF District for homeowner stabilization, home repair, and displacement mitigation; (7) extend the termination date of the Oak Cliff Gateway Sub-District from December 31, 2027 to December 31, 2044 and reduce the City’s participation rate from 85 percent to 50 percent during the extended term; (8) increase the total budget for the TIF District from $28,621,027.00 net present value (approximately $76,665,998.00 in total dollars) to $99,381,853.00 net present value (approximately $352,993,541.00 in total dollars); (9) increase the budget capacity of the Oak Cliff Gateway Sub-District and the Bishop Arts/Jefferson Sub-District to retain a portion of future tax increment to support future applications for project funding and annually transfer a portion of future tax increment to the following new budget categories: ( a) budget line item for homeowner stabilization, home repair, and displacement mitigation programs and (b) Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District; and (10) make corresponding modifications to the TIF District’s boundary, budget, and Plan; and, at the close of the public hearing, consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 21466, as amended, previously approved on November 11, 1992, and Ordinance No. 23033, as amended, previously approved on February 12, 1997, to reflect these amendments - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Procurement Services 20. 22-1867 Authorize a three-year concession contract for operation of a watercraft rental service at White Rock Lake for the Park & Recreation Department - Dallas Kayak Company, Inc., most advantageous proposer of two - Estimated Net Revenue: $471,031.00 21. 22-2242 Authorize a three-year cooperative purchasing agreement for temporary staffing services for the Department of Human Resources with BGSF Professional, LLC, through the Houston-Galveston Area Council cooperative agreement - Estimated amount of $350,000 - Financing: General Fund 22. 22-2331 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of certified bulk liquid chlorine by railcar for the Water Utilities Department - Brenntag Southwest, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $20,035,560 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 23. 22-2244 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of temporary traffic signs, permanent signposts, and installation hardware for permanent signs for various departments - Dallas Lite & Barricade, only bidder - Estimated amount of $439,743.23 - Financing: General Fund ($69,798.00) Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($361,945.23), and Stormwater Drainage Management-Operations Fund ($8,000.00) 24. 22-2243 Authorize a three-year service contract for large diameter concrete water pipes, accessories and emergency repair services for the Water Utilities Department - TPG Pressure, Inc. dba Thompson Pipe Group-Pressure, most advantageous proposer of two - Not to exceed $8,786,180.00 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 25. 22-2355 Authorize a five-year service price agreement for the design, engineering, installation, system implementation, maintenance, support, and parts for a new audible paging system at Dallas Love Field Airport for the Department of Aviation - Ford Audio Video Systems, LLC, most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $907,798.82 - Financing: Aviation Fund (subject to annual appropriations) Office of the City Auditor 26. 22-2315 Authorize approval of the Office of the City Auditor’s 2023 Audit Plan as required by paragraph 8(b) of Resolution No. 21-2021, previously approved on February 24, 2021 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Water Utilities Department 27. 22-2097 Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled CITY OF DALLAS VS. DALLAS H.B.M. III L.L.C., A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, et al., Cause No. CC-22-01267-B, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 2, for acquisition from Dallas H.B.M. III L.L.C., a Texas Limited Liability Company, et al., of an improved tract of land containing a total of approximately 263,495 square feet located on East Kiest Boulevard at its intersection with Rector Street for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $4,085,723.00 ($4,061,888.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $23,835.00) - Financing: Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($3,025,971.41) and Trinity River Corridor Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($1,059,751.59) 28. 22-2190 Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled CITY OF DALLAS VS. JEFFREY RAY BISHOP AND MARK FLANERY, et al., Cause No. CC-22-00892-E, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 5, for acquisition from Jeffrey Ray Bishop and Mark Flanery, of approximately 342,106 square feet of land, located on Rector Street near its intersection with East Kiest Boulevard for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $9,548,000.00 ($9,500,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $48,000.00) - Financing: Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($5,401,996.00) and Trinity River Corridor Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($4,146,004.00) 29. 22-2276 Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled CITY OF DALLAS VS. MARCO SORTO, et al., Cause No. CC-22-01269-C, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 3, for acquisition from Marco Sorto, of two tracts of land containing approximately 10,579 square feet, improved with a single-family residence located on Alex Street near its intersection with Childers Street for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $178,000.00 ($175,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) 30. 22-1700 Authorize a construction services contract for the installation of water and wastewater main improvements at five locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - John Burns Construction Company of Texas, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $11,486,301.00 - Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement F Fund ($11,236,301.00) and Water Construction Fund ($250,000.00) 31. 22-2198 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with BAR Constructors, Inc. for additional work associated with the construction of a new pump station to replace the existing Pump Station No. 1 at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $280,613.16, from $51,322,606.78 to $51,603,219.94 - Financing: Water Construction Fund 32. 22-2033 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Douglas Dailey Construction, LLC, for additional pavement restoration associated with the installation of water and wastewater mains at 26 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $1,962,835.00, from $11,941,371.00 to $13,904,206.00 - Financing: Wastewater (Clean Water) - 2022 TWDB Fund ($490,709.00) and Water (Drinking Water) - 2022 TWDB Fund ($1,472,126.00)
22-2269 Authorize a resolution to support the memorial designation of the overpass at Interstate Highway 20 and Spur 408 as the Firefighter William Scott Tanksley Memorial Bridge through the Texas Department of Transportation Highway Naming Program - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance amending Chapter 27, “Minimum Property Standards,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Sections 27-46 and 27-53; (1) adding provisions to the definition of code violations in the Chapter 27 habitual nuisance properties program; (2) changing the annual fee for habitual criminal and nuisance properties to a monthly fee; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; and (6) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance amending Chapter 28, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Dallas City Code by adding Section 28-61.1. “Standing and Walking in Certain Areas Prohibited” (1) prohibiting standing and walking on medians measuring six feet or less in width, where no medians exist, or in an area designated as a clear zone; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
A closed executive session may be held if the discussion of any of the above agenda items concerns one of the following: 1. seeking the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.071] 2. deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.072] 3. deliberating a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the city if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.073] 4. deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee unless the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.074] 5. deliberating the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.076] 6. discussing or deliberating commercial or financial information that the city has received from a business prospect that the city seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city and with which the city is conducting economic development negotiations; or deliberating the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. [Tex Govt. Code §551.087] 7. deliberating security assessments or deployments relating to information resources technology, network security information, or the deployment or specific occasions for implementations of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices . [Tex Govt. Code §551.089]
An ordinance amending Chapter 28, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Dallas City Code by adding Section 28-61.1. “Standing and Walking in Certain Areas Prohibited” (1) prohibiting standing and walking on medians measuring six feet or less in width, where no medians exist, or in an area designated as a clear zone; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
An ordinance amending Chapter 13, “Courts, Fines and Imprisonments,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 13-10 by (1) authorizing the city marshal and his or her deputies to enforce the city’s provisions regarding standing or walking on medians contained Section 28-61.1 of the Dallas City Code and the city’s solicitation provisions contained in Section 28-63.3 of the Dallas City Code; (2) providing a saving clause; (3) providing a severability clause; and (4) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize the (1) sale of up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots to Citybuild Community Development Corporation, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program; (2) release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of a Health and Wellness Center on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $6,500.00; Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $10,257.31 (see Fiscal Information)
ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Authorize (1) the ratification of a meet and confer agreement between the City of Dallas and the Dallas Black Firefighters Association, Dallas Hispanic Fire Fighters Association, Dallas Fire Fighters Association, Black Police Association of Greater Dallas, National Latino Law Enforcement Organization, and the Dallas Police Association (collectively, the Meet and Confer Team); and (2) the City Manager to execute the agreement, approved as to form by the City Attorney, to be effective October 26, 2022 through September 30, 2025 - Not to exceed $111,063,230.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
22-2165 Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a tract of land containing approximately 206,362 square feet, from One Morrell, LLC, located on Morrell Avenue near its intersection with Sargent Road for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project - Not to exceed $4,158,174.00 ($4,135,174.00 plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $23,000.00) - Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund ($1,492,597.87), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (1995 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($230,198.11), Trinity Corridor Project Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($423,328.83), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($323,075.58), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2003 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($125,605.60), and Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($1,563,368.01)
An ordinance amending Chapter 18, “Municipal Solid Wastes,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Article V; (1) providing revised storage, license, and record keeping requirements and establishing training requirements for tire businesses; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $2,000.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on August 10, 2022)
A resolution adopting the City’s Federal Legislative Program for the 118th Session of the United States Congress - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
A resolution to authorize payment of annual membership fees to (1) National League of Cities in the amount of $38,384.00; (2) Texas Municipal League in the amount of $59,542.00; (3) United States Conference of Mayors in the amount of $40,235.00; (4) Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition in the amount of $25,000.00; and (5) TEX-21 in the amount of $25,000.00 - Total not to exceed $188,161.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Burkland Consulting, LLC for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $50,000.00 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Campos Consulting Group for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $60,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Kwame Walker & Associates for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $70,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Paul Schlesinger for federal legislative services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $74,375.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Randy C. Cain for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $71,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a professional services contract with CapitalEdge Strategies, LLC to provide federal legislative services to the City for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $160,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize adoption of the City of Dallas State Legislative Program for the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize the recommended most advantageous proposal submitted for City Solicitation BVZ22-00019439 (Request for Proposals for the development of City-owned vacant properties addressed as 3011-3039 South Lancaster Road) with UCR Development Services LLC, most advantageous proposer of three - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) the City Manager or designee to execute a development agreement with UCR Development Services LLC (“UCR” or “Developer”) incorporating the proposal submitted by UCR for City Solicitation BVZ22-00019439 to provide for the development of approximately 1.23 acres of land addressed as 3011-3039 South Lancaster Road generally at the northwest corner of South Lancaster Road and East Corning Avenue (the “Property”), and including the sale of the Property to UCR for a sale price no less than fair market value, and subject to (i) a right of reverter in favor of the City in the event UCR fails to develop the Property as required, (ii) a 365-day right-of-entry in favor of UCR for due diligence purposes, and (iii) other terms, including operating covenants, as may be deemed necessary and approved as to form by the City Attorney, to ensure that, after sale of the Property, the Property is developed and operated in substantial conformance with the Proposal; and (2) the Chief Financial Officer to receive and deposit proceeds of the Property sale - Estimated Revenue: General Capital Reserve Fund $240,000.00
Authorize (1) the City Manager to amend Resolution No. 18-1158, previously approved on August 22, 2018 to include approval of the FOUR-TRACK STRATEGY proposed by Office of Homeless Solutions, implement track one (Increase Shelter Capacity - expand capacity of existing providers through contracted pay to stay shelter beds); and (2) adopt or approve the proposed updates as presented to the Housing & Homelessness Solutions Committee on September 29, 2022 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MF-2(A) Multifamily District uses and office, general merchandise, or food store 3,500 square feet or less, and personal service uses on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District on the northwest line of Garland Road, northeast of Easton Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, a tree protection plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, a tree protection plan, and conditions Z212-190(RM)
Z1. Z190-250(AU) A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-2 Mixed Use District uses and standards on property zoned an MF-1(A) Multifamily District, on the west line of Preston Road, north of Belt Line Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z3. Z201-221(AU) 22-2287 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-2 Mixed Use District uses on property zoned an MF-1(A) Multifamily District, on the west line of Preston Road, south of Arapaho Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of and an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 2170 for an open enrollment charter school use on property zoned an RR Regional Retail District, north of West Camp Wisdom Road and west of Interstate 35E Freeway Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a traffic management plan and conditions Z201-134(HC)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a commercial amusement (outside) use on property zoned MU-1 Mixed Use District, on the west line of Coit Road, south of McCallum Boulevard Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site/landscape plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site/landscape plan and conditions Z201-333(OA)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 502 for a private recreation center, club, or area on property zoned an R-16(A) Single Family District on the south line of Dilbeck Lane, east of Preston Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised site/landscape plan and revised conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site/landscape plan and revised conditions Z212-241(RM)
A public hearing to receive comments and to approve an ordinance a resolution granting a request to consider the Ceremonial Street Name request for “Rosa Lopez” as a street topper on Winnetka Avenue between Canada Drive and Shaw Street, Shaw Street between Winnetka Avenue and Obenchain Street, Vecinos Boulevard between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street, and El Triumfo Street between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street - NC212-006(CM) - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs)
A public hearing to receive comments and to approve an ordinance a resolution granting a request to consider the Ceremonial Street Name request for “Rosa Lopez” as a street topper on Winnetka Avenue between Canada Drive and Shaw Street, Shaw Street between Winnetka Avenue and Obenchain Street, Vecinos Boulevard between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street, and El Triumfo Street between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street - NC212-006(CM) - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding The West Oak Cliff Area Plan on property generally bounded by West Davis Street, Hampton Road, West 12th Street, Tyler Street, Vernon Avenue, Illinois Avenue on the south, Cockrell Hill Road, and Gilpin Road on the west; and, at the close of the public hearing an ordinance adopting The West Oak Cliff Area Plan - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Open Microphone Speakers ( Part 2 of 2 )
Additional Item
Approval of Minutes of the October 12, 2022 City Council Meeting
City Attorney's Office 2. 22-2361 Authorize settlement of the property damage claim filed by Dallas HU1 LLC against the City of Dallas, Claim No. GL-22-32712 - Not to exceed $63,908.28 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund 3. 22-2410 Authorize settlement of the property damage claim filed by Dallas HU1 LLC against the City of Dallas, Claim No. GL-22-32712 - Not to exceed $63,908.28 - Financing: Liability Reserve Fund City Controller's Office 5. 22-2187 Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of City of Dallas, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2022C, in the amount of $114,800,000 to the Texas Water Development Board; awarding the sale of the bonds; approving the execution of agreements in connection with the sale of the bonds; and all other matters related thereto - Not to exceed $330,050 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 6. 22-2197Authorize the annual adoption of the City’s Investment Policy and investment strategies regarding funds under the City’s control and management - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 7. 22-2378 An ordinance amending Chapter 27, “Minimum Property Standards,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Sections 27-46 and 27-53; (1) adding provisions to the definition of code violations in the Chapter 27 habitual nuisance properties program; (2) changing the annual fee for habitual criminal and nuisance properties to a monthly fee; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; and (6) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Court & Detention Services 8. 22-2385 An ordinance amending Chapter 13, “Courts, Fines and Imprisonments,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 13-10 by (1) authorizing the city marshal and his or her deputies to enforce the city’s provisions regarding standing or walking on medians contained Section 28-61.1 of the Dallas City Code and the city’s solicitation provisions contained in Section 28-63.3 of the Dallas City Code; (2) providing a saving clause; (3) providing a severability clause; and (4) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Department of Aviation 9. 22-2220 Authorize a second amendment to the Lease of Land and Facilities at Dallas Love Field originally entered into between the City of Dallas and Enserch Corporation as of August 11, 1993, as amended, with the current lessee, HollyFrontier Corporation, previously approved on August 1, 2005, by Resolution No. 05-0921 to add four additional five-year option terms to the lease and exercise the first of such additional option terms in consideration of HollyFrontier Corporation agreeing to expend $150,000.00 on capital improvements to the leasehold within twenty-four months of the execution of the second amendment and an additional $50,000.00 on capital improvements during each of the four additional option periods - Estimated Revenue: Aviation Fund $2,203,770.40 (see Fiscal Information) Department of Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization 10. 22-2330 Authorize the (1) sale of up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots to Citybuild Community Development Corporation, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program; (2) release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of a Health and Wellness Center on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $6,500.00; Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $10,257.31 (see Fiscal Information) Department of Public Works 11. 22-2057 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32037, previously approved on October 27, 2021, which abandoned portions of an alley, located near the intersection of Malcolm X Boulevard and Taylor Street to SL4 Deep Ellum, LP, Meghani Partnership, Inc., Radical Computing, lnc., TRW Realty Holdings, LLC and Travertine, LLC, by altering Section 11 to extend certain requirements’ timeline from twelve months to eighteen months - Revenue: General Fund $7,800.00, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 12. 22-1980 An ordinance granting a private license to 2620 Maple Owner, LLC for the use of a total of approximately 169 square feet of land to occupy, maintain, and utilize two electrical conduits, fourteen trees, fourteen uplights, two landscaping blocks and irrigation areas, three trash receptacles, four benches, and a bollard on portions of Maple Avenue and Mahon Street rights-of-way located near its intersection with Mahon Street - Revenue: General Fund $2,000.00 annually and $900.00 one-time fee, plus the $20.00 ordinance publication fee 13. 22-2215 Authorize a Beautification and Maintenance Agreement, for a ten-year period, with The Bottom District Community Development Foundation, for the installation and maintenance of landscape and irrigation improvements, consisting of grass sodding and an irrigation system for the Interstate Highway 35E at Colorado/Eads Landscape Beautification Project within the following limits: between Interstate Highway 35E to the west, Eads Avenue to the east, Comal Street to the south, and 400 feet north of East Colorado Boulevard to the north - Financing: No cost consideration to the City 14. 22-1862 Authorize the reprogramming of 2017 Bond Funds in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00 from the Oak Lawn/Cedar Springs Area Sidewalk Improvements (PB17V156), to reconstruct the alley between Knight Street and Douglas Avenue from Rosewood Avenue to Sylvester Street; and to reconstruct the alley between Cherrywood Avenue and Inwood Road from Vandelia Street to Rawlins Street - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs) 15. 22-1993 Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Alley Reconstruction Group 17-1488 - (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of one - Not to exceed $2,363,597.20 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($1,023,735.20), Water Construction Fund ($14,525.00), Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($185,738.00), Wastewater Construction Fund ($36,800.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($1,102,799.00) Department of Transportation 16. 22-2265 An ordinance amending Chapter 28, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Dallas City Code by adding Section 28-61.1. “Standing and Walking in Certain Areas Prohibited” (1) prohibiting standing and walking on medians measuring six feet or less in width, where no medians exist, or in an area designated as a clear zone; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information) 17. 22-2269 Authorize a resolution to support the memorial designation of the overpass at Interstate Highway 20 and Spur 408 as the Firefighter William Scott Tanksley Memorial Bridge through the Texas Department of Transportation Highway Naming Program - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Arts and Culture 18. 22-2359 Authorize contracts with cultural organizations for the provision of artist services to the City through the Cultural Organizations Program for the period October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 (list attached to Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $5,694,617.00 - Financing: General Fund Office of Economic Development 19. 22-2222 Authorize a public hearing to be held on November 9, 2022 to receive comments on the proposed amendments to the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financing Plan (“Plan”) for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Three, the Oak Cliff Gateway Tax Increment Financing (“TIF”) District (the “TIF District” or the “Zone”) to: (1) increase the geographic area of the TIF District by approximately 244 acres including: (a) expanding the Bishop Arts/Jefferson Sub-District by approximately 96 acres in an area generally along Jefferson Boulevard from Storey Street to 6th Street west of IH-35 and (b) adding the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District with approximately 148 acres in an area including the future Southern Gateway Deck Park at Interstate Highway (IH)-35 between Marsalis Avenue and Ewing Avenue and generally along Clarendon Drive from Moore Street to Beckley Avenue and along Beckley Avenue from Clarendon Drive to just north of Kiest Boulevard; (2) establish a termination date for the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District of December 31, 2052; (3) establish the percentage of tax increment contributed by the City of Dallas during the term of the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District at 90 percent; (4) authorize an amendment to the participation agreement with Dallas County to request the County’s participation in the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District; (5) create a new budget category for the Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District; (6) create a new budget category for the TIF District for homeowner stabilization, home repair, and displacement mitigation; (7) extend the termination date of the Oak Cliff Gateway Sub-District from December 31, 2027 to December 31, 2044 and reduce the City’s participation rate from 85 percent to 50 percent during the extended term; (8) increase the total budget for the TIF District from $28,621,027.00 net present value (approximately $76,665,998.00 in total dollars) to $99,381,853.00 net present value (approximately $352,993,541.00 in total dollars); (9) increase the budget capacity of the Oak Cliff Gateway Sub-District and the Bishop Arts/Jefferson Sub-District to retain a portion of future tax increment to support future applications for project funding and annually transfer a portion of future tax increment to the following new budget categories: ( a) budget line item for homeowner stabilization, home repair, and displacement mitigation programs and (b) Clarendon/Beckley/Kiest Sub-District; and (10) make corresponding modifications to the TIF District’s boundary, budget, and Plan; and, at the close of the public hearing, consider an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 21466, as amended, previously approved on November 11, 1992, and Ordinance No. 23033, as amended, previously approved on February 12, 1997, to reflect these amendments - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Office of Procurement Services 20. 22-1867 Authorize a three-year concession contract for operation of a watercraft rental service at White Rock Lake for the Park & Recreation Department - Dallas Kayak Company, Inc., most advantageous proposer of two - Estimated Net Revenue: $471,031.00 21. 22-2242 Authorize a three-year cooperative purchasing agreement for temporary staffing services for the Department of Human Resources with BGSF Professional, LLC, through the Houston-Galveston Area Council cooperative agreement - Estimated amount of $350,000 - Financing: General Fund 22. 22-2331 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of certified bulk liquid chlorine by railcar for the Water Utilities Department - Brenntag Southwest, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $20,035,560 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund 23. 22-2244 Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of temporary traffic signs, permanent signposts, and installation hardware for permanent signs for various departments - Dallas Lite & Barricade, only bidder - Estimated amount of $439,743.23 - Financing: General Fund ($69,798.00) Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($361,945.23), and Stormwater Drainage Management-Operations Fund ($8,000.00) 24. 22-2243 Authorize a three-year service contract for large diameter concrete water pipes, accessories and emergency repair services for the Water Utilities Department - TPG Pressure, Inc. dba Thompson Pipe Group-Pressure, most advantageous proposer of two - Not to exceed $8,786,180.00 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund (subject to annual appropriations) 25. 22-2355 Authorize a five-year service price agreement for the design, engineering, installation, system implementation, maintenance, support, and parts for a new audible paging system at Dallas Love Field Airport for the Department of Aviation - Ford Audio Video Systems, LLC, most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $907,798.82 - Financing: Aviation Fund (subject to annual appropriations) Office of the City Auditor 26. 22-2315 Authorize approval of the Office of the City Auditor’s 2023 Audit Plan as required by paragraph 8(b) of Resolution No. 21-2021, previously approved on February 24, 2021 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City Water Utilities Department 27. 22-2097 Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled CITY OF DALLAS VS. DALLAS H.B.M. III L.L.C., A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, et al., Cause No. CC-22-01267-B, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 2, for acquisition from Dallas H.B.M. III L.L.C., a Texas Limited Liability Company, et al., of an improved tract of land containing a total of approximately 263,495 square feet located on East Kiest Boulevard at its intersection with Rector Street for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $4,085,723.00 ($4,061,888.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $23,835.00) - Financing: Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($3,025,971.41) and Trinity River Corridor Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($1,059,751.59) 28. 22-2190 Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled CITY OF DALLAS VS. JEFFREY RAY BISHOP AND MARK FLANERY, et al., Cause No. CC-22-00892-E, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 5, for acquisition from Jeffrey Ray Bishop and Mark Flanery, of approximately 342,106 square feet of land, located on Rector Street near its intersection with East Kiest Boulevard for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $9,548,000.00 ($9,500,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $48,000.00) - Financing: Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($5,401,996.00) and Trinity River Corridor Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($4,146,004.00) 29. 22-2276 Authorize the (1) deposit of the amount awarded by the Special Commissioners in the condemnation proceeding styled CITY OF DALLAS VS. MARCO SORTO, et al., Cause No. CC-22-01269-C, pending in Dallas County Court at Law No. 3, for acquisition from Marco Sorto, of two tracts of land containing approximately 10,579 square feet, improved with a single-family residence located on Alex Street near its intersection with Childers Street for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project; and (2) settlement of the condemnation proceeding for an amount not to exceed the award - Not to exceed $178,000.00 ($175,000.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) 30. 22-1700 Authorize a construction services contract for the installation of water and wastewater main improvements at five locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - John Burns Construction Company of Texas, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $11,486,301.00 - Financing: Wastewater Capital Improvement F Fund ($11,236,301.00) and Water Construction Fund ($250,000.00) 31. 22-2198 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with BAR Constructors, Inc. for additional work associated with the construction of a new pump station to replace the existing Pump Station No. 1 at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $280,613.16, from $51,322,606.78 to $51,603,219.94 - Financing: Water Construction Fund 32. 22-2033 Authorize an increase in the construction services contract with Douglas Dailey Construction, LLC, for additional pavement restoration associated with the installation of water and wastewater mains at 26 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Not to exceed $1,962,835.00, from $11,941,371.00 to $13,904,206.00 - Financing: Wastewater (Clean Water) - 2022 TWDB Fund ($490,709.00) and Water (Drinking Water) - 2022 TWDB Fund ($1,472,126.00)
22-2269 Authorize a resolution to support the memorial designation of the overpass at Interstate Highway 20 and Spur 408 as the Firefighter William Scott Tanksley Memorial Bridge through the Texas Department of Transportation Highway Naming Program - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance amending Chapter 27, “Minimum Property Standards,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Sections 27-46 and 27-53; (1) adding provisions to the definition of code violations in the Chapter 27 habitual nuisance properties program; (2) changing the annual fee for habitual criminal and nuisance properties to a monthly fee; (3) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (4) providing a saving clause; (5) providing a severability clause; and (6) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
An ordinance amending Chapter 28, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Dallas City Code by adding Section 28-61.1. “Standing and Walking in Certain Areas Prohibited” (1) prohibiting standing and walking on medians measuring six feet or less in width, where no medians exist, or in an area designated as a clear zone; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
A closed executive session may be held if the discussion of any of the above agenda items concerns one of the following: 1. seeking the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the City Council under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.071] 2. deliberating the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.072] 3. deliberating a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the city if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the city in negotiations with a third person. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.073] 4. deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee unless the officer or employee who is the subject of the deliberation or hearing requests a public hearing. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.074] 5. deliberating the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices. [Tex. Govt. Code §551.076] 6. discussing or deliberating commercial or financial information that the city has received from a business prospect that the city seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city and with which the city is conducting economic development negotiations; or deliberating the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business prospect. [Tex Govt. Code §551.087] 7. deliberating security assessments or deployments relating to information resources technology, network security information, or the deployment or specific occasions for implementations of security personnel, critical infrastructure, or security devices . [Tex Govt. Code §551.089]
An ordinance amending Chapter 28, “Motor Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Dallas City Code by adding Section 28-61.1. “Standing and Walking in Certain Areas Prohibited” (1) prohibiting standing and walking on medians measuring six feet or less in width, where no medians exist, or in an area designated as a clear zone; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $500.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information)
An ordinance amending Chapter 13, “Courts, Fines and Imprisonments,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Section 13-10 by (1) authorizing the city marshal and his or her deputies to enforce the city’s provisions regarding standing or walking on medians contained Section 28-61.1 of the Dallas City Code and the city’s solicitation provisions contained in Section 28-63.3 of the Dallas City Code; (2) providing a saving clause; (3) providing a severability clause; and (4) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize the (1) sale of up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots to Citybuild Community Development Corporation, and/or its affiliates (Developer) subject to restrictive covenants, a right of reverter, and execution of all necessary documents, pursuant to the City's Land Transfer Program; (2) release of lien for all non-tax City liens, notices, or orders that were filed on up to 5 Land Transfer Program lots sold to Developer prior to or subsequent to the deeds transferring the lots to the City of Dallas; and (3) execution of a development agreement with Developer for the construction of a Health and Wellness Center on the Land Transfer Program lots - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $6,500.00; Estimated Revenue Foregone: General Fund $10,257.31 (see Fiscal Information)
ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)
Authorize (1) the ratification of a meet and confer agreement between the City of Dallas and the Dallas Black Firefighters Association, Dallas Hispanic Fire Fighters Association, Dallas Fire Fighters Association, Black Police Association of Greater Dallas, National Latino Law Enforcement Organization, and the Dallas Police Association (collectively, the Meet and Confer Team); and (2) the City Manager to execute the agreement, approved as to form by the City Attorney, to be effective October 26, 2022 through September 30, 2025 - Not to exceed $111,063,230.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
22-2165 Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a tract of land containing approximately 206,362 square feet, from One Morrell, LLC, located on Morrell Avenue near its intersection with Sargent Road for the Dallas Floodway Extension Project - Not to exceed $4,158,174.00 ($4,135,174.00 plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $23,000.00) - Financing: Storm Drainage Management Capital Construction Fund ($1,492,597.87), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (1995 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($230,198.11), Trinity Corridor Project Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($423,328.83), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (1998 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($323,075.58), Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2003 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($125,605.60), and Flood Protection and Storm Drainage Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($1,563,368.01)
An ordinance amending Chapter 18, “Municipal Solid Wastes,” of the Dallas City Code by amending Article V; (1) providing revised storage, license, and record keeping requirements and establishing training requirements for tire businesses; (2) providing a penalty not to exceed $2,000.00; (3) providing a saving clause; (4) providing a severability clause; and (5) providing an effective date - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on August 10, 2022)
A resolution adopting the City’s Federal Legislative Program for the 118th Session of the United States Congress - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
A resolution to authorize payment of annual membership fees to (1) National League of Cities in the amount of $38,384.00; (2) Texas Municipal League in the amount of $59,542.00; (3) United States Conference of Mayors in the amount of $40,235.00; (4) Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition in the amount of $25,000.00; and (5) TEX-21 in the amount of $25,000.00 - Total not to exceed $188,161.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Burkland Consulting, LLC for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $50,000.00 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Campos Consulting Group for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $60,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Kwame Walker & Associates for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $70,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Paul Schlesinger for federal legislative services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $74,375.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a personal services contract with Randy C. Cain for state legislative and information services for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $71,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize a professional services contract with CapitalEdge Strategies, LLC to provide federal legislative services to the City for the period November 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023 - Not to exceed $160,000.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize adoption of the City of Dallas State Legislative Program for the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on September 28, 2022)
Authorize the recommended most advantageous proposal submitted for City Solicitation BVZ22-00019439 (Request for Proposals for the development of City-owned vacant properties addressed as 3011-3039 South Lancaster Road) with UCR Development Services LLC, most advantageous proposer of three - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Authorize (1) the City Manager or designee to execute a development agreement with UCR Development Services LLC (“UCR” or “Developer”) incorporating the proposal submitted by UCR for City Solicitation BVZ22-00019439 to provide for the development of approximately 1.23 acres of land addressed as 3011-3039 South Lancaster Road generally at the northwest corner of South Lancaster Road and East Corning Avenue (the “Property”), and including the sale of the Property to UCR for a sale price no less than fair market value, and subject to (i) a right of reverter in favor of the City in the event UCR fails to develop the Property as required, (ii) a 365-day right-of-entry in favor of UCR for due diligence purposes, and (iii) other terms, including operating covenants, as may be deemed necessary and approved as to form by the City Attorney, to ensure that, after sale of the Property, the Property is developed and operated in substantial conformance with the Proposal; and (2) the Chief Financial Officer to receive and deposit proceeds of the Property sale - Estimated Revenue: General Capital Reserve Fund $240,000.00
Authorize (1) the City Manager to amend Resolution No. 18-1158, previously approved on August 22, 2018 to include approval of the FOUR-TRACK STRATEGY proposed by Office of Homeless Solutions, implement track one (Increase Shelter Capacity - expand capacity of existing providers through contracted pay to stay shelter beds); and (2) adopt or approve the proposed updates as presented to the Housing & Homelessness Solutions Committee on September 29, 2022 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MF-2(A) Multifamily District uses and office, general merchandise, or food store 3,500 square feet or less, and personal service uses on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District on the northwest line of Garland Road, northeast of Easton Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a development plan, a tree protection plan, and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a development plan, a tree protection plan, and conditions Z212-190(RM)
Z1. Z190-250(AU) A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-2 Mixed Use District uses and standards on property zoned an MF-1(A) Multifamily District, on the west line of Preston Road, north of Belt Line Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions Z3. Z201-221(AU) 22-2287 A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Planned Development District for MU-2 Mixed Use District uses on property zoned an MF-1(A) Multifamily District, on the west line of Preston Road, south of Arapaho Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and staff’s recommended conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a conceptual plan and conditions
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting the renewal of and an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 2170 for an open enrollment charter school use on property zoned an RR Regional Retail District, north of West Camp Wisdom Road and west of Interstate 35E Freeway Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site plan, a traffic management plan, and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a traffic management plan and conditions Z201-134(HC)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting a Specific Use Permit for a commercial amusement (outside) use on property zoned MU-1 Mixed Use District, on the west line of Coit Road, south of McCallum Boulevard Recommendation of Staff: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site/landscape plan and conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval for a two-year period, subject to a site/landscape plan and conditions Z201-333(OA)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and an ordinance granting an amendment to Specific Use Permit No. 502 for a private recreation center, club, or area on property zoned an R-16(A) Single Family District on the south line of Dilbeck Lane, east of Preston Road Recommendation of Staff: Approval, subject to a revised site/landscape plan and revised conditions Recommendation of CPC: Approval, subject to a revised site/landscape plan and revised conditions Z212-241(RM)
A public hearing to receive comments and to approve an ordinance a resolution granting a request to consider the Ceremonial Street Name request for “Rosa Lopez” as a street topper on Winnetka Avenue between Canada Drive and Shaw Street, Shaw Street between Winnetka Avenue and Obenchain Street, Vecinos Boulevard between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street, and El Triumfo Street between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street - NC212-006(CM) - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs)
A public hearing to receive comments and to approve an ordinance a resolution granting a request to consider the Ceremonial Street Name request for “Rosa Lopez” as a street topper on Winnetka Avenue between Canada Drive and Shaw Street, Shaw Street between Winnetka Avenue and Obenchain Street, Vecinos Boulevard between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street, and El Triumfo Street between Winnetka Avenue and Shaw Street - NC212-006(CM) - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see Fiscal Information for potential future costs)
A public hearing to receive comments regarding The West Oak Cliff Area Plan on property generally bounded by West Davis Street, Hampton Road, West 12th Street, Tyler Street, Vernon Avenue, Illinois Avenue on the south, Cockrell Hill Road, and Gilpin Road on the west; and, at the close of the public hearing an ordinance adopting The West Oak Cliff Area Plan - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Open Microphone Speakers ( Part 2 of 2 )